Week 9- Economic Anthropology Flashcards
What are the three phases of economic activity?
Describe production
Transforming raw materials into products we can use
Ex:hunter gathers GATHER to “produce” food
-miners extract raw materials from nature->coins, weapons, etc
What is distribution?
Moving products to people
What is consumption?
Using the products
What are the four types of economic exchanges?
Gift economy
What is a gift economy?
Non-capitalist societies (no money)
Exchange of goods as part of a social relationship between different people on islands
What is reciprocity
Egalitarian society (no hierarchy)
Give/do something and expect you will receive something of equal value in return
What is redistribution?
Social hierarchy
Things are produced in different places and sent to one place in order to distribute them out to others
What is a market economy?
Capitalist society (this is disputed)
Goods in exchange for money; money in exchange for goods
Don’t need to have a social relationship with people you’re buying from
What is the Kula ring?
Economic exchange of non-functional goods between trobiand islanders
Men exchange necklaces and shell arm bands
Only travel in one direction
shell arm bands=counter clockwise
Exchange of women’s wealth? (Trobiand society)
Matrilineal society
-trace lineage through mother
(In our society we take fathers name)
- most important man in woman’s life=brother
- brothers give yams to their sister to give to their husband
- it is expected if someone dies in the woman’s family the husband will buy back all of the yams by giving his wife gifts of garments made of banana leaves (woman’s wealth)
- the woman’s social standing depends on this
Difference of exchange of woman’s wealth and the kula ring?
Woman’s wealth=reciprocal
Kula ring=gift economy
Mode of production
A set of social relationships through which labor extracts materials (energy) from nature through their knowledge, skills, and tools.
Emphasis on social relationships when people work
- in a factory you wouldn’t be close to the people you work with
- On a small farm you would be close with the people you work with
Who were the pochteca?
Long distance traveling merchants in the Aztec empire
Traded for prestige goods that aristocrats would them buy as a display of wealth
What are some of the reasons people consume goods?
Food, drink, shelter, clothing, etc.
-expensive items signifying wealth
-having more than enough of what you need (wealth)
Keeping up with trends and styles
What is a potlach?
Reciprocal feasting mechanism used by any Pacific Northwest Native American tribes
A party thrown by an aristocrat to give out wealth to others
- the aristocrat gathers a lot of wealth, invites other aristocrats over, throw a party and show off how rich they are by giving away wealth or destroying it
- the aristocrats reviving these gifts are then expected to throw a potlatch of their own (if they don’t it’s considered not paying your debt)
What type of economic exchange is a potlatch?
You are expected to repay your “debt”
What people throw potlatches?
Aristocratic Pacific Northwest Native American tribes