WEEK 9: Reliability and Validity Flashcards
Is the test actually testing what it is being intended to measure?
Can similar results be obtained if the experiment was to be conducted again?
Types of validity (7)
construct validity
Content validity
Convergent validity
Discriminant or divergent validity
Internal validity
External validity
Ecological validity
Construct validity
The extent to which a test measures the concept that it is intended to measure
Content validity
Does it measure all possible aspects of the variable that is being investigated?
Convergent validity
does the measure relate with other measures of the same/similar thing?
Discriminat or divergent validity
Is the measure not related with other unrelated measures
Internal validity
Procedure criteria?
Is the procedure standardized and replicable?
External reliability
Is the sample large enough to suggest a consistent effect?
External (ecological) validity
Can the results be applied to the real world?
Types of reliability
- Inter-rater reliability
- Test-retest reliability
- Internal consistency/reliability
Inter-rater reliability
What is being collected? through?
Agreement between two independent raters
The same data is being collected using the same procedure
Test-retest reliability
How are participants tested?
What is done with the results?
Testing the participants at two different time points with the same conditions to compare results
Internal (consistency) reliability
Does the measure give similar results each time