Weeks 1 and 2 Flashcards
What is multimedia?
Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms.
Using a combo of moving and still pictures, sound, music and words, especially in computers or entertainement
How long do you have before someone makes a judgement about you
after 4 minutes, if someone doesnt want to continue the convo they wont do it.
few seconds for a website
how long do you have before someone becomes disinterested in your website
a few seconds
why people might leave your page
font, frustrating navigation, inaccessibility, following external links, ads, not what they anticipated, done reading, does not have what they were looking for
How do we communicate
sight smell sound touch taste, which can be incorporated in to multimedia
What are some uses of Multimedia
to inform, to entertain, to educate, to sell and run businesses
What are the ways we can communicate or
“spread a message” to other people
telephone, other people, newspaper magazines, world wide web
(Question: What are some of the benefits of the
World Wide Web over the other methods mentioned above?)
◦ Tweeting (think Egypt or Hong
fast, cheap, usually current, accessible by millions worldwide
Which area has the most people
which area uses the most amount of internet
Asia used the highest percentage (2017) almost 50%
Which area uses is the smallest, has the least users
What is the different between the World Wide Web and the Internet
World Wide web = software that runs on the internet
Internet is hardware. wires routers satellites, computers that keeps everything connected and talking
prehistoric images found in france in the 40s
15,000 -13,000 BC –> Prehistoric humans paint images on
the walls of their caves Grotte de Lascaux, France
when was moveable type introduced and what did this allow for
1041 AD - bi Sheng invents moveable type in china using clay letters
1450 - Johann Gutenburg introduces moveable type with steel letters to Europe allowing mass production of books
When was the ARPANET made
1969 - ARPANET (eventually
the Internet) is established by
the U.S. Department of Defence
(more on this later)
Who developed the World Wide Web and when did they finish developing it
Tim Burners Lee in 1991 has finished developing the World Wide Web(http) and html and URL. World Wide Web makes its debut
Good Design Principles
Design is about Crap: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity
What is a good general rule for designing
go big or go hime, if you want something to stand out, you have to make it very different
Describe contrast
avoid making two elements similar
either make them the same or make them very different
describe repetition
repeat some aspects of the design throughout the entire design (eg font thick rule etc)
repetition of bullet types, spacing, light or heavy text, alignment, indentation…
describe alignment
align on side of page not centered
make usre that items are aligned as it creates a stronger cohesive unit
Describe proximity
group related items together to imply a relationship
what is a monitor
A monitor is just a rectangular area (the
screen) broken down into very small pieces
or dots where each piece/dot can take on a
particular colour.
what is a pixel
dots on a monitor that display using light on a monitor to create images or text
what are pixels called when printing bac onto paper
On a 17 inch monitor, we
could have 800 pixels (width) by 600
pixels (height) OR 1024 pixels by 768
pixels. Think about the size of the
◦ Which resolution will have the bigger pixels?
◦ If we displayed this “E”, on which screen
would it look bigger: the 800by600 resolution or
the 1024by768 resolution
the 800 by 600 would have bigger pixels and the E would look bigger on this one too
What is the terminology for the number of pixels
across by the number of pixels down?
Dots (in printing), are just like pixels in that:
They can take on different colours
◦ They can be big, creating big images, or small,
creating smaller images.
dpi means
dots per inch
means pixels per inch
lower ppi means
bigger image
higher dpi means
better resolution
which would have bigger dots.72dpi or 300dpi
300 dpi
What does text do
- conveys information
2. can be used as a graphical element of the page (i.e. it does not have to be ugly or boring
Monitor A is 12 inches and has a resolution of 1600 pixels by 1200 pixels and Monitor B is also 12 inches but has a resolution of 800 pixels by 600 pixels. The desktop icons will appear bigger on:
monitor b
Assume you are printing the following two 7-letter words: jillian and mammoth using the same fontsize and a proportional font. Which word will be the widest when printed?
How do you avoid the issue of certain fonts not appearing on other’s computers
use websafe fonts
copying and pasting wont work for fancy fonts
How to choose text choices
choose based on audience Children (what age group?) Teens Young Adults Older People choose based on the type of application: -education, business entertainment
what are the two categories of typeface fonts
serif and sans serif
what is a serif font and what is it used for
has a fine line added to finish a letter stroke
Always use serif fonts for large paragraphs of text. The
human eye finds them easier to read!
