Week 10: Fatigue & Recovery Flashcards
What is training balance?
Balance between load/recovery to ensure athletes adapt to training and aren’t running themselves into the ground
After you are exposed to the stress ie 45 minute run you have an alarm phase (…. response) – recovering or trying to respond to the stressor eg repairing muscle damage, replacing glycogen, etc. The body then doesn’t return itself to baseline it adapts in a …./…. state and thereby increases its baseline – this phenomenon is known as ….. during the resistance or adaptation phase. The optimal recovery period is still unknown!
The effect of an additional session
* Providing repeated stress and progressing overloading we can develop a ….. level of performance
* However this relies on …… the time in recovery between bouts (if not optimised it can affect adaptation)
Training Load & Performance: Relationship
- Every athlete and person has individual differences in how they respond to stress
- Some have a far greater sensitivity to training load and get larger responses with less load
- Others require a lot more volume to achieve the same response
- In general, training load and performance relationship looks like the below figure
- Greatest improvements in …… individuals happen with increases in training load from baseline
- Then benefits get ….. with additional training load
Training load and performance: Law of diminishing returns (Safety)
- Less benefit from ….. volume as we get fitter
- Also a law of diminishing safety whereby there is a greater likelihood of …../…… with increased training
- Need to train to get a sufficient load without compromising the athletes health and performance
Training load & performance: Finding balance
Too little training or under training can lead to under …… with reduced injury or illness risk. If we go too far in our training load performance begins to decrease due to ….. and potential overtraining and our risk of injury and illness becomes very high. But if we plan our training load and recovery well finding a good training balance we can …… performance readiness while keeping risk of illness low and that’s really the aim of any training zone.
Training load and performance: Banister’s impulse response model
- One model that aims to explain the accumulation in decay of fitness and fatigue is Bannister’s impulse response model
- Bannister proposes that fitness and fatigue are gained and lost at ….. ….. and by accounting for these differences in quantifying training load one can predict ….. and performance improvement
- This would then allow you to plan ….. to maximise performance ….. & minimise negative outcomes such as ….
- At its core the model states that predicted performances is fitness; the long-term load typically over ….. weeks or adapted stayed minus your fatigue; which is your acute load or the effect of recent training sessions typically over the past ….. days
- We know that by performing a single training session (the training impulse) we create load which results in ….. in the acute phase and over an extended period a beneficial performance adaptation or increased fitness and this difference between fitness and fatigue determines our performance
- So in periods where fatigue is greater than fitness will get ….. performance
- But once fitness exceeds fatigue such as after a taper - performance will be …..
- We can see this effect over the course of a training block where repeated training impulses or load created in training sessions result in an accumulation of fatigue and fitness and once the fatigue is removed we get a rise in performance capacity
- The repeated doses or training load determines the magnitude of fatigue and subsequent fitness adaptation
- We need to balance our training load with ….. practises such as nutrition sleep and rest, give our bodies time to recover from fatigue and be able to perform
- When we get this training balance between loads and fatigue right we can get increased performance readiness and reduced injury and illness risk
Different rates
Training balance
* Improving performance by introducing additional load during the super compensation to induce greater adaptation
* What if we create too much load or not enough load to promote an adaptive state/optimal training balance?
* When we perform training sessions too close to each and don’t provide enough recovery we get a ….. in performance
* If we allow this to continue we could end up in an over-trained state
* When we don’t provide sufficient overload we don’t get any additional …… benefit and so performance is …..
* When we provide enough load but too much recovery (training sessions are too far apart) we aren’t maximising the adaptation during the super compensation phase to create overload or so can only maintain performance
* It’s important we provide sufficient stress and training recovery time to promote adaptation
Fatigue onset: contributing factors
- We know that fatigue is the process leading to reduced capacity to produce maximal ….. or do ….. …..
