Week 2-Science And Evolution Flashcards
In science, a hypothesis is an idea or explanation that you then test through study and experimentation. Outside science, a theory or guess can also be called a hypothesis. A hypothesis is something more than a wild guess but less than a well-established theory.
What makes a hypothesis scientific?
You are trying to figure out what something is, how it works, or how it came to be, which is essentially the definition of science.
“the separation of observation and reporting from the researchers wishes”
What are some concerns for anthropologists when it comes to objectivity?
Anthropologists only really have one shot to collect data. If the anthropologist is having a bad day or uncomfortable, it could affect their excavation.
What are the steps in the scientific method?
Form a question->hypothesis->test the hypothesis->analyze the data->conclusion/revision/new hypothesis
Difference between scientific theory and a regular theory?
A scientific theory
“a coherently organized series of testable hypothesis used to explain a body of material evidence.
We use the term “theory” to express our own idea. It doesn’t necessarily have to make sense in the grand scheme of things
Evolutionary theory
Evolutionary theory states that species can change over periods of time and change into new species. The current species would share a common ancestor with all of the other evolved species.
Darwin’s contributions to the study of evolution
Charles Darwin believed that similar living species all must have had a common ancestor. Before him it was not believed that a species could evolve into another species. Darwin strongly believed in natural selection.
Mendelian inheritance
Mendelian inheritance is the fact that heredity is based on nonblending single-particle inheritance.
Gregor Mendel used plants in his garden to conduct breeding experiments. From these experiments, he discovered Mendelian Inheritance. He bred red flowers and white flowers. If they had blended their particles (or genes) they should have come out a pink color; however, they came out just like the parents- red and white.
Who were the discoverers of the DNA double-helix?
James Watson and Francis Crick
Based on Rosalind Franklin’s work
Niche construction
Niche construction is when organisms alter their (or another species) environment. In doing so, they unintentionally can alter their evolutionary path.
phyletic gradualism
a gradual change/evolution over a long period of time.
Punctuated equilibrium
a quick or “punctuated” change in one species to the next.
genetic information encoded in DNA
the observable, measurable characteristics of an organism
Clinal Variation
Gradual change of phenotypes in an organism. (single trait)
A population group based on shared physical traits, genetics, ect.
Short-term evolutionary changes within a species over relatively few generations of ecological time
• Example: beak changes in the same species of bird.
Changes of species over long periods of time; origins of species and extinction of species.
• Example: evolution of human species