Week 9: Hypoxia Flashcards
Who is Kilian Jornet?
A mountain runner with a v02max of ~90ml/L. Holds the record time for unsupported accent of Everest at 26hrs (typically takes >1 wk). Training at altitude benefitted his physiology and performance.
Main stressors we face at altitude are…..
Hypoxia, low air pressure or hypo barrier and cold ambient temperatures.
We experience increased physiological stress at altitude (>1600m) due to:
- Reduced ….. ….. of oxygen (P02), resulting in hypoxia, due to lower …… pressure (PB)
- Decreased ambient temperature (~…. …… ….. ) and humidity, increasing heat loss and dehydration
- So if it’s 15 degrees at the base of mountain, it will be below freezing by around ….. metres of altitude
- That’s partially a result of the increase ….. ….. at altitude and as the wind travels up a mountain, the air gets cooled and dries out substantially (reducing the water content or humidity of the air).
- Increased solar/UV radiation intensity and wind speed, increasing dehydration rate
- Decreased availability of …… ….. for rehydration
These environmental effects coupled with a lack of fresh liquid water increase the …… rate of altitude which lends itself to additional …… strain.
Partial pressure
~1 degree per 150m
Wind exposure
Liquid water
Cardiovascular strain
The atmospheric barometric pressure changes with increasing altitude.
At sea level barometric pressure is around …. millimetres of mercury - we know that oxygen constitutes about …..% of the air we breathe so that gives us a partial pressure of oxygen of …. millimetres of mercury.
As we increase our altitude we can see that barometric pressure ….. reducing the ….. of the air. As the air gets thinner this leads to a lower effective oxygen percentage that we can breathe in. At 2000 metres we are effectively at …..% of the oxygen level we experience at sea level. At 5500 metres we are at half and by the time we reach 9000m (just above the peak of Everest) we would experience around ……% of the oxygen you and I are breathing at sea level.
This reduction in ….. (partial pressure of oxygen) at altitude affects the ….. between the ….. and ….. and therefore ….. transport & the ability of gas to exchange across the membrane. When we lose the pressure gradient between the air in our circulatory system the efficiency of ….. ….. ….. across that membrane is reduced affecting our ability to lower haemoglobin with oxygen to transport around the body to supply oxygen to our tissues. Now this explains why we might feel breathless at altitude and the commonly observed decrease in endurance performance
Blood & tissues
Passive gas exchange
Altitude: Cardiorespiratory responses
- Peripheral chemoreceptors (….. & ….. bodies) detect reduced arterial 02 driving ….. (Hypoxic ventilation response) to compensate and increase arterial 02 saturation (Sa02)
- HVR results in respiratory …… (increase PH) and increased …… ……
- Increased ……. activation results in increased heart rate and cardiac output at rest and sub-maximal intensities to compensate for lower P02 – exacerbated by cold and exercise
- At maximal intensities, there is a reduction in peak …… ….. and …… output, limiting 02 supply
- Decrease in plasma volume (5d @ 2380m decreased ……-…..%) resulting in increased …….
- Increased a-v02 difference helps offset reduction in arterial Hb 02 saturation
Carotid & aortic bodies
Respiratory dehydration
Heart rate & cardiac output
Altitude: Metabolic response
* Greatly reduced ….. ….. ….. with increasing altitude due to increased HR & ….. gas diffusion/Hb onloading
* Increase in ……. and …… production due to increased metabolic demand
* Lower PC02 at altitude causes body to excrete ….. reserve of …… buffer (HCO3) via kidneys, reducing buffering capacity
* Increased …… …… ….. and carbohydrate needs, but decreased appetite (nausea) and gut absorption
* Muscle fibre atrophy and reduced muscle mass
Arterial oxygen saturation
Glycolysis & lactate
Basal metabolic rate
Altitude: Performance effects
* Aerobic power (V02max) …… …… with increased altitude
* Little effect below 1500m – then VO2 max decreases by around …..% for every additional …… metres of altitude gain
* Increased pulmonary ventilation but no change in …… ……. diffusion and decreased …… 02 saturation
Decreases curvilinearly
1% per 100m
02 diffusion & decreased HB
- Resting V02 is ~……/kg/min and walking ~11ml/kg/min
- At Mt Everest peak (8848m), individuals have ~…..% V02max
- Kilian Jornet – fastest unsupported Everest ascent with 90ml/kg/min V02max would have an effective V02max of ……/kg/min
- Not accounting for the level of dehydration and plasma volume contraction he would have experienced
70% of V02max
Performance effects continued….
