Week_6_Demographic Flashcards
Marketers use demographic analysis as market
segment descriptors using for what analysis?
Trend analysis
Demographics explain 2/3 of everything. They help predict which products will be in demand & what school enrollments will be in the future. They also help forecast which drugs will be in fashion 10 years down the road & which types of crime can be expected to increase.” Who said it?
David foot
Using three words to define demographic
Size, structure, and distribution of a population.
In macromarketing, what is usage for demographics?
Demographics is used in analyzing policy questions related to the aggregate performance of marketing in society
Four pillars that demographic need to be studied on
- changing the structure of markets
- Geographic factors
- Economic resources
- Global markets
Under changing the structure of markets, what kind of information does market analysis require?
Market analysis requires information about:
- people with needs
- ability to buy
- willingness to buy
What kind of data does market analysis need to collect in a certain area?
- Birthrate
- Natural increase
- fertility(生育)rate
- population rate
Definition of birthrate
number of live births per 1000 population in a given year
Natural increase definition
Surplus of births over deaths in a given period
Fertility rate definition
number of live birth per 1000 women of childbearing age (15 to 44)
What is the number of birth maintaining US population rate?
2.1 children
The definition of population momentum
Future growth of any population will be influenced by its present age distribution (年轻人越多 momentum越大)
What factors do affect birthrates?
- Age distribution of population
- Family structure
- Social attitudes toward family/children
- Technology
Immigration increase the birthrate in US
What is the foundation of understanding of changing consumer market?
Cohort analysis
The key to cohort analysis is examining the influences that are shared by most people in a specific group.
The impact of increasing of number of children
A higher proportion of first child babies and dual-income parents
Children are often involved in family purchasing decisions and have
Veto power (否决权)
The biggest generation in US
Gen Z, born in the mid nieties and early 2010s
The features of Gen Z
High financial secuirty, very competitive, entrepreneurial, care about trends, values independence
The features of Gen Y
1980~ early 1990. greater need for peer acceptance, switch brand quicker.
Generation X
Need to buy products to set up households
many needs and greater financial restraints
shop at value-oriented retailers.
The features of baby boomers (muppies)
like luxury travel spas, health clubs, health foods
Represents the greatest share of workforce, share of income.
Cognitive age
the age one perceives one’s self to be (心理年龄,与chronological age相反, they are sensitive to revealing their age.
India will be the most births in the future
True, followed by China and Indonesia
Definition of geodemography
refers to where people live, how they earn and spend their money, and other socioeconomic factors.
Which resources of demograhic do include income and wealth ?
Economic resources
Net worth influences willingness to spend but not influence the ability to spend
How to target up market?
They value extra services provided by some retailers.
Saving money is as important as spending it for many individuals in this group.
Shop discount stores, use coupons, and wait for sales.
More print oriented in communications
Simple ads that promote image.
Credibility of source selling product.
Product reviews influence this group.
How to target down market?
Retailers such as Wal*Mart have found success by providing good products at reasonable prices.
Closeout stores offer brand name products at deep discounts to at all income-level consumers.
Dollar stores are one of the fastest growing retail categories.
Provide good products at reasonable prices
Maintaining attractive stores.
Offering stylish and up-to-date products.
Have friendly employees that treat customers with respect.
Three advantages of Latin American markets
rapid population growth, moderately high incomes, and close proximity.
EU market is larger than US
EU has low population growth which makes customer retention extremely important for marketers.