Week 5 and 6 Flashcards
What is copyright
your rights to control your works of creative expression
Happens as soon as the pen leaves the paper!
if you created something what do you have to do to own the copyright
you own the copyright by default
You don’t have to do anything
what happens if you create something while working for a company
the company owns it
what can you copyright
Anything you created that is TANGIBLE (a tangible medium of expression) Eg. drawing vs a song in your head Photographs, drawings Music Sculptures
changing a design 20% means that you can use it t/f
if you created it, once your pen is off the paper you own!
what can you not copyright
words or names
Not ideas
why cant you copyright words or names
those are trademarks
you cant copyright ideas because
thats a patent
what is a network
a group of interconnected computers (could be connected with wires, wirelessly, satellites)
eg western has a network of computers that talk to eachother
what are the pros and cons of having one centralized computer connected to all other computers in the network
Con: if a side computer wants to to get to another side computer, it must first go through central computer.
if something happens to central computer… network is screwed
Pro: simple layout and you only have to keep all info on one machine
if one of the side computers goes down, it doesn’t affect all other machines in the network
what are the pros and cons of having a peer to peer connected network (where each computer is connected to two other computers, kind of forming a circle)
everyone is on the same level
Pros: if one computer goes down, there is a secondary path for the other computers, just going the other way around in the circle
Cons: if two computers go down, then you can’t access all computers - not the most reliable system
what are the pros and cons of each computer being connected to all computers in the network
when was this WEBBED network created
Cons: Overkill
Pros: very reliable, connected to everything
What is the internet
a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standardized Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide
a network of networks
is the internet HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE
hardware… World Wide Web is software that RUNS ON INTERNET
when was the internet started and what was it originally called
who funded it originally
Called the ARPANET originally and it was created in 1969
The ideas behind this protocol were funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the US Department of Defence (DoD) (around 1969). Thus the Internet was originally call the ARPANET
what does the internet use
uses TCP/IP
TCP/IP has no direct line at the outset of the message! If a communication line is broken, another line is tried.
A standard protocol (way of communicating),
Opposite of your home telephone where you get a direct line that only you and the person you are talking to can use.
what is circuit switching
one single line and only one person can use it at a time to transfer information between one place to another
like old telephone lines
how does the internet work using TCP IP
describe process
- it breaks things down into packets
tcp takes the info (eg email) and breaks it down into packets (all of equal size)
each packet has a header (where theyre coming and where are they going - IP address of source and destination) and a body containing the information transferred. - tcp then sends it out to the internet, sending the packet to the first IP Address on the route… were each packet can take various routes but the all end up at the same location
TCP DOESNT PREPLAN ROUTE - tcp reassembles the info as it arrives at the destination
what is a packet
a small group of bytes consisting of a header (tells where it is going: destination and where it came from: source) and the body. (Often 64 bytes for header and 512 bytes for body)
how large is the packet header and body
(Often 64 bytes for header and 512 bytes for body)
what is the protocol (internet)
rules for the format and transmission of data
What does TCP do at the sending end
Take a large chunk of data (such as a webpage, email message, etc) and breaks it into small packets
Sends the packets out on to the Internet
What does TCP do at the receiving end
Detects lost packets, packets with errors because of network congestion, traffic load balancing, or other unpredictable network behaviour, and requests the packet to be resent from the source
Rearranges and reassembles the packets back into the webpage, email message, etc on the receivers machine
describe packet switching
TCP breaks webpage into packets of bytes
TCP figures out IP address of where it wants to send the packets (destination)
TCP figures out IP address of where the packet is coming from (source)
Sends off each packet to first machine (IP Address) on the route (DOES NOT PREPLAN ROUTE!)
Packet stops at first machine, likely a router, then the router sends it to the next machine on the journey (IP Address) and so on until it gets to the final IP Address (destination)
what does TCP NOT know in terms of its packets
its ROUTE. it only knows the next destination and the source
what is a pro to the using of packet switching
if one packet gets delayed on a route, you can just resend it a different route
what is IP and what does it do
the way to identify each computer - Address
Each machine has its own address, called an IP Address
Like a GPS
Picks a route for a packet, stopping at routers which pick the next best machine/network to send the package to.
