Week 9 Lecture 9 - Personality Disorders Summary (DN) Flashcards
Give some examples of the ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ psychotic-like symptoms in Personality Disorders?
- (e.g. Ideas of reference, magical thinking, perceptual disturbances)
- (e.g. Social isolation, poor rapport, constricted affect)
How does DSM-5 characterise the Personality Disorders?
- into three Clusters
- A, B, C
What defines the Cluster A Personality Disorders?
odd or eccentric behaviours
Which 3 Personality Disorders come under
Cluster A: odd or eccentric behaviours
- Paranoid Personality Disorder
- Schizoid Personality Disorder
- Schizotypal Personality Disorder
What defines the Cluster B Personality Disorders?
emotional, erratic or dramatic behaviours
Which 4 Personality Disorders come under
Cluster B: emotional, erratic or dramatic behaviours
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Histrionic Personality Disorder
- Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- Antisocial Personality Disorder
What defines the Cluster C Personality Disorders?
fear & anxiety
Which 3 Personality Disorders come under
Cluster C: fear, anxiety?
- Avoidant Personality Disorder
- Dependent Personality Disorder
- Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
What are the defining features of Paranoid Personality Disorder
Cluster A (odd, eccentric)
- pervasive, unjustified distrust of people
- positive & negative psychotic-like symptoms
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What are the defining features of Schizoid Personality Disorder?
Cluster A (odd, eccentric)
- Detachment from others
- Disinterested in others
- Little emotion in interpersonal relationships
- aloof, emotionally cold
- Homelessness
- Diagnosed only if not seen in context of schizophrenia - so seems to be on same continuum
- Psychotic-like symptoms are Negative
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How does Schizoid compare to Paranoid Personality Disorder?
- Both Cluster A (odd, eccentric)
- social isolation, poor rapport, reduced affect
- social deficiencies similar but more extreme in Schizoid
- Schizoid: doesn’t have unusual thought processes as in Paranoid
- Schizoid symptoms stem from detachment
- Paranoid symptoms stem from distrust & suspiciousness
What are the defining features of Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Cluster A (odd, eccentric)
- social & interpersonal deficits
- difficulty with close relationships
- cognitive & perceptual distortions
- strange, peculiar individuals
Psychotic-like symptoms are positive
What are the defining features of Borderline Personality Disorder
Cluster B (emotional, erratic or dramatic)
- Impulsivity
- Instability of relationships, moods & emotions
What is the defining feature of Histrionic Personality Disorder?
Cluster B (emotional, erratic or dramatic)
- overly dramatic
- excessive emotionality, attention seeking
What is the defining feature of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Cluster B: (emotional, erratic, or dramatic)
unreasonable sense of self-importance 1:06:25
What are the defining features of Antisocial Personality Disorder?
Cluster B (emotional, erratic or dramatic)
- disregard for others & violation of others rights
- lack of remorse
- poverty of emotion
What childhood disorder is a precursor for Antisocial Personality Disorder?
Conduct Disorder
What are the defining features of Conduct Disorder?
- violation of major age-appropriate norms/rules
- agression, destruction, deceitfulness, theft
What is the main difference between Conduct Disorder & Antisocial Personality Disorder?
- lack of remorse in Antisocial Personality Disorder
- remorse, regret is seen Conduct Disorder
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What are the defining features of Avoidant Disorder?
- sensitive to social consequences of behaviour
- afraid of criticism, disapproval
- need to be liked
How does the asocial behaviour differ between
- Avoidant Personality Disorder (Cluster C fear anxiety)
- Schizoid Personality Disorder (Cluster A: odd, eccentric)
Avoidant Personality Disorder
- Asocial because of interpersonal anxiety or fear of rejection
Schizoid Personality Disorder
- Asocial because apathetic & disinterested in relationships
What underlies Dependent Personality Disorder?
(Cluster C fear anxiety)
Unreasonable fear of abandonment
What is the defining feature of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder?
(Cluster C fear anxiety)
Excessive preoccupation with orderliness & control