What is a FontType or Typeface
Characters that have a common design are grouped
into families called Font Types
What is a SansSerif font and what is it used for
no line added
Best for headlines and headings
what is a font style
◦ Variations in the appearance that allows the
writer to emphasis parts of the text.
bold talics underline
Why does Case matter
people read shapes of words.
all caps have less shape so it is harder to read
mixed case is easier to read
uppercase is used for headlines
What is kerning
Adjusting the distance between pairs of letters
What is tracking
◦ Adjusting the distance between ALL the letters
What is leading (pronounced ledding)
the amounty of vertical space between lines of text
how does leading affect reading of text
As the length of a line increases, it is harder for
the reader to jump to the next line, thus wide
columns require greater leading.
what is the relationship between leading and tracking
if you have a loose track (words that are far apart) you need to have a loose lead as well (more vertical space
What is a monospace font
a font where each letter takes up the same amount of space (used for programming
What is a proportional font
a type of font where each letter can take up a different amount of space
what is typography
the style or appearanc eof text. it is the art of working with text
what are the ways that font size are measured
points, picas (absolute length)
pixels (relative to the screens resolution)
◦ percentage, ems (relative to the default browser
◦ inches, centimetres (absolute length)
Describe Points
points are an absolute length
common text is how many points
12 points
how large is 72 points when printed
1 inch
A point size of 72, will always
give you a font that is one inch high
when printed.
how large is 12 points when printed
1/6 of an inch
When text is displayed in pixels, ems, %, it is relative to…
it is
relative to the default font size for the
browser and to the screen resolution.
How are ems measured (what is 1 em)
1 em is equal to the width of an M in the default font type and size of the browser
if you are worried about accessibility, which kind of font sizing should you use
use ems or % since they are
relative to the browsers default font and the user
can make the text more readable
if you are worried about control, which kind of font sizing should you use
if you want to be precise, use pixels
where are points not used
web pages
How is colour repreesneted in HTML
what are the digits in hex
0-9, A-F
hwo many digits are there in hex
what is the highest two digit hex value and what does it represent
FF - highest two digit value in hex Is 255 in decomal
what are the lace values in hex
first two digits for red,
next 2 for green,
next 2 for blue
what would #FF0000 represent
what would #FFFF00 represent
bright yellow
what would #222222 represent
dark gray
the lower the number in hex… (what does this mean in terms of colour)
the darker the colour
the higher the number in hex… (what does this mean in terms of colour)
the lighter the colour
light gray
bright blue
bright green
darkish purple mauve
when is it important to use web safe fonts?
A. when adding text to a poster that will be printed out.
B. when adding text to a poster that will be embedded in a webpage as an image on the webpage.
C. when adding text directly into a webpage.
D. All of the above
E. Both B and C
If you are working in MS Word and you have a piece of paper that is 8 inches wide by 12 inches tall (portrait) and you are using a font size that is 18 points and the leading is 0. You have set a 1 inch margin around the whole piece of paper. The maximum numbers of lines of text that you can fit on printed text on that paper is ____ lines.
18/72=1/4 so 18 points takes 1/4 of an inch so 1 in can take 4 lines so 4*(12-2(from margins))=
When writing a document that will be printed out, which font units should be used in the word processor?
A. Pixels
B. Points
C. % or ems
Order these hexadecimal numbers from smallest to greatest.
B1, 2f, 77
2f, 77, b1
not valid
which numbering system is used by DNA
Quaternary (digits are 0,1,2,3)
which numbering system is used by computers
binary where digits are 1 and 0
which numbering system is used by humans
how many items can be represented with 7 bits
128 (2^7)
Representing all the provinces and territories in Canada (13 in total) would require at least ___ bits.
Convert the binary number 0010 to decimal.
A camera captures a picture at 4000 pixels by 3000 pixels. The resolution is 300 dpi and it supports 256 colours. The image is quantized at: A. 4000 px by 3000 px B. 300 dpi C. 8-bit colour depth D. All of the above
8 bit colour depth
An image that is 6 inches by 8 inches is scanned in at 200 dpi. What is the size of this scanned image in terms of pixels? A. 6px by 8px B. 33px by 25px C. 600px by 800px D. 1200px by 1600px
A digital picture is 3000 px wide by 1500 px tall and has a resolution of 150 dpi. How big would this image print out? A. 2 inches by 1 inch B. 20 inches by 10 inches C. 3000 inches by 1500 inches D. 450,000 inches by 225,000 inches
If there’s a graphic that you will NOT print out but want to be shown on the screen at about the same size as a printed version would be, then you should ensure it has a resolution of roughly ___ dpi for a typical sized monitor.
