Weight And Balance Flashcards
One of the determining factors in the ability of an aircraft to fly
Early aircraft quickly adapted to the use of such materials: ____, _____ and _____ to obtain the strength to weight ratios that would allow flight
Wood, dope, and fabric
However, during early days little thought was given to _______ that resulted in failure and often catastrophic events leading to death
During world war 1 - it had become common knowledge to designers that in order to obtain a good aircraft it must be ______ and __________.
light and maneuverable
Today, aircraft became an accepted mode of transportation by the public with farther demands for more _____, _______ and _______. This includes: small training aircraft, helicopters and aircraft capable to carry passengers to their destination.
speed, comfort and convenience
All of these aircraft will be adversely affected by _____________. This is may be due to excess of weight or improper placement of weight in different locations within the aircraft.
Improper loading
The responsibility for proper weight and balance control begins with the ________ and ________ and extends to the technicians who maintain the aircraft and the pilots who operate them.
engineers and designers
The ________ of an aircraft set the maximum weight based on the amount of lift the wings or rotors can provide under the operational conditions for which the aircraft is designed.
The ____________ of the aircraft also limits the maximum weight the aircraft can safely carry.
structural strength
The ______ carefully determine the ideal center of gravity (CG) and calculate the maximum allowable deviation from this specific location.
Five types of aircraft
Transport aircraft
Military aircraft
Corporate aircraft
Agricultural aircraft
Trainers and private aircraft
It must carry huge loads of passengers and cargo for long distances at high altitudes and speeds.
Transport aircraft
Must be highly maneuverable and extremely sturdy.
Military aircraft
Must carry a reasonable load at high speed for long distances
Corporate aircraft
Must be lightweight, low cost, simple and safe to operate.
Trainers and private aircraft
All aircraft regardless of their function have two common characteristics
•Sensitive to weight
•Center of gravity maintained within a specified range
The primary purpose of aircraft weight and balance control
Secondary purpose of aircraft weight and balance control
Two types of loads
Static loads and dynamic loads
The load imposed on an aircraft structure due to the weight of the aircraft and its contents
Static loads
The actual weight of the aircraft multiplied by the load factor, or the increase in weight caused by acceleration
Dynamic loads
The ratio of the maximum load an aircraft can sustain to the total weight of the aircraft
Load factor
Load factor of normal category aircraft
Load factor of utility category aircraft
Load factor of acrobatic category aircraft
The ________ provides the aircraft operator with the empty weight of the aircraft and the location of its empty weight center of gravity (EWCG) at the time the certified aircraft leaves the factory.
_________________ must have this information determined and available at the time of certification.
Amateur-built aircraft
The ____________________ who maintains the aircraft keeps the weight and balance records current, recording any changes that have been made because of repairs or alterations
FAA-certified mechanic or repairman
The _____________ has the responsibility prior to every flight to know the maximum allowable weight of the aircraft and its CG limits
pilot in command
Five effects of overloaded aircraft
- More runway will be needed
- A lower climb angle and higher speed will be needed
- Structural safety factors are reduced
- Stalling speeds are increased
- More engine power is required
Four effects of aircraft with too much weight forward
(nose heavy)
- Tendency to dive forward
- Stability decreased
- Adverse spin characteristic
- More engine power required
Five effects of aircraft with too much weight aft
(Tail heavy)
- Flying speed is decreased
- Stall characteristic
- Stability decreased
- Adverse spin characteristic
- More engine power required
The most crucial step in weight and balance calculation
Weighing the aircraft
It is the tendency for aircraft to become _______ as they become older
Two equipments in weighing the aircraft
Scales and jack
All aircraft should be weighed in a ______ hangar with a fairly level floor
If the aircraft were to be weighed outside, the ____________ would adversely effect scale readings, thus giving lighter readings that actual aircraft weight
wind over the wings
Two types of scales
Mechanical platform type
Electronic type
_________ or ________& are also a reliable means to weigh aircraft and are typically cheaper than the platform type
Electronic type or load cell scales
On tail wheel aircraft, the tail must be raised to a _________
level altitude
Aircraft manufacturer recommended that the aircraft be weighed from the _______
Jack points
When capacity of _____ of the load to be carried, fit well in the jack pads also be equipped with safety locks
All jacking should be performed evenly and strictly in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. This is because some of our aircraft today require _____ in the nose or tail during jacking operations
Procedure for weight and balance (8)
