Week 9 Lecture: Glaciers Flashcards
What is a glacier?
A permanent body of ice and recrystallized snow that shows evidence of downslop or outward movement due to the pull of gravity.
What are the two categories of Glaciers?
- Ice Sheets and Shelves
- Alpine Glaciers
What is the difference between an ice shelf and an ice sheet?
An ice shelf is a sheet of ice extending overtop of the water, whereas an ice sheet is overtop of land
List the types of Alpine glaciers:
- Ice Cap
- Cirque Glacier
- Fijord Glacier
- Valley Glacier
- Piedmont Glacier
What are Ice Caps?
Tim Hortons beverages that have become drastically overpriced
A glacier that covers a mountain highland or low-lying land at high altitudes and spreads out laterally
What are Cirque Glaciers?
Glaciers that occupy a protected bowl-shaped depression in a mountainside
What are Fijord Glaciers?
A large valley glacier that extends down to the mouth of a fijord at sea level
What is a Valley Glacier?
An enlarged cirque glacier that spreads out down a valley
What is a Piedmont Glacier?
Occurs when steep valley glaciers flow onto flat areas and spread out into fan shapes
What two elements are required for the formation of glaciers?
- Low temperatures
- Abundant snowfall
What two components can a glacier be divided into?
- A zone of growth (accumulation)
- A zone of shrinkage (ablation)
What are the two main mechanisms of Glacier Movement?
- Internal Plastic Flow
- Basal Sliding
What is Internal Plastic Flow?
Where glaciers flow and deform in a manner similar to ductilely deforming rocks. This involves slip and deformation of the ice crystal structure at the microscopic scale (millions of tiny displacements).
What is Basal Sliding?
Where glaciers have abundant melt water at the base which lubricates the base of the glacier, allowing it to slide over the underlying rocks and gravel.
What is the Firn Line?
The elevation to which the snow recedes in the summer (below which you don’t see last year’s snow)
Useful since:
- if firn limit moves downslope, glacier has (+) budget
- if it recedes, budge is (-)
- if unchanged, glacier is balanced
What is rock flour?
Where glaciers grind rock to clay sized material