* Olympic Games (Mexico) held ~……. above sea level –> significant impact on physiology and performance
* Jumps, throws and short distance world records –> short explosive events (Bob Beaman broke the world record by 55cm in the long jump, Lee Evans broke his own 400m record – these events benefit because of the ….. ….. …… air density and resistance thereby improving velocity for the same work rate. It is a trade-off between ….. ….. and ….. …..
* Sports with high velocity or aerodynamic effect see a net benefit greater than the increased cardiorespiratory load
* Conversely endurance athletes eg Ron Clarke saw their performance plummet and several collapsed
* There was an exception, athletes who lived and trained at altitude performed well – eg ……, …… & ……
Reduced air density & resistance
Air resistance & mechanical power
Kenya, Ethiopia, Mexico
High altitude illness – acute mountain sickness
- AMS common during first several ….. or …. of altitude exposure above …… (particularly on descent)
- It’s thought that a weak ….. …… ….. & …… …… …. ……. …… …… ….. ….. ….. may be predictive AMS risk due to it contributing to increased C02 accumulation
- Weak …… and lower …… predictive, may contribute to C02 accumulation, and ROS may play a role
- Aerobic fitness not protective against AMS, and ….. may be more susceptible
- Symptoms include: (severe) headache, lethargy and weakness, dizziness, lack of appetite and nausea and insomnia or difficulty staying asleep
- Directly related to …… of ….. and final altitude – avoid by ascending no more than ……/day to allow body to adjust
- Treatment: non-prescription medicines for specific symptoms, …… ….., (symptoms may resolve in 24-48hrs – if no improvement they should descent …..-…… to gain relief)
Hours or days
Weak hypoxic ventilation & lower ability to saturate the arterial blood with oxygen
HVR & Sa02
Speed of ascent
Supplemental 02
High altitude illness – high altitude pulmonary edema
- High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE): potentially …… condition where lung …… leak & …… …… in the lungs
- Condition can occur in those who rapidly ascend to altitudes above …… and typically arises …..-……days after arrival at altitude
- Symptoms include: shortness of breath, development of …… with pink & frothy ……, excessive fatigue, ….. …. and fingernails (cyanosis), mental confusion
- Medical emergency with no known causes
- Treatment: immediate …… for medical assistance, administer supplemental oxygen, limit exertion
Fluid accumulates
Blue lips
High altitude cerebral edema
* High altitude cerebral edema is a rare, life-threatening form of acute mountain sickness where …… ……. leak into the cranium causing …… accumulation causes brain …… and pressure
* Medical emergency with condition typically arising within ….-….. days of altitude exposure above ……
* Symptoms include: severe …… and ….., confusion and ….., appear drunk
* Treatment: immediate descent for medical assistance, administer supplemental oxygen and ……. (steroidal anti-inflammatory)
Cerebral capillaries
1-3 days
Exhaustion, weakness, irritability
Hypoxic training for performance
- Hypoxia-induced EPO stimulates ….. production, increasing …… & RBC ……
- But decreased ….. …… (and increased haematocrit) increases …… and peripheral resistance
- …… (formation of blood vessels) results in greater capillary density for increased surface area for 02 diffusion
- Increased …… and respiratory function (FVC & FEV) – possibly improved conditioning of diaphragm
- Muscle fibre ….. and decreased total muscle area due to body mass loss and dehydration
- If we can attain the benefits of altitude exposure ie increased red blood cell mass, capillary density & respiratory function while minimising the atrophy of muscle fibres and associated loss of power then that would be potentially very beneficial for endurance performance
Plasma volume
Altitude: Performance effects at sea level
* Hb concentration ….. in high-altitude natives
* Individuals exposed to altitude have increased RBC mass, but fast loss due to …..