If a communication line is down or broken, sends the package back to TCP and TCP sends it again to try a different route.
IP address format
represented in dotted quad
uses numbers from 0-255
what is the bit size of an IP address
32 bits, always
what is great about ip addresses
reliability - you can ping an IP address to see if it is working
why is a phone number 7 digits
thats the max that is easy for humans to remember… so its hard to rememebr ip adresses so they created domain names
in 1973…
IP Address became the standardized way to identify machines on the Internet.
in 1984
University of Wisconsin came up with a name server, that maps a name to an IP address.
in 1985
Domain Name System is established and the initial top level domain names are introduced.
in 1990
the Internet moves beyond of the world of the government and universities and into the commercial society.
in 1995
Up until 1995, you didn’t have to pay for your domain name, 1995 to 1998 you paid the NSF (National Science Foundation) $100 US dollars for a 2 year registration for a domain name.
in 1998
In 1998 the assignment of domain name is opened up to private companies to encourage competition.
how does a domain name work
Every machine on the internet gets an IP Address A DNS (Domain Name System) maps the domain name to the correct IP address. In most cases there is a one to one mapping between an IP Address and a Domain Name
can an IP address map to more than one domain name?
yes Sometimes one IP Address might maps to more than one domain name: eg chapters.ca and indigo.ca have the same IP address
can a domain have many IP addresses?
yes, if traffic is too overwhelming when pointing to a certain website
what does a domain name identify
a web server identify machines on the Internet, for example a web server machine.
what does a web server contain
contains all the web pages for a company or individual.
where are web pages stored
on the web server machine (host) in folders or directories (website)
what is a host
machine (web server) that stores web pages
web page is a…
web site is a…
web server is a…
web page is a… file
web site is a… folder/directory
web server is a… machine/host
a web site is really a
web pages are
files with the extension (ex .html)
when and who established the convention that we use for web page URL
Tim Berners Lee in 1990
what does the http part of url mean
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http)
Rules on data is exchanged between servers and browsers
Other examples:
ftp://, news://
what does the www in a url mean
World Wide Web
Indicates we are referring to the world wide web
where is the domain name in a url and what does it indicate
Domain Name
The name of the site, points to the web server machine
it is after the www.
where is the folder name and what does it do in a url
Folder a folder on the web server machine separated from domain name by a / http://www.uwo.ca/its/courses/spring.html its and courses are folders
where is the file located and what does it mean
after all the folders
what does DNS stand for
Domain Names Systems (DNS)
what is DNS
A Domain Name System/Server (DNS) maps the domain name to the IP Address.
Like a big phone book of Domain Names and IP Addresses
what is a subdomain
anything before the last . after the www http://www.csd.uwo.ca www is not part of domain name, it is just the machine/host name that is the webserver csd is a third level domain (subdomain of uwo.ca) uwo is a second level domain (subdomain) the domain is uwo.ca the second level domain is uwo and the top level domain is .ca
what is the third level subdomain
in this case, what is www
www is not part of the actual domain name but it will be stored in the DNS
what is the top level domain here and what is important about it
Rules exist for what you can pick, only certain combinations of letters have been established as allowable top level domains
what are the rules for domain names
You can have a maximum of 127 levels (thus the top level domain is 1 level and the second level is 1 level, that leaves room for 125 sub domains).
Each level can be up to 63 characters long
The entire domain name (including sub domains) can not be more than 255 characters.
Must use one of the approved TLDs.
Each level must consist of letters, digits and hyphens.
Each level cannot start with a hyphen or end with a hyphen.
Each level must not contain a space.
case insensitive
what is a level in terms of domain names
each item between a dot in a domain name is a level
how many subdomains does this have
2 - www is not a subdomain and neither is hij or com
domain name is hij.com
domain names are case senseitive
domain names can have hyphens
domain names cannot start with a hyphen or end with a hyphen
domain names can have letters and digits
domain names can have spaces
valid or invalid
underscores are valid in domain names
valid or invalid
invalid because of %
could be if that top level domain is valid
who establishes top level domains?