- There are several factors that can contribute to the onset of fatigue
- During exercise performance is determined both ….. and ……- that is there are signals from the brain to the muscle and from the muscle to the brain that determine our capacity to continue exercising
- In particular it’s our ….. and ….. ….. to perform the exercise or task that modulates our force capacity and overall performance
- When motivation …… our perception of effort we have increased drive to continue performing and may have increased force or work capacity
- However when that swings the other way and the effort required to continue exercising exceeds motivation then we are …. likely to be able to perform as we intend and may stop entirely
- That could be affected by various factors existing before exercise such as our physiological and psychological state, the performance readiness and the overall environment of the activity such as in competition
- Or it can be affected by factors changing during exercise such as ….. depletion or ingestion, how hot or dehydrated we are as well as central and peripheral fatigue - so changes in neural drive to the muscles and muscle breakdown that can occur over the course of an exercise bout
- Ultimately the best way to cope with promised land is to be well prepared and that comes from training and balance between load and fatigue ensure performance is optimised
Physical work
Physiologically and psychologically
Motivation & perceived effort
Training related fatigue
* An accumulation of training and non-training stress resulting in a short-term decrement in performance capacity with or without related ….. and psychological signs and symptoms of overtraining in which restoration of performance capacity may take from several days to several weeks
Two types of over-reaching:
* Functional over-reaching – FOR occurs after a ….. period of overload that may lead to performance supercompensation after recovery of several days to weeks
* Non-functional over-reaching NFOR occurs after ….. periods of overload leading to performance …… or decrease after recovery of several weeks
Training related fatigue
Over-training syndrome
An accumulation of training and non-training stress resulting in long-term decrement in performance capacity with or without related ….. and …… signs and symptoms of overtraining in which restoration of performance capacity may take from several weeks, months or years.
Very few athletes, especially in team sports, suffer from true overtraining syndrome. There are no tests available to diagnose OTS in athletes
The only reliable criteria for diagnosing overtraining is ….. …..
Physiological & psychological
Decreased Performance
Training related fatigue
Fatigue: origins
* Fatigue can have ….. and ….. origins
* Some central origins include ….. …… drive from the primary ….. cortex
* This can affect the ….. and ….. of motor unit activation
* It can also be affected by the ….. of action potentials and synapses across the neuromuscular junction
* Peripherally this can lead to issues with …. function or impaired ….. …… coupling, depletion of ….. can impair the ability to synthesise ATP and alterations in the intracellular milieu eg acid base balance & metabolite accumulation as well as damaged contractile apparatus from repeated stress and impaired blood flow
* If we are aware of the above we can better plan training and recovery plans to prepare the athlete to perform and defer this fatigue.
Central & peripheral
Decreased neural drive
Number & ability
Excitation contractile
10.03 – Physiological Mechanism of fatigue
Training Maladaptation - Contributing factors
Numerous causes of training maladaptation:
* Central and/or peripheral fatigue
* …../….. dysregulation
* …… imbalance
* Amino acid imbalance
* Carbohydrate …..
* …… suppression
* …… damage
Physiological mechanisms of fatigue
Hormone Dysregulation
* Decreased free ….. (anabolic) –> involved in growth & repair
* Increased ….. (early), decreased cortisol –> regulates various physiological functions (late – catabolic)
* Decreased T:C ratio (…..% decrease)
* Blunted ….. response to maximal exercise (late) – regulates cortisol production
* Blunted ….. response
* Decreased blood glucose and free fatty acids
Evidence from a study
* Maladaptation of …..-…… ….. (HPA) axis is common in athletes symptomatic of overreaching or overtraining
* The HPA axis regulates ……, ……, …… ….. (ACTH) and ….. …. ….
