WHAP Quarter 2 Bonus Flashcards
To make stronger or more solid, to unify an effective whole
The ability for a government to accomplish its goals
State capacity
To justify your rule to the public
Mughal emperor in India who made the Mughal Empire traditionally Muslim, reinstating the jizya tax and decreasing its religious tolerance
The prophet that the Twelvist Shi’a Muslims believe in
Hidden Imam
Term used to describe religions which believe in a messiah which will come to save them one day
A branch of Shi’a Islam which is Messianic
Elite soldiers of the Ottoman Empire, formed entirely of Christian boys who were abducted via the Devshirme
A system in the Ottoman Empire in which young Christian boys were taken from the outskirts of the empire, brought to its center, and then trained and educated to become one of two things: trained soldiers or bureaucratic administrators
Contractual slavery, a system in which indebted Europeans worked for rich Europeans for a set amount of time in order to pay off their debt. Afterwards, they were given land or money. NOT the main source of labor in the Americas, however
Indentured Servitude
Europe had _________________ _________ for initiating contact with the Americas. This is because:
1) Europe had a lack of access to Indian Ocean luxury goods, they wanted their own access to this trade.
2) Increased naval technology such as the astrolabe and lateen sail led to easier ocean access and travel.
Structural Causes
The selling of forgiveness by the Catholic Church, allowing rich people to go to heaven without actually being pious. A common practice in Medieval Europe. One example of the Roman Catholic Church’s corruption
Arguments written by Martin Luther against the Catholic church. Began the Protestant Reformation
95 Theses
The concept of borrowing as much money as possible to invest to gain more money back. The bills of exchange made this easier.
Warfare and exploration/expeditions were made possible via ________. An example of
Europe best documented this event and was hit hard. China might’ve suffered more, but it might’ve not been documented as well.
Black Death
Liberal arts education is prioritized more and education and universities are expanded; knowledge in general is more appreciated
People just leave the ______ _______ ______ because it is corrupt and did not help them through the Black death.
Roman Catholic Church
What were the structural causes to why Europe was bound to find the Americas first?
Geographically separated from the Indian Ocean Trade Network, geographically closer, gradual improvement of navigation technology (astrolabe, lateen sail, caravel, compass)
A cause that have predictable reasons for an effect to happen; bound to happen and contingent
Structural Cause
Describe connections in the Colombian exchange
Answers vary. Disease mostly goes from Europe to the Americas, staple foods traveled both directions (potatoes, cassava, and onion), and domesticated animals mostly go from Afroeurasia to the Americas (such as the horse)
Provide examples of places in Afro-Eurasia benefiting from the increased diversity of American food crops
Answers vary. Cassava in Nigeria, Potatoes in Ireland (which they partially actually suffered from later one), and Maize (Corn) in China.
Why was the Spanish Mit’a dangerous?
Silver Mining in mountains was very dangerous; mercury was usually found alongside Silver, which killed many Natives
What type of labor filled the labor force need for the Spanish (and other colonial empires)
Chattel Slavery
What was the social structure in the Americas in empires?
Racial Hierarchy
What was the cultural development in the Americas?
Catholicism was imposed by the Spanish, Portuguese, and French colonies onto the Natives. This was significant during the time of the Protestant Reformation because the Roman Catholic Church would have an advantage because it would be spreading the religion. A similar thing was done with the English and Dutch but with Protestant instead.
New World syncretic faith that combines the animist faiths of West Africa with Christianity. Prominent with enslaved people in Haiti. Means “spirit”/”deity”
When did the US ban slave trade?
- By the late 1700’s slavery was not as politically accepted.
What commodity that was grown and refined in Haiti experienced a shift from a luxury to an every day good?
What were the 4 trading commodities we discussed in class?
Spices, Sugar, Furs, and Silver
What country made most of the world’s sugar before Haiti?