How Far Did Healthcare Provision Change in Britain, 1918-1945? Flashcards
Context: Healthcare in 1918
Some Coverage
Provision patchy- local health authorities with varying responsibilties, some hospitals still run by charities
Most healthcare private- health insurance didn’t cover familes, so many put up with illness
Context: Healthcare in 1918
Poor Law Aid + WW1
Many of the poor still reliant on local charities- Poor Law still provided medical care
Poor Law relief a source of stigma, so many preferred to ‘struggle on’ than recieve help
41% found unfit for a combat role, 10% no use in any capacity
Significant Improvements, 1918-1939
Changing Attitudes
Consensus developed- gov needed larger role in welfare
Ministry of Health, Medical Research Council, Local Government Act
Significant Improvements, 1918-1939
Ministry of Health
1919- 1st Minister of Health, Chris Addison
Co-ordinated healthcare at a regional level, administered fund to local authorities
Increased gov intervention and oversight- led to reduction in regional inequalities
Significant Improvements, 1918-1939
Medical Research Council
Created to research and investigate serious/infectious diseases and treatment
Research led to Tuberculosis Act (1921)- national system for treatment, compulsory to have TB sanatoria (cases of TB fell every year 1918-1938)
Significant Improvements, 1918-1939
Local Governement Act
Devolved responsibilty for healthcare provision to local authorities- given centralised funds for improving their region
Developments in some areas- Pioneer Health Centre in Peckham, and Finsbury Health Centre
Significant Improvements, 1918-1939
Overall Improvment
Healthcare a higher priority
By 1939, 18 million workers covered by health insurance
Infant mortality rate fell from 14.3 to 12 in 1,000 (1906-1939)
Lack of Improvement: Hospital Care
Regional Inequality
Outside of London, there was limited change despite LGA, national survey (1938)- shortage of beds, equipment, trained consultants, and poor distribution of access
Lack of Improvement: Hospital Care
No Modernisation
Voluntary hospitals remained- dependent on donations
By 1939, half of all state run hospitals had no modernisation
Political and Economic Planning think tank- British healthcare lagged behind most developed countries
Limited Change: Regional and Class Inequality
Treatments incurred heavy cost- debt collectors employed by GPs, conditions such as toothache ignored
National Insurance provided no cover for dependents of workers or unemployed- less than 50% insured in 1939
Limited Change: Regional and Class Inequality
Middle classes could afford health insurance, working class reliant on poor-quality voluntary hospitals
Maternal mortality rates 50% higher among w/c women