* Dysregulation of the HPA axis resulted in altered ….. response to intense training and competition
* In NFOR and OTS, disinhibition of cortisol releasing hormones from the hypothalamus may result in hyperstimulation of ACTH followed by a blunted response
Hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal
Cortisol, prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and human growth hormone
Physiological mechanisms of fatigue
Amino acid imbalance
* …… or 5-HT (hydroxy tryptamine) causes fatigue in the brain (often increased due to an imbalance in amino acids)
* Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation, cognition, memory and reward systems
* Serotonin levels elevated by increased entry of ….. into brain, across blood-brain barrier
* It’s the only amino acid that can cross the blood-brain barrier
* Heavy training increases tryptophan content in the blood (relative to other amino acids)
* Results in increased ….. in brain
* Serotonin is also shown to alter ….. function, so could contribute to hormonal dysfunction
Physiological mechanisms of fatigue
Autonomic imbalance
* Fatigue may be evident in ….. (SNS) & …… nervous system (PNS) conflict
* Exercise induces the ….. or ….. response from up regulation of our sympathetic nervous system
* However in fatigued states this may be …… resulting in a poor stress response and inability to drive the physiological responses needed to cope with the stress
* During recovery and sleep we may have an overactive …… response – impairs our ability to repair (referred to as autonomic conflict. Catecholamines particularly adrenaline & noradrenaline may have a role in this dysfunction)
* …..-…..% decrease in urinary nocturnal catecholamine excretion
* Central fatigue causes decreased intrinsic sympathetic activity resulting in decreased production of catecholamines
* Increased plasma ….. may suggest a decrease in B-adrenoceptors
* Some evidence supporting use of heart rate variability (HRV) as a measure of autonomic function, stress & fatigue
* HRV can provide a measure of stress and fatigue by measuring the beat to beat variability of our HR
* In periods of increased stress, HRV decreases (time between heart beats becomes more consistent = worsening state)
Sympathetic & parasympathetic
Flight or fight
Physiological mechanisms of fatigue
….. expression of adrenaline and noradrenaline in this study of football players we can see that the as the season progresses and training load fatigue accumulate there was a reduction in nocturnal catecholamine excretion in athletes who are overreaching and this resolved during the mid-season holiday break. When the athletes returned and began to accumulate load and fatigue again a similar decrement in excretion quantity was observed albeit not to the extent seen earlier. So it appears that the reduction in ……. excretion may be suggestive of sympathetic nervous response impairment and autonomic imbalances that may present in periods of intensive training stress and fatigue.
Physiological mechanisms of fatigue
Nutritional deficit: carbohydrates
* Increased training volume must be matched with increased carbohydrate intake
* Some evidence, primarily in endurance athletes, that carbohydrate ….. may contribute to overtraining
* Some studies shown decreased CHO content (Costill et al., 1998), others have not (Synder et al., 1995)
* Regular prolonged reduction in blood glucose levels – leading to hormonal dysregulation
Physiological mechanisms of fatigue
Immune system
* Our immune system is highly susceptible to stress which can impair its function and effectiveness in protecting against illness
* Common in periods of increased training and non-training stress is increased incidence of …..
* Increased incidence of upper respiratory tract infection URTI (eg common cold) due to the following:
* Lower ….. blood cell count (leukocytes) – these work together to breakdown foreign cells eg viruses
- WBC destroy invading agents by phagocytosis
- Includes: lymphocytes, granulocytes and monocytes
* Increased salivary …….
- IgA exert antibody activity (bacteria and virus protection)
* Reduced ….. ….. cells (innate immunity – virus)
- NK cells are large lymphocytes capable of killing certain tumour and virally- infected cells
* Glutamine (most abundant amino acid) depletion
- Lymphocytes use glutamine for their energy sources
immunoglobulin A
natural killer
Physiological mechanisms of fatigue
Muscle damage
* Muscle damage and particularly poor recovery from that damage is often observed in athletes who are overtrained
* This can be observed in elevated muscle proteins including ….., …., myosin heavy chain fragments (signs of tissue damage)
* Muscle damage activates immune system, increasing ….. demand
* WBC increase to repair damaged fibres and promoting the inflammatory response that leads to repair and adaptation
* Stress hormone …… can suppress WBC
* WBC suppression may prevent inflammatory response in muscles by the immune system, but may also increase infection risk
* Periods of intense training may lead to increased muscle soreness and recovery time
Training load management
Maladaptive training – management
* Prevention the key: well-planned and executed training limits likelihood of training errors
* ……: load must be gradual and have variety – avoid rapid increases in volume and intensity
* Diet: athletes need fuel to perform and recover with ….., proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and ……
* Plan to recover: a good recovery strategy is part of the training and performance plan
* Listen to the body: subjective feedback often more sensitive to strain than objective measures
Fatigue is caused by ….. stress – the interaction of ….. & psychological stress
CHO, antioxidants
Total, physical