Week Nine Flashcards
What are the important fundamental training principles for anaerobic training?
- Principle of Specificity
- Overload Training Principle
- Principle of Progression
What is the principle of Specificity?
- Trained in a specific manner to produce a specific adaptation or training outcome.
- SAID: Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands
What is the Overload Training Principle?
-Over time, assigning workout/training regime of greater intensity than the individual is accustomed to
What is the principle of Progression?
-Over time, increasing training intensity to promote long-term training benefits
What are the requirements of activity or sport?
- Movement analysis
- Physiological analysis
- Injury analysis
What is the Movement analysis?
-Body and limb movement patterns and muscular involvement
What is the Physiological analysis?
- Strength, power, hypertrophy, and muscular endurance priorities
- Energy system(s) contributions to the activity
What is the Injury analysis?
-Common sites for joint/muscle injury and causative factors
Describe training status in terms of current condition/ preparedness level?
- What type of training program have they done are they doing?
- (sprint, plyometric, resistance etc)
- What is the length of recent regular participation in previous training program(s)?
- What was the level of intensity involved in previous training program(s)?
- What is the individuals current degree of exercise technique experience (skill to perform training properly)?
Describe the physical testing and evaluation will help in analysing Resistance Training Program?
-Conduct fitness assessment
-Movement analysis will help inform they test chosen
-Use results and normative tables to identify strengths and weaknesses
o Use results to inform training which will:
-Improve weaknesses
-Maintain strengths
-Further develop
What are the primary resistance training goals?
-4 goals of resistance training:
o Strength
o Endurance
o Power
o Hypertrophy
-Progression between seasons/over time can change the goal
-The results from performance testing will also dictate the training goal
-Focus on a SINGLE training outcome for a period of time
What are core exercises in terms of exercise type?
- Recruit one or more large muscle areas
- Involve two or more primary joints
- Receive priority when selecting exercises because of their direct application to the sport
What are assistance exercises in terms of exercise type?
- Recruit smaller muscle areas
- Involve only one primary joint
- Considered less important to improving sport performance
- Primary reason for employing is for injury prevention and rehab
What are structural exercises in terms of exercise type?
- Core exercises emphasise loading the spine directly
- Muscular stabilisation of posture during the movement
- e.g. rigid neutral spine in squat movement
What are power exercises in terms of exercise type?
- Structural exercises performed very quickly or explosively
- Only when appropriate for sport
- e.g. Olympic Lifts (clean, snatch)
Describe sport specific exercises in movement analysis of the activity/sport
-Similar training activity to the actual sport movement
= greater the likelihood for a positive transfer to that sport
Describe muscle balance in movement analysis of the activity/sport and what is the correct ratio?
- Exercises should maintain a balance of muscular strength across joints and between opposing muscles
- Discrepancy between agonist and antagonist muscles can cause injury
- Muscle balance does not always mean equal strength
- Correct ratio
- H: Q = 0.6 - 0.8: 1
Describe exercises to promote recovery and restoration in movement analysis of the activity/sport
- Do not involve high muscular stress or high stress on the nervous system
- Promote movement and restoration
- Known as recovery exercise
- Usually included at conclusion of main resistance training session, or as a separate session
- Light resistance exercises or low-intensity aerobic exercises
Describe exercise technique experience in movement analysis of the activity/sport
- NEVER assume an individual will perform an exercise correctly
- Always ask individual to demonstrate exercise, and provide instruction as needed
What is training status and sport season in training frequency?
Training Status
-Three (3) per week are recommended to allow sufficient recovery between sessions
o At least one day recovery/rest – no more than three
Sport Season
-Seasonal demands of a sport may limit time available for resistance training
What is training load and exercise type in training status and sport?
- Training with maximal/near-max loads need recovery time before next session
- Alternate light vs. heavy training days (intensity) to increase frequency
- Upper body recovers more quickly than lower body (generally)
- Individuals recover faster from single-joint vs. multi-joint exercises
Describe other training in training status and sport
-Training frequency influenced by the overall amount of physical stress
-Consider effects of:
o Additional aerobic or anaerobic training
o Sport-skill practice
o Physically demanding occupations]
Describe exercise order and its goal
-Sequence of resistance exercises performed during one training session
-Goal = arrange exercises so the individual’s effort in one exercise is not affected by the preceding and proper technique is maintained
o Power -> Non-Power Core -> Assistance Exercises
o Upper vs. Lower Body Exercises (Alternated)
o “Push” vs. “Pull” Exercises (Alternated)
What are supersets and compound sets?
