Week_2_Consumer Decision Process Flashcards
Seven Steps of CDP
- need recognition
- search for info (how to solve the problems))
- Pre-purchase evaluation of alternatives (对比各产品)
- purchase (critical stage)
- consumption
- post-consumption evaluation (consumer’s review)
- divestment (撤资 consumer get rid of product)
what is needs?
an internal state of tension caused by disequilibrium between existing state and an ideal or desired state. (its not trigger the need recognition enough)
Need recognition triggered by
Environment influence
Individual differences
What is symbolic needs?
a product can represent who you are (normally subconsciously 潜意识的)
What is hedonic needs?
Are satisfied by products that offer hedonic benefit. Hedonism, people pursue things that give them pleasure
Two types of search in CB No.2 Stage
Internal search: Retrieving knowledge from memory or genetic tendencies
External search: collecting information from peers, family, and the marketplace
search information can be two different types
passive: receptive to info around them(没有真正开始寻找信息,只是开始注意信息)
Active: search online, go to store.
Two types of sources of information
- Marketer dominated stimuli
2. Non-marketer dominated stimuli
As a consumer is exposed to information from external search, they begin to process the stimuli
what is the information processing of it?
- Exposure
- Attention
- Comprehension
- Acceptance
- Retention
Consumer memory start from where?
From attention to retention
What is pre-purchase evaluation of alternatives
- The process of evaluating alternatives identified from search, which leads to a product or brand selection most likely to satisfy the consumer
- Can use new or preexisting evaluations stored in memory.
Difference between awareness set and evoked sets
Awareness set: brands that can be recalled by consumer.
Evoke set: subset of awareness, consumer finally consider the brands.
What is evaluation mean in Pre-purchase evaluation of alternatives?
Evaluative criteria: standards and specifications used to compare different products and brands (物品的各种属性)
What is salient attributes of alternatives on attributes?
Salient(突出的) attributes is improtant to consumers such as price and reliability
determinant attributes meaning
the products’ features that determine which brand consumers choose.