A camera takes pictures at 3000 px by 2000 px. This camera supports __ megapixel photography.
Increasing the number of pixels in an image will automatically decrease the DPI.
how do computers represent things
with one bit, you can represent how many items
2 (1 0)
with two bits, you can represent how many items
with 3 bits you can represent how many items
8 (2^3)
how much is 1 byte
8 bits
how many items can be represented with 1 byte
Name some numbering systems
binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal
how much is 2^0
what is 0111 in decimal
100 in decimal is…
What is analog
smooth continuous line/information
what is digital
when it is broken down into chunks
How do you convert analog to digital!?(two steps)
- Sampling
2. Quantizing
what is sampling
the first step of converting analog dodigital, it is how often you take a sample/measurement to represent parts of the “thing”
deciding how many chunks to break the thing into
what is quantizing
how many discrete values to use to represent the parts of the thing
If an image is bad quality, does it have more chunks or less
less (it is broken up into fewer chunks)
if you take 1 byte to represent each colour, how much space would that take
red, green blue
about 16 million bits
how do we get images on our computer?
By scanning existing images (a drawing or an old photograph or a painting)
By taking a picture with our digital camera
By creating something original using MS Paint or Photoshop or some graphics program
the more samples the __ the resolution
samples on scanners/printers are measured as
dots per inch (DPI)
samples on monitors are measured as
pixels per inch (PPI)
If we scan an 8 inch by 10 inch image at 100dpi, the image will be
(8100) * (10100) = 800*1000 = 800,000 samples or pixels(almost 1 million samples).
what do we call a sample in an image
pixels are..
the smallest possible image component and show the smallest detail
an image is represented by a grid (array matrix) of squared PICture ELEments (PIX ELS)
If we scan that same 8 inch by 10 inch picture in and we set the resolution to 300dpi, after scanning, we will get
(8 * 300) * (10 * 300) = 7,200,000 pixels (about 7 million pixels)
when printing an image, you should print with a dpi of at least
megapixels are
how many millions of pixels you can capture in a photograph on your digital camera (how mnay samples it will break the image nto
If you want to print4” by 6” images, you don’t need much more than __ megapixels
a camera with more megapixels can print a
larger image without the human eye detecting a loss of quality
**when printing an image, the image must be printed at a min of **
if you have an image of 3000pixelsx1500 pixels, what is the largest size you should print a picture
Answer: 3000/300 –> 10 inches by 1500/300 –> 5 inches. DON’T PRINT IT ANY LARGER THAN 10” by 5”
how does the pixel in image go onto screen or paper
we map IMAGE PIXELS onto the screen in a 1 to 1 mapping and see our image
the screen resolution is
the num of pixels across by the numebr of pixels down that a screen is currently displaying
common screen resolutions
640 by 480
800 by 600
1024 by 768
1280 by 1024
what happens if you have a lower resolution
the size of fonts icons and images appear larger (easier to read) but you can’t fit as much data on the screen at one time
what happens if you increase the resolution
smaller text and it is harder to read but you can fit more onto the image
the amount of space that an image takes up depends on the
size of the image and the current resolution of the screen but NOT THE DPI
what does the amount of space that an image takes up NOT depend on
an image is 400 by 300 pixels will take up__ of the screen on a monitor with 800 by 600 resolution
an image is 400 by 300 pixels will take up__ of the screen on a monitor with 1000 by 1200
the average pixels per inch for monitors depends on
the size of the monitor in inches and the current resolution
the average ppi is*******
why is 72 ppi the average
because if we always create an image at 72 ppi, we are guaranteed that what we see with the zoom level at 100% will be about the same size as on a typical screen as it would if we decided to print it.
if we have an image that is 400 pixels by 300 pixels, making it smaller (200 by 150) (resampling)
removes pixels, making it crisper and gives it a smaller file size
if we have an image that is 400 pixels by 300 pixels, making it larger(1600by 1200) (resampling)
More pixels
Makes it pixelated, jagged
Adds pixels (guesses (G) where to put them, like a digital zoom on a digital camera)
Makes the file size bigger
more pixels will make a __ file size
greater file size
less pixels will make a ___ file size
smaller file size
DPI/PPI does not make a diffference in teh file size
true or false