Week 9 Descriptive and Comparative Statistics Flashcards
Objectives of Today’s Class
-understanding the role of statistical analysis in health research
-getting familiar with terminology
you must know all terms in ch29 and 30
-essential for correct interpretation of health research results
note: today class is only for introducing the concepts you will learn (much more) in a biostatistics class
Research process
Descriptive Statistics
Definions need to know in ch
is the science of analyzing data and interpreting the results so that they can be applied to solving problems related to biology, health or related fields
Univariate analysis
describes one variable in a data set using simple statistics like counts (frequencies), proportions, and averages
Bivariable analysis
uses rate ratios, odds ratios, and other comparative statistical tests to examine the associations between two variables (mostly exposure and outcome)
Multivariable analysis
encompasses statistical tests such as multiple regression models that examine the relationships among three or more variables
Advanced statistics should be used only when
they are appropriate for the study question and the analyst knows how to use and interpret them correctly
Link to Study Design
What is a Variable?
- any quantity that varies from one entity to another (sometime within an entity over time)
*any attribute, phenomenon, or event that can have different values
-to describes characteristic of a person, place, thing, or idea
We measure variables when an experiment is carried out or an observation is made (week5-2)
WHAT are the types of variables
Types of Variables (1)Nominal
-No intrinsic or logical order or value
* university programs, countries, types of fruits
-You can assign numbers to different categories (like assigning a number to a pear) but they do not have any other numeric properties
-doing arithmetic (e.g., 1+2= 3) IS NONSENSICAL
Types of Variables (1)ORDINAL
Intrinsic value but with no clear or equal differences between levels (a set of ordered categories)
Primary vs. secondary vs. university education
Mild vs. moderate vs. severe pain
Rating scales (assigning numbers)
Legitimate to say: 1 ≠ 2; 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
But in terms of the attribute being measured, we cannot say
(4-3) = (3-2) = (2-1)
4 is not two times larger than 2
Displaying Qualitative (nominal, ordinal) Data
-Pie chart
-Bar chart