Week_8_Family & Household Influences Flashcards
The importance of family household on customer behavior
- Many products are purchased by a family unit
- Individual’s buying decision may heavily influence by other family members.
- How family make purchase decision depends on the role of various member’s purchase and consumption.
- Some products are bought by family member but are used by other family member.
Nuclear family definition
Immediate group of father mother and children living together
Extended family definition
Nuclear family plus other relatives such as grandparents.
Family of orientation definition
Family into which one is born (原生家庭)
Family of procreation(生殖)definition
Family established by marriage
Human gives animal human form and personality
Household definition
All persons, both related and unrelated, who occupy a housing unit.
Example of non-household
Elderly persons living with nonfamily members.
Persons of the same/opposite sex sharing living quarters. (friends)
Friends living together
Same-sex couple
The average family size = 3.1 people and average household size = 2.6 people in US
The reason family size decrease because
Divorce rate increase, and new born rate decrease
What is the largest single category of household?
Family (70%)
What are the two terms used to describe buying behavior?
Consumer unit and minimal household unit
What are the four structural variables affecting families and households?
- Age of head of household.
- Marital Status (婚姻状况)
- Presence of children.
- Employment status.
What is the definition of resilient (有弹性的)family?
The family that emphasize time spent together. Very tight.
Why giving gift is an important part for consumer behavior?
Gift giving and family holiday are increasing in importance.
Many retailers generate 50% of their annual sales from Christmas.
What is pop-up store?
Selling thing in specific festival
Who determines what the family buys?
Products purchased by who, used by who, when the product are used. those questions should be determined by marketers.
Kids Growing older youger
Initiator definition in family purchase
thinking about buying products and gathering information to AID decisions.
Influencer definition in family purchase
individual whose opinions are sought concerning criteria of purchase and which products or brands are most likely to fit those criteria.
Decider in family purchase involved in how money will be spent
Five individual roles in family purchases are
Initiator/gatekeeper Influencer Decider Buyer User
What individual roles involved in family marketing?
Purchaser, family consumer, and purchase decision maker.
How to interpret role behavior?
Identifying different purchaser-consumer relationship
Example for role behavior focus marketing
Mcdonald happy meal
Four spousal roles in buying decision
Autonomic(自主的), husband dominant, wife dominant, joint (syncretic)
In spousal roles, husband and wife apply to roles performed by members even though they don’t get married
In husband wife influences in decision making chart, why activities have two point? what are they stand for?
It means most of products’ CDP starting less jointly to more jointly.
What the chart tells us?
- Spouses exert DIFFERENT DEGREE OF INFLUENCES when passing through the DIFFERENT STAGES of the decision process. (两方对于不同物品的Consumer decision process有着不同的影响)
- Movement from ‘information search’ to final decision may be minimal for many low-involvement goods and more pronounced for goods that are risky or have high involvement for the family. (越贵的东西,双方合作joint的行为越多)
- The decision process tends to move toward joint participation and away from autonomic behavior as a final decision nears.(所有CDP都是一个从autonomic Buying decisiond到joint buying decision的过程)
What is influence of employment
- More women working outside the home.
2. Changing spousal roles has affected how couples divide their buying responsibilities (也导致了男人女人对于某些CDP的决定权转换了)
What is influence of gender?
- As the gender gap narrows, decisions are made jointly.
- Due to waning gender identification of products, marketers are transitioning gender-dependent products to a dual-gender positioning. (随着性别平等,很多物品从只专注男性或女性市场,到现在专注netural gender市场)
What is family life cycle (FLC)?
Same as consumer life cycle, but the unit is household or family for research. The process of families passing through a series of stages that change them over time.
Eleven stages for FLC
- Young singles
- Newly married couples.
- Full Nest I, II, III (婚后有了孩子,孩子的年龄分为三档)
- Married - No kids.
- Older Singles.
- Empty Nest I, II.
- Solitary (独居的) survivor
- Retired solitary survior
Households do not necessarily go through all FLC stages.
What are the functions of FLC?
- Affects demand for many products.
- If FLC combines with additional information, Analyze consumer’s needs, identify niches, and develop consumer-specific marketing plans.
- Explain how families change over time and can identify core target markets when modified with market data.
- Important predictor of family or household SPENDING.
- Consumers have changed their household spending from “things” to “services”.
What are the facts of marriage trends?
- Delaying age of marriage.
- Increased incidence of cohabitation before marriage (婚前同居比例增加)
- Over half of marriages end in divorce.
What is the result of current marriage trends?
Individuals shift between married and single status
Boomerang kids meaning
Children leave home and come back
Marketer develops time-saving products to appeal to women. Including convenience foods.
What is role overload for women?
Exists when the total demands on time and energy associated with prescribed (规定的)activities of multiple roles are too great to perform roles adequately or comfortably. (多个角色所产生的时间和精力的需求过大,而无法舒适高效的执行角色时产生)
Marketing to women appealing to the “mother” category”
What are terms of family function that can be changed by children?
Relationships, employment and pruchases
Children can direct influence and indirectly influence parent’s purchase behavior
What is the cost of raising a child?
about $233,000
What budweiser ad tells us?
Creating feelings and emotions. Positive attitude to the ads leads to positive attitude to the product