What Is Good Nutrition? Flashcards
Specific, inherited DNA of an organism, which influences what they become, although environment also plays a key role in the expression of an organisms genetic code.
Anything that makes it more difficult for a client to achieve optimal results.
Limiting factor
What are the five limiting factors?
- Their genetic makeup
- Their physical activity patterns
- Their physiology
- Their mindset
- Their nutrition
Pertaining to the chemical reactions and physiological processes necessary to ensure life.
Relationship btw all sources of energy intake and energy output; an organism is said to be in energy balance why energy flow into the body and out of the body is equal; often evidenced by a stable body weight.
Energy balance
Food that provide substantial amounts of nutrients with in,y the necessary calories.
Nutrient density
State of physical well being and optimum function that should be assessed through medical tests, including blood assessments, cardiovascular tests, and other screening modalities.
Relative relationship btw lean body mass( which includes bone mass, body water, muscle mass, and organ mass) and fat mass (which includes adipose tissue and intra-tissue fat deposits).
Body composition
Function, action, or operation, whether athletically or in daily life.
Use of specific, measurable outcomes and evidence to make decisions, rather than nebulous or dogmatic definitions of whats “good” or “correct”.
What are the four important criteria that all good nutrition plans must meet?
- Properly controls energy balance
- Provides nutrient density
- Achieves health, body composition, and performance goals
- Is honest and outcome-based
- Is sustainable for both us and the planet
Principles that govern energy exchange, including heat exchange and the performance of work.
Laws of thermodynamics
When energy flow into the body exceeds energy flow out of the body, often evidenced by an increasing body weight.
Positive energy balance
When energy flow out of the body exceeds energy flow into the body, often evidenced by a decreasing body weight.
Negative energy balance
Condition in which normal amounts of the hormone insulin are inadequate to produce a normal response from fat, muscle, and liver cells.
Insulin resistance