* Not clearly proven that altitude training always improves sea-level performance
* …… status likely plays a role in determining responsiveness to altitude training
* Nutritional status (given increased metabolic demand) and planning are highly important
Altitude: Optimising performance
Various methods have been suggested to improve performance including:
* Compete within ….. of arrival to altitude –> better to acclimatise to the environment
* Train at ….. to …… above sea level for atleast ….. weeks before competing
- Help develop some of the key physiological adaptations to assist with acclimatisation
* Increase v02max at ….. level to be able to complete at a lower relative intensity
- Most elite athletes are at or near peak V02max (high cost, potentially non-beneficial method)
General recommendation
* Live at ….. altitude, train at ….. altitude (LHTL)
* …../day for >….. total @1500-3000m (~3 weeks)
* This altitude range will provide sufficient stress without adverse outcomes
Adapting to altitude: live high-train low
* A ….. week training camp involving either living-high training high (LHTH, 2500m), high-low (LHTL, 2500m -1500m) or a control group: low-low (sea-level)
* In LHTH and LHTL there was a ….% increase in RBC and …..% increase in V02max
* No changes in those training at sea level
* 5000m time trial performance improved only in groups exposed to ….. (LHTL, LHTH)
* This benefit lasted all the way through the ….. weeks after they finished their training camps
4 week
3 weeks
Altitude: Natural vs simulated altitude
* Natural altitude (…… hypoxia ie hypoxia caused by low air pressure) involves travel to …../….. locations
* Simulated altitude (…… hypoxia) can be performed in lab or with portable equipment at home
* Natural LHTL currently the best-practice protocol for enhancing endurance performance in elite and sub-elite athletes
- Some simulated/artificial protocols are effective, but impractical to spend large amounts of time in artificial/simulated environment eg hypoxic tents or labs.
- Total exposure time correlates with adaptation and performance benefit when best-practice is to accumulate ……/day in this environment that can be physiologically or psychologically draining for the athlete so it may be best to avoid that if possible
- Ultimately we know that …… exposure volume results in greater physiological changes and performance improvement
Altitude training: intermittent hypoxic exposure
* IHE refers to the use of brief periods (…-…..mins) of severe levels of hypoxia (~…..-…..m simulated altitude) interspersed with similar duration normoxic recovery
* Longer intermittent hypoxic exposures of ….. to …. hours have been used for high-altitude expedition acclimatisation protocols, with the purpose of improving wellbeing and performance at altitude
* The effect on performance and selected physiological variables is contentious and this strategy may not improve endurance capacity any more than regular training (ie not scientifically backed)
* The IOC expert group (2012) stated “the use of intermittent hypoxic exposure ….. ….. increase sea-level performance and is not recommended. Further research in this area with respect to improving endurance performance doesn’t seem warranted”.
3-6 mins
30 mins to 5hrs
Does not
Intermittent hypoxic training
* IHT typically involves endurance and longer interval training efforts performed in hypoxia- may be known as ….-…. …..-…. (LLTH)
* Ability to perform IHT in simulated environments provides advantage of reduced travel and training disruption compared to other methods
* No ….. or …… improvements with 4 weeks of IHT performed, 1-2h, 4-5x/week at 2500-4000m
* Some potential Hb and Hct benefit shown when IHT is combined with IHE performed 3-5x/week
Live low train high
Altitude training: repeated sprint training in hypoxia
* RSH involves short (<30 s) “all-out” sprints with incomplete rest (<60 sec) in stimulated altitude
* Typically include lower work-rest ratios than RSA tests/match play to increase metabolic load
* RSH improves repeated sprint ability more than ….. conditions, with individuals developing greater peak & mean power
* Individuals also show better ….. ….., with lower performance decrement in repeated sprints
Fatigue resistance
Altitude training: individual responses
Possible sources for inter-individual responses might include:
* …… …… availability – Ferritin <…../L = no Hb response
* Sensitivity to EPO response at specific altitude – possible genetic variability
* Prior training status – ….. trained may have less benefit
* Energy deficiency, sleep disruption, infection, overtraining
* …..-converting enzyme genotype
Insufficient iron
Practical recommendations
Live high, train low most effective
Natural environment preferred
Supplemented with RSH
>14h/day for >300hr total (21-30 days)
Practical recommendations for heat
30-90 min/day
>50% V02max
>30 degree & 50% relative humidity
Passive: 10-30 min/day (eg sauna, spa)
Core temperature: >38 degrees or baseline + 2 degrees
Water immersion
* Atmospheric pressure underwater is ….. – greater than on land and proportional to depth
* The atmospheric and hydrostatic pressure exerts force on the body and as pressure increases at greater depths, the volume of the body …..