An International Internet committee has established the allowable top level domains
initially there were only __ valid TLD
7 valid top level domains
people can restrict TLDomains? t/f
t for example apple restricts the use of .apple
what were the seven original top level domains
.com, .org, .net, .int, .edu, .gov, .mil
then country ones appeard
.ca, .ae, .uk, .de
Then geographical ones:
.asia, .berlin, .vegas
And now…Brand ones:
.Bloomberg, .Barclays, .youtube
what is the company that approves TLD names
why is domain name important if you have a business
it is essential for competition
what happened in 2007 in terms of google and microsoft
as of 2007, Google passes Microsoft as the most visited website in the world.
what to think of when picking a domain name
- keywords - drive highly targeted traffic to our site so pick domain name with keywords. lots of weight given to domain name by search engines
- be memorable
- avoid hyphens
- .com first… buy .com extension because tis the default extension in most people’s mind
- keep it short
- dont wait to register ur domain name… register before you lose the opportuity to get the domain name you want…
- get creative - if a domain name you want is taken, add an e or an i
- know the rules
- testing before you purchase your domain name, test it. see what your friends and fam think
- learn from monopoly… buy mispelled versions of ur domain name
- choose an online realtor
after picking a domain name and registering and paying for it… what happens
you want to find a company that will hold/host your website
find an ISP
Why should you not host a domain name?
Expensive: Server and server software (web server, mail server, firewall, virus protection etc.) can be expensive.
Continual Connection: The server needs a 24/7 high speed connection to the internet, which is relatively costly.
Technical: Setting up all the configurations including mail server, FTP server and DNS server can be complicated.
Support: Server maintenance requires 24 hour support, special skills and knowledge.
what is an ISP
A company that provides access to the Internet
maintains one or more machines that are permanently connected to the internet
offers connections via telephone lines, cable, satellite dishes
what do ISPs provide to the user
User account for accessing the Internet
Email access
Web Space to host/hold your website
give some examples of ISPs
Western (at least while you are a student here)
what to look for in an ISP
Disk Space Always get more, Standard 5 GB – 10 GB
Bandwidth bandwidth is the amount of traffic that is allowed to occur between your web site and the rest of the internet in a given time period (static pages go with low; need for downloads go with high)
Web Site Speed Web site speed is a given… slow.. Poor service (ask for some websites and try it out yourself)
Database/Programming Language Support Needs for dynamic website – interact with customers. Perl, Java, PHP etc…
Technical Support Test by sending them an e-mail and see response time, Contact names, e-mails, phone numbers, hotlines
UpTime Look for 99% plus guaranteed
FTP Access Unlimited and unrestricted FTP access for easy maintenance
Web Statistics Summary: Traffic on your website- Easy access to your information… control
Scripts availability counters, forms support.
Web Provider Reliability? How long? Popular?
what is a website
A website is a collection of related webpages stored in a folder. The folder may or may not contain sub folders.
what subfolder should a website contain
The website folder should contain a sub folder called images which holds the image files (.jpg, .gif, etc) that will be displayed on the page.
