week 9 - individual differences in practice: school and work Flashcards
Explain conscientiousness (big five) in the school setting.
strongest predictor of school success (explains up to 19% of variance), relates to more pro learning outcomes and belief in personal growth. Ability to stay on task, stay organised, have a tidy workspace.
Explain agreeableness (big five) in the school setting.
No real academic indications, but does have impact on things like bullying and social structure. Low scores predict bullying, high school predict more affiliative behaviour.
Explain neuroticism (big five) in the school setting.
Increase in anxiety, disengagement, exam stress. However, also some indication that increases performance by driving more active revision behaviour.
Explain openness (big five) in the school setting.
Has some relationship to general cognitive ability. Generally reflects openmindedness and intrigue. Curiosity, a need for information, an interest in the world.
Explain extraversion (big five) in the school setting.
Like openness, results are varied. May be more suspect able to restlessness in class/class clown behaviour. Some evidence may do better on exams but not much.
What is intrinsic motivation?
Self-motivation, being motivated by yourself to do better.
What is extrinsic motivation?
Motivation that comes from external sources, includes integrated regulation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, and external regulation.
What is integrated regulation?
Form of extrinsic motivation, assimilation of extrinsic goals into self.
What is identified regulation?
Form of extrinsic motivation, perceived personal value.
What is introjected regulation?
Form of extrinsic motivation, avoidance of guilt/shame and pride-seeking.
What is external regulation?
Form of extrinsic motivation, motivation by rewards/punishments from the outside.
What is amotivation?
The lack of motivation.
According to meta-analysis by Howard et al. (2021) what sorts of beliefs and behaviours are related to different types of motivation?
As you move from amotivation through types of extrinsic motivation and into intrinsic motivation, things like satisfaction, vitality, and enjoyment increase, while things like anxiety and depression as well as absenteeism and dropout intention decrease.
explain growth mindset vs fixed mindset.
Fixed mindset - things like intelligence and ability are fixed and you can’t really do much to change it.
Growth mindset - my skills and intelligence are mailable and I can improve them over time. This is may have a small effect on school success.
What is the problem with VARK and other learning styles?
Not backed up by any evidence. Does not make sense as we know multimodal learning is best. Despite this is widely used, 82% of training teachers thought it was psychological, belief in learning styles is high across many countries but not backed by evidence. Experiments have been run and found learning styles do not improve learning in any situations.
Explain the issues with a categorical diagnosis of Dyslexia.
In categorical diagnosis approach individuals take a test, and if there score is high enough they are diagnosed. Shaywitz et al. (1992) took issue with this, saying that dyslexia is not an all-or-nothing phenomenon. It is a range of different traits/abilities that interact with each other. Dyslexia as a spectrum rather than an yes or no.
Explain education from a realist perspective.
There’s good evidence of biopsychosocial process affecting education, although specific mechanisms have been hard to identify.
Explain education from a instrumentalism perspective.
there are lots of ways to measure individual differences in school that predict outcomes. But there are a lot of differences between core measures, raising questions.
Explain education from a constructivism perspective.
school is complex and addressing pupil identities is important for their wellbeing. However, we should not need to reduce people to scores on reading tests in order to give people more support.
What is I/O psychology?
Industrial/Organisational psychology, primarily focused on profiling individual, especially for employment.
Diffrentiate interpersonal deviance and organizational deviance.
both types of counterproductive work place behaviours (CWB), interpersonal includes behaviours which specifically harm another employee, such as hostile behaviour/racism/bullying. organizational deviance harms the overall organization and includes behaviours such as tardiness/stealing/poor performance etc.
What is HEXACO?
Model of personality traits similar to the big five. Designed to detect CWBs.
In addition to the big five traits, what additional trait did HEXACO test for?
Honesty-Humility (HH). Research indicates HH has been successful in further detecting CWBs.
What is the relationship between big five traits and interview outcomes?
high extraversion is related to increased success, as are openness and agreeableness, and low neuroticism is related to increase in likelihood of follow up.
According to the realistic accuracy model (Funder, 1999; 2012), a judgement of personality might match a self-report if the traits have what?
Relevance, availability, detection, and utilization.