* Results in …. …… during submersion and descent, followed by gas expansion during ascent
* Gases in the body are stored within the ….. and …… tracts, paranasal …… and dissolved in body fluids
Gas compression
Respiratory & gastrointestinal
Hyperbaria: Hydrostatic pressure: cardiovascular responses
- Hydrostatic pressure results in improved ….. return due to force exerted on body
- When floating upright in the pool there is more pressure at your ….. than at your shoulders so the water effectively squeezes the blood back up to your ….. this produced increased end ….. volume
- Increased end diastolic volume results in more ….. …… (pre-load) increasing heart ….. (Frank-Starling Law) –
- Greater ….. ….. allows for lower heart rate ie increased heart efficiency, decreasing cardiovascular load
- Heart rate decreases further in cold water due to …… released in parasympathetic nervous system
Cardiac stretch
Stroke volume
Hyperbaria – free diving
* Gases in body can reduce to no smaller than ….. volume
* Depth limit is determined by the total lung volume to residual volume (…..:…..) ratio
* ….. TLV:RV ratios allow for greater dive depth
* Urge to breathe is due to build-up of ….. …..
* In 2018, Croatian man held his breath for ….. minutes underwater
* The deepest free drive without fins was achieved by a NZ man to a depth of …..
TLV:RV ratio
Arterial C02
24 minutes
Hyperbaria – scuba diving
* Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) provides …… air for breathing underwater through series of regulator valves
* ….. …… …… determine the volume of air required to oxygenate the tissues – the volume of gas bubbles varies inversely with pressure (Boyle’s Law)
* At a depth of 30m, or 4 atmospheres – gas bubbles and lungs are about a ….. of their normal volume so we require approximately ….. the normal volume to achieve a level of supply to the tissues
* As a diver descends or ascends back to the surfaces those gases ….. back to the normal size. If a diver fails to ….. this large volume of gas as they ascend, and normalise gas and pressures within the body they can suffer severe consequences eg ……
* Dive …. and ….. determine whether decompression is required to normalise gases and pressure
- Ascending too quickly and not decompressing can result in decompression sickness
* Breath holds in ascent may lead to barotrauma
Atmospheric pressure differences
Time & depth
Dangers of Hyperbaria
Barotrauma are a group of traumatic injuries caused by ….. changes. These changes in pressure and therefore gas volume can result in various barotrauma during scuba diving particularly blocking to the ….. tube in the air, ….. or collapsed lung, alveoli rupture and air emboli blocking important blood vessels – all are incredibly harmful.
Dangers of Hyperbaria – decompression sickness
* During a dive, high pressure causes ….. to enter blood stream due to pressure gradient
* DCS – sometimes referred to as the bends – results from …. …. …. after dive, causing nitrogen to be trapped in blood
* Symptoms include …. pain, h….., dizziness, fatigue and weakness, a……, skin rash
* Severe cases from breath-holds during ascent may result in ….. …. …., leading to paralysis, respiratory arrest and death
* Treatment: seek medical help, provide supplemental oxygen, placing diver in decompression chamber
* Prevent by using dive tables to calculate dive/ascent times, relax and breathe normally on ascent
Ascending too rapidly
Joint, headache, amnesia
Arterial gas embolism
Space – the final frontier
* …. is the standard gravitational acceleration force experienced on Earth
* Microgravity describes environments where gravitational force is ….. than 1g (eg the moon 0.17g)
* A lack of gravitational forces effectively removes much of the load the body experiences in activities of daily living, altering physiological stress and adaptive processes
* The effects of microgravity on the body are similar to the effects of …..
Microgravity: Physiological responses
* Lack of musculoskeletal loading results in ….. of ST and FT fibres, reduced muscular strength
* Reduced …. ….. ….. in weight-bearing bones
* ….. ….. decreases due to reduced vascular hydrostatic pressure
* Transient cardiac output and arterial blood pressure increases
* ….. ….. from lower body to thorax, leading to increased ….. pressure and face puffiness
* Orthostatic intolerance (posture-induced light-headedness, syncope) on return to normal gravity
* Various sports expose athletes to brief but frequent moments of extreme gravitational forces -for example, cornering and deceleration forces in ….
* Contact sports eg rugby league, AFL, combat sports, involve frequent impact forces that contribute to ….. within the brain and mild traumatic brain injury (concussion)
Bone mineral content
Plasma volume
Fluid shift
Motor sports
G-forces: future research
* Research shows that exercise during ….. might be an effective countermeasure to prepare astronauts for successful …… on return to earth
* The type and amount of exercise that produces the best results is still under debate
* Microgravity analogs (eg alter-g treadmills) have been used in rehabilitation settings
* Understanding how we can better train for microgravity and extreme g-forces exposure is of interest to improve resilience and reduce physiological …… …. …..
Impairment or injury