-Superset: two sequentially performed exercises that stress two opposing muscles or muscle areas (i.e., an agonist and its antagonist).
o e.g. 10 reps BB bicep curl, 10 reps triceps pushdown
-Compound set involves sequentially performing two different exercises for the same muscle group.
o e.g. 10 reps BB bicep curl, 10 reps DB hammer curl
-Time efficient
-More demanding
o May not be suitable for untrained athletes
What is load?
-Load: the amount of weight assigned to an exercise set
What is repetitions?
-Repetitions: number of times an exercise is performed
What is 1 repetition max?
Greatest amount of weight that can be lifted with proper technique for only one repetition
What is repetition max?
Most weight lifted for a specified number of repetitions
What do you do when you increase load?
Increase load = decrease repetitions
How do you calculate 1RM?
- 1RM testing requires adequate training status (intermediate or advanced)
- Experience with exercises being tested
- Core exercises for 1RM testing
- Accurately and consistently assess muscular strength
- Maintain correct technique in testing
What are ways to overload during resistance training?
1) Load magnitude may be increased closer to 1RM
2) Repetitions may be added to the current load
3) Range of motion can be increased
4) Time-Under-Tension: Duration of repetition maybe altered
5) Rest Between Sets may be shortened for endurance improvements or lengthened for strength and power training (provided load magnitude is greater)
6) OR any combination of the above
What are further progression of resistance training?
- Bilateral to single limb
- Increase stabilising demands
- Increase velocity (with a decreased stability)
- Incorporate into a skill specific drill
What is volume?
Total amount of weight lifted in a session
What is a set?
A group of repetitions performed before a rest
What is repetition-volume?
Total number of repetitions performed in a session
What is volume-load and example?
Total number of sets x number of repetitions per set x weight lifted per repetition
o e.g. 2 sets x 10 reps x 20 kg = 2 x 10 x 20 = 400 kg
What are multiple verses single sets?
- Single-set training may be appropriate for untrained individuals or during the first several months of training
- Many studies indicate that higher volumes are necessary to promote further gains in strength
- Especially for intermediate and advanced resistance-trained athletes
What is training status?
-It is appropriate for an athlete to perform only one or two sets as a beginner and to add sets as he or she becomes better trained
What is more important than other training variable and what do training program use?
- Total training volume is more important than other training variables, such as training frequency and number of sets, to bring about maximal strength gains
- Training programs that use multiple sets result in greater increases in strength than single set programs
What are rest periods?
-Time between sets, exercises, and training sessions
What does the length of rest period depend on?
- goal of training
- relative load lifted
- athlete’s training status
- At least one rest/recovery day but not more than three between sessions that stress the same muscle groups
What is the frequency of Muscular Endurance?
Days per Week= 2-3
What is the intensity (load and volume) of Muscular Endurance?
Load: <67% 1RM
Volume: >12 reps, 2-3sets
What is the duration (rest and total time) of Muscular Endurance?
Rest: Less than 30sec between sets
Total Time: As long as it takes to do all required muscle group
What is the frequency of Muscular Strength?
Days per Week= 2-3
What is the intensity (load and volume) of Muscular Strength?
Load: 85% + 1RM
Volume: <6 reps, 2-6sets
What is the duration (rest and total time) of Muscular Strength?
Rest: 2-5min between sets
Total Time: As long as it takes to do all required muscle group
What is the frequency of Muscular Power?
Days per Week= 2-3
What is the intensity (load and volume) of Muscular Power for a single and multiple effort?
Single Effort
Load: 80-90% 1RM
Volume: 1-2 reps, 3-5sets
Multiple Effort
Load:75-85% 1RM
Volume:3-5 reps, 3-5sets
What is the duration (rest and total time) of Muscular Power?
Rest: 2-5min between sets
Total Time: As long as it takes to do all required muscle group
What is the frequency of Muscular Hypertrophy?
Days per Week= 2-3
What is the intensity (load and volume) of Muscular Hypertrophy?
Load: 67-85% 1RM
Volume: 6-12 reps, 3-6sets
What is the duration (rest and total time) of Muscular Hypertrophy?
Rest: 30sec - 1.5min between sets
Total Time: As long as it takes to do all required muscle group