- Scale preparation
- Weigh clean aircraft inside hangar
- Equipment list
- Ballast
- Standard weights
- Draining the fuel
- Configuration of the aircraft
- Jacking the aircraft
_________ and ________ scales should be inspected prior to use and set to zero.
Mechanical and electronic
Scales should not be used in temperature extremes _______ or _______ unless the scale is specially designed for use in those temperatures
below 40°F or above 100°F
___________ are very sensitive and if subjected to freezing temperatures, the liquid displays may be damaged beyond use
Electronic scales
The aircraft should be weighed _______________ where wind cannot blow over the surface and cause fluctuating or false scale reading.
inside a hangar
All required ________ ballasts must be properly secured in place.
All ________ ballasts must be removed
______________ are established weights for numerous items involved in weight and balance computations
Standard weights
_____ the fuel from the tanks in the manner specified by the aircraft manufacturer.
If there are no specific instructions, drain the fuel until the fuel quantity gauges read _____
If it is not feasible to drain the fuel, the tanks can be _________ to be sure of the quantity they contain and the aircraft weighed with full fuel.
topped off
Consult the _______________ regarding position of the landing gear shock struts and the control surfaces for weighing
aircraft service manual
When weighing a helicopter, the _________ must be in its correct position
Main rotor
Stress plates must be installed under the ________ if the manufacturer specifies them
Jack pads
If anyone is required to be in the aircraft while it is being jacked, there must be __________
No movement
The jacks must be straight under the ________ before beginning to raise the aircraft
Jack pads
All jack must be raised _____________ and the safety devices are against the jack cylinder to prevent aircraft tipping if any jack should lose pressure.
Not all jacks have screw down collars, some use ______ or ________
drop pins or friction locks
The force exerted by gravity (Newton or pounds)
Positive (+) in weight means?
For items added
Negative (-) in weight means?
For items removed
It is the total weight of the aircraft, equipment, passenger, baggage and fuel
Maximum weight
Large transport type aircraft have three maximum weight
Taxi or ramp weight
Takeoff weight
Landing weight
Additional weight such as fuel
Taxi or ramp weight
Greatest amount of weight that the aircraft is safely capable of lifting from the ground
Takeoff weight
Greatest amount of weight with which the aircraft can land safely
Landing weight
It is the weight of the airframe engine and all the equipment that has a fixed location or installed in the aircraft.
Does not include passengers, baggage and fuel.
Empty weight
It is used in transport types of aircraft where certain items are always carried on the aircraft. The crew, galley water, survival gear, fuel oil and deicing fluids, water injection injections and etc. that are not part of empty weight falls into this category.
Operating weight
The _________ is the empty weight of the aircraft subtracted from the maximum weight of the aircraft. This includes the oil, fuel, cargo, baggage and passengers.
Useful load
Basic empty weight plus the weight of standard operational items
Basic operating weight (BOW) or operational weight empty
Basic operating weight (BOW) plus the payload. The weight of the airplane exclusive of usable fuel.
Zero fuel weight
Basic operating weight (BOW) plus usable fuel. The weight of the airplane exclusive of payload
Operating weight
It is the imaginary line on vertical plane which is horizontal measurement on the aircraft are taken for weight and balance purposes
It is the horizontal distance that an item is located from the datum.
If the particular item is located forward the datum it is shown with _____ sign
If the item is located aft of the datum it is shown with a _____ sign
It is the product of the weight multiplied by the arm
The longer the distance from the datum the ______ moment will become.
The __________ is the point at which the nose heavy moments and the tail heavy moments have equal magnitude
Center of gravity
Correctly balance your aircraft is so important for safe flying, because an incorrect center of gravity can potentially result in the aircraft to being quite ________
The average distance from the leading edge to the trailing edge of the wing
Mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
The location of the ____ in relation to the datum is given in the aircraft specifications, type certificate data sheets, weight and balance report, or the aircraft flight manual
Two mean aerodynamic chords
•Leading edge of mean aerodynamic chord (LEMAC)
•Trailing edge of the aerodynamic chord (TEMAC)
Their position is expressed in length units aft of the datum
Leading edge of mean aerodynamic chord (LEMAC)
Trailing edge of the aerodynamic chord (TEMAC)