each webpage is normally an ___ file
html file that has the extention .html or .htm
what is .html or .htm
Very basic page, just has clickable links, images, sometimes forms
The .html file is just a file with html codes that is displayed in a browser to make it look pretty for the client (Chrome, IE, Safari, Firefox)
what are other extensions for webpages
extra stuff that is brought in also from the server, allows for use of data in a database on the server, more complex form manipulation
where should each .html file be stored
in the folder (website
what does the home page file name HAVE TO BE and where must it be stored
should be stored directly in website so that when you open it, it automatically opens index.html. this wont happen if its in a subfolder of your website
good website design tips
no popups
dont distract too much using animations/gifs
minimize clicking (no more than three clicks to get to a page)
have a way to get to home page
menu on every page
compress images(loading time)
dont let multimedia bog down website
dont make page too wide between 900 and 1000 pixels. NO HORIZONTAL SCROLLING and minimum vertical scrolling
contrasting colours and simple backgrounds (to make text easy to read) large text use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS sparingly never use more than one !!!!! spelling never underline words that are not links put contact info or link to it on every page include last modified date no stealing content
What is a Web Server
the computer that runs software which holds the webpages and serves up (delivers) webpage to the client. This computer must be connected to the Internet. The software delivering the webpages is also called a web server
software we used was Win SCP
Name of webserver at western is panther.uwo.ca
what is a web browser
software/program that displays formatted web pages to the client
web browser is given a .html file and translates it into the page
when was HTML created and by who proposed it
In 1990 Berners Lee set the specifications for the HTML language and wrote a browser to read HTML files and output linkable papers
In the late 1980s, Tim Berners Lee proposed a way of sharing research papers using the Internet and hypertext (immediate links to other documents)
what did the person who proposed HTML propose about HTML’s organization
Tim Berners Lee proposed HTML TAGS
Example of some tags , , <b>, </b>,<ol>, </ol>
Tag always start with “”
Most tags come in pairs: opening tag and a closing tag, for example: This is the title of the webpage
where did you used to have to make webpages/html files
simple text editors like notepad
what did Tim Berners Lee do
created the first web browser
Created URL layout
Came up with the World Wide Web and the concept of hyperlinks among pages
Created HTML tags (they have changed a bit over time but he came up with the initial ones)
he knew how to code
section tags in HTML
, , , …
formatting tags
<b>, <ul>, <i>,</i><p>,</p><h2>,</h2></ul></b>,, …
link tags
<a>, </a>, …
placeholder tags (standalone or unpaired tags
<img></img>, <hr>
WYSIWYG programs do what
what you see is what you get
they create the tags for us so we dont have to remember the syntax for each tag
what is the page title and where does it show up
Shows up now at the top of the tab
page title appears in the tab of google when you open the webpage
Page title is very important, when you print a webpage, the title appears at the top of printed paper
Search engines look at page title
Title is displayed in the list returned by Google
Always set the page title on all your pages
Start with the current page, then the pipe | then the site name
what does WYSIWYG stand for
what you see is what you get
how should the page property/title be formatted
webpage name | website
what parts of the website are created by HTML, Javascript and CSS
Content create an HTML file (.html)
Looks create a CSS file (.css) (or sometimes add CSS to the .html file)
Behaviour create a JavaScript file (.js)
how many header options are there
H1 is the largest
All are bolded
All force a blank line after them
what should you always make sure to do when adding an image to your page
Add your images via html5-editor
set TITLE attribute:
Shows when mouse hovers over
ALWAYS set the alternative text:
Shows when page is loading
Shows up when using a text browser
Might be used as keywords in searches
what does the title attribute of an image do
Shows when mouse hovers over
what does the alt text attribute of the image do
Shows when page is loading
Shows up when using a text browser
Might be used as keywords in searches
what file formats should you use for images in webpages
Use common universal formats such as jpg, gif and png files that will work in any browser
what should you make sure to do to the image before putting the image file into your images folder
Resize and compress the image as much as possible in Affinity (or other graphics package like Photoshop)
what are the
TYPE 1: Links to other pages within your site:
TYPE 2: Link to a different website
TYPE 3: Link to an email address
TYPE 4a: Link on a image
TYPE 5: Link to particular spot within a page
if you want to include this link: TYPE 5: Link to particular spot within a page
you must include an anchor to the spot you want to jump to
to add it, in the link section add the anchor name with a # in front of it and the name of the anchor
when should you jump to a new window when opening a link on a webpage
when opening a page that is not part of your site
how do you use anchor links to jump to anchors on completely different pages
url - teams.html#anchor
Tables are made up of
rows and columns
a cell is a
place where a row meets a row and a column
what are tables mainly used for
to align and organize your website
tables are expressed in terms of
percentage of the browser not the entire screen
resolution affects the way a page is displayed, so in general ppl do not have resolution lower than 1024 by 768
what is the reccomended size for a webpage table
1000 pixels
to include internal CSS
- directly into the tags
2. including a style tag
what is the problem with using internal CSS
you would have to add it to every page if you want it to affect the whole website
external css
How does external .css work
We can put all our rules in a separate .css file
We link each page (.html file) to that .css file
Then we just change the rule in .css file and it will take affect on ALL the pages!
