Week_9_Opinions Flashcards
Opinion definition
A view or judgment formed about something. NOT NECESSARILY based on fact or knowledge
Opinion formation definition
The first time we develop a belief, feeling, or attitude about something
What is stimulus categorization
Classifying stimulus using the mental concepts and categories stored in memory. (用stimulus提醒/暗示某件商品的书序。例如红酒产区法国,暗示红酒品质高)
Opinion formation is not based on knowledge of the fact, it is based on subconscious inferences being made.
The category to which a product is assigned will affect how the product is interpreted. Products and advertisements can sometimes be miscategorized.
Opinion formation depends on which behavior?
The amount of processing. How long does a consumer devote to the ads(会看多久的广告/停留多少时间)
There are two types of response from consumer after they watch the ads
Cognitive responses: thoughts evoked by the ad.
Affective responses: feelings evoked by the ad.
What is classical conditioning?
The meaning, feelings, and liking associated with one object can be transferred to another object by simply pairing the two objects together. (条件反射)
Unconditioned response can be transferred to a conditioned stimulus
Marketing example for UR transferring to CS
pleasant music (US) and senses pair with soft drink (CS). When consumer hears music (UR). they want to taste soft drink (CS)
Even irrelevant stimuli can enhance product liking
True. As long as the stimuli can make people feel cute, happy or fuzzy. It will enhance the good side of consumer feeling toward product/
Why marketer needs the power of association on creating ads? (联想)
- Frees companies from the constraints imposed by how well the product actually performs. (让公司摆脱产品性能的限制)
- Simple association works without requiring consumers to undertake extensive thinking during processing.
What is peripheral (周围的)process?
Leads to the formation of opinions without thinking about relevant information
The attractive picture caused a more favorable product opinion than the unattractive picture anytime
False. Only when thinking about the product’s merits (优点)was minimal.
What is peripheral cue?
Stimuli devoid of product-relevant information (当刺激与产品信息无关时)
What is influence of biased processing?
Other factors may bias or alter information processing and cause a change in how the information is interpreted. (其他因素可能会使消费者的态度产生偏差,即便他们是同一样物品 。蛋白棒例子)
The “broken B” stimulus which information processing?
Biased processing
What is the most suitable product stage to change consumer’s opinions?
Mature stage
When markers are ready to change consumer opinions, there is a__need to be noticed
Just noticeable difference, which is the threshold that the smallest change in stimulus intensity that will be noticed
Weber’s law definition
Perception of change depends on more than simply the absolute amount of change.(对变化的感知不仅仅取决于变化)
If company doesn’t want consumer to notice price changing, how to do?
In such cases, company wants to stay below the differential threshold (JND)
What is differential threshold?
Consumers’ resistance to change varies from one opinion to next depends on
Direct or indect experience. (从别人那里听到的东西很容易改变观念)
What are the dangers of changing consumers’ opinions?
- Making changes can improve the opinions of some but harm the opinions of others (eg: politics, New Coke).
- Changes in a products’ image may attract one segment but alienate another.
- Sacrifices are acceptable as long as the losses are more than offset by the new customers gained.
What is the most effective product feature to consumer opinions?
Product name
Research on COMPOSITE BRANDING shows the brand name appearing first has the strongest influence on attributes associated with that name.
DESCRIPTIVE names and labels have also been seen to influence consumers’ opinions and behaviors.
What factors will change opinion formation?
Product name Product packaging Colors Price perceptions Free product samples Advertising Product endorsers Message framing Perceived Scarcity Purchase Restrictions Mood
What does stimulus generalization for product packaging?
Designing “me-too” packages to imitate leading competitor’s package to create favorable opinions from consumers.
Nine-ending prices
Given a price of $9.99, it tends to be viewed as $9.00 instead of $10.00.
Reference pricing definition
Price tag may carry actual price and manufacturer recommended price or MSRP or price previously charged.
Four types of advertising appeals to influence opinion formation
- Informational advertising appeals attempt to influence consumers’ beliefs about the advertised product.
- Emotional advertising appeals try to influence consumers’ feelings about the advertised product.
- Utilitarian advertising appeals aim to influence consumers’ opinions about the advertised product’s ability to perform its intended function.
- Value-expressive advertising appeals: influene opinions about who use the product
What is the usage of claims when ads influence opinion formation?
To make ads/brand/product more specific
Five types of ads claim
- Search claims
- Experience claims
- Credence (信任) claims (保险公司的人身保险,有机的鸡蛋,hard to verify)
- Objective claims (based on fact. focus on factual information 比如多大的电视,汽车多大马力)
- Subjective claims (based on opinions, evoke different interpretation 比如“今年最好看的电影”)
Most dangerous claims for ads
Credence claims
What is match-up hypothesis in product endorsement?
Endorsers are more effective when perceived as appropriate for the product. (詹姆斯代言篮球鞋,老虎伍兹代言golf club)
Endorsers may serve as a peripheral cue.
Three types of message framing
Gain-frame message: Emphasize what is attained by following a message’s recommendation.
Loss-frame message: Emphasize potential costs incurred by ignoring a message’s recommendation.
Pennies-a-day: Decomposes a product’s price into its cost on a daily basis (eg: magazine subscriptions, car payments, club memberships. etc.)
Usually loss-frame message is more effective.
Usually loss-frame message is more effective.
Scarcity (稀缺)effect: An object is viewed as more desirable as its perceived scarcity increases.