week2 Flashcards
1What is the process of respiration?
Respiration is the process in which the body’s cells are supplied with O2 and CO2 is eliminated from the body.
What is internal respiration?
It is the movement of gasses across the cell membrane in the systemic capillary
What is external respiration?
It is the movement of gasses across the cell membrane in the alveolar capillary circulation
What is the VQ Ratio?
The VQ Ratio is the relationship between ventilation (V) and perfusion (Q)
It is the balance between alveoli ventilation and vascular perfusion
What is the normal alveolar Ventilation rate?
What is the normal pulmonary perfusion rate?
What is the normal VQ Ratio?
mechanical movement of air to and from the atmosphere and the alveolar (in and out of the lungs)
the pumping or flow of blood into the tissues and organs
What happens when ventilation is reduced in the VQ ratio?
The VQ ratio reduces and the patient becomes hypoxic
What happens when the perfusion is reduced in the VQ ratio?
VQ ratio increases and the patient becomes hypoxaemic
What is non-invasive ventilation (NIV)?
A non-invasive system which delivers positive pressure breaths to a patient who is breathing spontaneously (Devices include CPAP, BiPAP)
What is mechanical ventilation?
Invasive positive pressure ventilation, usually used when a patient has inadequate breathing pattern or rate.
Discuss nursing care of the patient with altered gas exchange
Monitor resp rate & pattern
monitor tidal volume
Check for cyanosis
Check GCS
What is the normal acid-base balance Ph of the blood?