Wetlands Flashcards
California Department of Fish and Game require the presence of one of what 3 things?
- Wetland hydrology
- Hydric Soil
- Hydrophytic Plants
What are Riparian Wetlands?
those that occur next to streams or other bodies of water. MOST COMMON
What are the 4 types of wetlands?
freshwater marsh,
riparian wetlands,
wet meadows,
ephemeral stream
What are 3 types of streams
perennial (flow all year) intermittent (seasonally) ephemeral streams (rainfall only)
What are 2 factors of the proposed work that may trigger the need for permits?
the type of work proposed and the timing of work (when season is wet or dry).
What is the difference between a discretionary project and ministerial?
discretionary - permitted through a process of judgement
ministerial - permitted by applying the law to facts
What factors may trigger need for permit?
proposed work,
biology, and
size of project
What is the rule for CEQA exemption? SWPPP?
CEQA Exempt: habitat restoration projects 5 acres or smaller
SWPPP Exempt: less than 1 acre
What are the BIG FOUR Permits?
- USACE 404 Permit (US Army Corps of Engineers)
- RWQCB 401 Certification
- CDFG Streambed Alteration Agreement
- CEQA Compliance
What jurisdiction does the US Army Corps Engineers have? Where does it come from?
jurisdiction: “ordinary high water mark”
Clean Water Act regulates areas defined as “waters of the United States”
What are the 3 types of USACE 404 Permits?
- Regional General Permit (RGP) - remove weeds
- Nationwide Permit (NWP) - repair things
- Individual Permit (IP) - larger things
When is a Regional Water Quality Control Board required?
When using the USACE 404 permit, needs a RWQCB 401 certificate or activity could cause a discharge of dredge or fill into US waters
What 2 agencies protect water quality in California?
State Water Resouces Control Board and (9) Regional Water Quality Control Boards
When do you need a CDFG (California Fish and Game Code) Streambed Alteration Agreement?
if altering bed, banks or channel bc its “waters of the state” Includes RIPARIAN, bed, and adjacent wetland
What code requires CEQA compliance?