Weight Management Flashcards
What is the BMI equation?
BMI = weight (kg) / [height x height (m)]
How many calories are there in 1g of carbohydrate, protein and fat?
Carbohydrate / protein = 4 calories
Fat = 9 calories
How does Optifast work?
12 weeks, 5:2 intermittent VLCD (very low calorie diet)
5 days of normal eating, 2 days of 800kcal/day meal replacement shakes
What are the BMIs for underweight, normal, overweight and obese? (based on Asian standards)
Underweight <18.5
Normal 18.5-22.9
Overweight: 23-27.4
Obese ≥27.5
(higher percentage of fat in Asians)
How to diagnose obesity?
BMI, waist circumference
What is a normal waist circumference and waist hip ratio for males and females?
Males: waist circumference ≤90cm or waist hip ratio ≤0.9
Females: waist circumference ≤80cm or waist hip ratio ≤0.85
What medications do people misuse for obesity?
Laxatives (induce diarrhoea)
Diuretics (induce diuresis)
Thyroxine (increase metabolic rate)
How much weight should patients lose?
Aim to lose 0.5-1kg/week
Short term goal of 5-10% weight loss over 6 months
What drugs (and class i.e. GSL) are used for obesity?
Orlistat (P-only, min age 18y)
Phentermine (POM)
Liraglutide (POM)
How does Orlistat work?
Reversible inhibitor of gastric and pancreatic lipases -> block GI fat absorption
Common side effects of Orlistat?
Abd cramps, flatulence, oily stools, faecal incontinence
Dose of Orlistat? And administration
120mg up to TDS (max 360mg/day, up to 4 years)
take before or up to 1h after meals
Should Orlistat be discontinued if treatment is not working?
Yes, stop after 12 weeks if patient cannot lose ≥5% of initial body weight
How does phentermine work?
Centrally acting appetite suppressant
Minimum age of phentermine and liraglutide?
12 years old