And we can easily swap for a different .css page to get a different look!
what HTML tag is used to create a hyperlink in a webpage
what is the code to make a title
webpage | website
what does TCP/IP stand for
transmission control protocol
internet protocol
in the context of copyrighting media, CC stands for
creative commons
CC icons = circle arrow
the work may be used as long as you distribute your modified version of the work under THE SAME LICENCE AS THE ORIGINAL
CC icons = no $ sign
non commercial
the work may be used as long as its for non-commercial purposes
CC icons = = sign
the work may be used as long as it is not undergoing any changes or modifications
CC icons = person
the work may be used as long as the original creator/author is attributed or given credit for their work.
TCP breaks data into small pieces called
Indicate which of the following tasks are performed by TCP (check all that apply).
A. Breaking the data into packets
B. Determining the network route for the packets to take
C. Receiving the packets on the destination machine
D. Re-assembling the packets into the correct order
E. Checking if all the packets have been successfully received
F. Calculating the distance that each packet had to travel along the network
A, C, D, E
Indicate which of the following are valid IP addresses (check all that apply). A. 14.98.319.147 B. 125-76-200-39 C. D.
C, D
Given the URL below, indicate which of the options represents a file name. (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
A. www.simpsons.com
B. family
C. kids
D. bart.html
Indicate which of the following URLs have valid domain names (check all that apply).
A. www.Start.Your.Engines.com
B. www.movi3-str3ams.ru
C. www.multimedia.and.communications.net
D. www.-5degrees.ca
B, A, C
Given the URL below, the third-level domain is __ and the number of sub-domains __ .
pies 2
Which is NOT an example of an ISP? A. Rogers B. Bell C. Western University D. All of these are examples of ISPs
You cannot pick anything you want to be the top level domain in your domain name, even if it adheres to the rules. You must pick one of the approved top level domains and not make up your own top level domain.
Who was the pioneer who helped develop the world wide web? A. Donald Knuth B. Steve Jobs C. Tim Berners Lee D. Bill Gates
Which is the correct HTML to create a link to Western’s website?
A. <img></img>Western University
B. Western University
C. Western University
D. <a>Western University</a>
Suppose you are creating a website and have a CSS file for all the styles but you misspell the CSS filename when linking it to your index.html homepage. What would you see when opening the homepage in a browser?
A. The page would be completely blank
B. The browser would crash immediately
C. The browser would detect the typo and link to the CSS file you intended to use
D. The content would appear but without any colours or other styles.
Which of the following CSS rules represents the correct way to change the width of all images in your website? A. pic { width: 200px; } B. images { width: 200px; } C. img { width: 200px; } D. .img { width: 200px; }
When inserting graphics in a website, you should always use images that are in universal formats like .jpg, .gif, or .png.
Indicate which of the following statements are true (check all the apply).
A. Images can be made into clickable links.
B. Internal webpage links should start with http:// or https://.
C. Clicking on an email link will send an automatic email to the given address without you having to type the message.
D. Every link should open in a new tab.
Suppose you are creating a website with the following pages: index.html, about.html, products.html, and contact.html. Within the Contact page, you inserted a bookmark called “map”. In the homepage, you want to insert a link that points to the map bookmark on the Contact page. What will you have to type in to the URL textbox in html5-editor to create this link?
A “nested table” in the context of web design is:
A. a table that is centered so all the content is displayed in the middle of the web page.
B. a table that has cells which have been split and/or merged.
C. a table inside another table.
D. a table that spans the entirety of the screen.
Google Fonts …
A. allows us to include a smaller font size of our currently installed fonts.
B. allows us to do a quick spell check of our webpage, no matter what language was used when creating the webpage.
C. allows us to display our text in font styles that aren’t installed on the computer was used to create the webpage.
D. allows the viewer’s computer to display our webpage in a weird/unusual font that is installed on our computer but is not installed on the computer of the person viewing our webpage