week 10 - individual differences in practice: personality disorders Flashcards
How do personality disorders differ from personality change?
timing and mode of emergence, personality disorders are developmental conditions which appear in childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood.
it is unlikely that the diagnosis of personality disorder will be appropriate before what age?
What is the Goldwater rule?
Part of the APA code of ethics, psychological professionals should not comment on or attempt to diagnosis and individual (particularly famous) unless they have actually performed a full in person assessment and have the consent to do so.
What personality disorders can be found in the DSM-5 but not the ICD-10?
Schizotypal (included in ICD-10, but not as PD), narcissistic.
What are some of the features of paranoid personality disorder (within the context of the ICD-10)?
excessive sensitivity to setbacks and rebuffs, tendency to bear grudges, suspiciousness, excessive self-import.
What are some of the features of schizoid personality disorder (within the context of the ICD-10)?
emotional coldness, limited capacity to express warmth, indifference to praise or criticism, little interest in sex, lack of close relationships.
What are some of the features of dissocial personality disorder (within the context of the ICD-10)?
callous unconcern for the feelings of others, irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, incapacity to experience guilt, manipulation and blame redirection, begins with conduct disorder in childhood.
What are some of the features of emotionally unstable personality disorder (within the context of the ICD-10)?
impulsiveness and lack of control, 2 variants - impulsive type - outbursts of violence are common, especially in response to criticism.
borderline type - patient’s self-image, aims, and internal preferences are unclear or disturbed, chronic feelings of emptiness. may also include intense unstable relationships, excessive efforts to avoid abandonment, suicide threats and self-harm.
What are some of the features of histrionic personality disorder (within the context of the ICD-10)?
self-dramatization, theatrical expressions, easily influenced, shallow, continually seeks center of attention, inappropriate seductiveness (appearance and behaviour), over-concern with physical attractiveness.
What are some of the features of Anankastic personality disorder (within the context of the ICD-10)?
excessive doubt and caution, preoccupation with details, rules, lists, preoccupation with productivity to the exclusion of pleasure and relationships, rigidity, unreasonable insistence that others submit to their way of doing things/unreasonable reluctance to allow others to do things.
What are some of the features of anxious [avoidant] personality disorder (within the context of the ICD-10)?
persistent and pervasive feelings of tension and apprehension, belief that one is inept/inferior to others, unwillingness to become involved with people unless certain of being liked.
What are some of the features of dependent personality disorder?
allowing others to make one’s important life decisions, unwillingness to make even reasonable demands on the people one depends on, uncomfortable/helpless when alone, fears of abandonment, limited capacity to make everyday decisions without excessive advice and reassurance from others.
What are some of the issues with PD?
Can be difficult to objectively diagnosis, lines between disorders can be very thin/blurred, significant concerns with comorbidity. Issues with psychiatrist subjectivity, and issues with gender, race, and sexuality assumptions.
What is one way to address the issues with PD?
Switching from categorical diagnosis to more scale style diagnosis.