Non parametric tests Flashcards
What are the conditions for a parametric test?
What level of data?
Distribution? test? p-value?
Variance? test? p-value?
Interval or ratio-level data
Normal distribution - Komogrov Simonov (done by spss) test (p-value has to be lower than .05 for normal distribution)
Homogeneity of variance (The variance between conditions should roughly be equal) - Levines test p-value less than 0.05 = violated
What are the assumptions of a non-parametric est?
Does not need a large sample size
Does not assume a normal distribution
Overall non-parametric tests do not make any assumptions
What is the non-parametric equivalent of:
Independent samples t-test?
Repeated samples t-test?
Pearson’s correlation?
Independent = Mann Whitney U Test
Repeated = Wilcoson signed ranks test
Chi sqaure has is a non parametric test non paratric test of independence and does not have a parametric eualivan
Pearsons correlation = Spearmans Rho
How to check for normal distribution
Two criteria (sample/distribution)
The most appropriate measure of central tendency?
By inspecting histograms, it can show if the data has a normal distribution
For data that does not have a normal distribution and small sample size the most appropriate measure of central tendency is the median rather than the mean
What is the associated probability?
What does it show? Which hypothesis?
Associated probability refers to the p-value it shows the probability of gaining the statistic value if the null hypothesis was true.
How to decide if there is a significant result
Look at the associated probability value
The p-value has to be less than 0.05 for a significant result
Classifications for effect sizes
Non = 0
weak = 0.1 - 0.2
Moderate = 0.3 - 0.4
Strong = 0.5 - 0.9
Perfect = 1
Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon
Effect size
What does Z refer to?
Does Mann Whitney and wilcoxon calculate effect size?
What value can be used to approximate effect size?
What does N stand for in:
Mann Whitney
Use this to determine effect size
Z = measure of effect size
The test for Mnn Whitney does not calculate effect size but the z-value can be used to approximate the value of r (calculation has to be done by hand)
Calculation: r = Z / square root of N
Mann Whitney, N = number of participants
Wilcoxon. N = Number of observations
Reporting results in research reports
What values are italicized?
What is the p-value labelled as on spss? When is the result significant?
Structure for reporting Mann Whitney?
What does Md stand for?
What is the U-value?
P and R should be italicized
The p-value is labelled sig of spss and has to be less than 0.05 for a significant result
Structure = (Md = …) and … (Md =…), U, Z =, p =, r =
Md = median
U = Mann Whitney
How to check for normal distribution on Spss
Analyse, descriptive statistics, Explore
Move the DV into the Dependent list test
Move the IV into the factor list test box
Click on plots to open Explore: Plots dialogue box
Selct Normality plots with tests and histogram
How to do a Levines test on Spss
Analyse, descriptive statistics, explore
DV into the dependent list test box and Iv into the Factor list test box
Select Plots to open the Explore: Plots dialogue box
Select Power estimation
The result is on the first row
Why do the distribution of scores in the non-parametric tests Mann Whitney and Wilcoxom tests not matter?
What are scores converted to?
A statistical significant difference between?
The distribution of scores don’t matter as the scores are converted into ranks
Tests whether there is a statistically significant difference between the mean ranks of two conditions
Wilcoxon Signed ranks test
Reporting Spss output
Which table does not need to e reported?
Which hypothesis is reported in the table? how to calculate one-tailed hypothesis?
Don’t report anything from the ranks table
The descriptive statistics table shows the median values
The test statistics table shows the measure of effect size and the significant value for a 2 tailed hypothesis (for a one-tailed hypothesis divide by 2)
Wilcoxon Signed ranks test
Converts scores into?
and compares them at?
Converts scores to ranks and compares them at time 1 and time 2
Mann Whitney U-test
converts scores into? across how many conditions?
Converts scores to ranks across two conditons
Non parametric tests
For statistically significant results, it is important to describe the direction of the findings- which group is higher. This can be seen in the mean rank in the ranks table
But as normal distribution is not assumed it is more appropriate to report the median rather than the mean
How to find the median:
Analyse, compare means, means which opens the means dialogue box
DV into the dependent list box
IV into the independent test box
Options, Means: options dialogue box
Statistic box transfer median to cell statistic box
From the cell, statistic box put the mean and standard deviation in the statistics box
When are non-parametric tests used (sample size), however, what could the data still be? Therefore what kind of test is not suitable?
How to create a histogram
The kolmogrov-simnov test indicates if scores are normally distributed. It can also be checked by creating histograms
Non-parametric tests are used when the sample sizes are unequal however even though in some cases sample sizes are equal, as they are small there is a high chance that the data is skewed so a t-test would not be suitable.
Create histograms for each time condition
- graphs, histogram, one at a time move each variable to the variable box once the histograms are created click on them to open chart editor and select show distribution curve: normal distribution
If one graph is skewed use a non-‘
parametric test