Week 9 Flashcards
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (2)
- neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social communication and interations,
- with restrictive, repetitive patterns of behaviours, interests, activities
Autism - co morbidities
- likely to have co-occuring mental health disorder
- less likely to have a medical home (no ‘autism clinic’`
Autism spectrum disorder - communication
- deficit in communication manifested by delay or abnormal language approx 18-24 months
- child with autism may initially be mute, have a significant delay in language acquisition, or may have a regression in language
- if child is speaking, he may only exhibit echolalia (repetitive language)
AUtism Spectrum disorder - s and s
- trouble with relationships in same aged peers
- social deficits = hard to maintain joint attention
- inability to point to desired object at 18 months
- pull their caregiver by hand to desired object by hand guiding, may avoid eye contact
- repetitive and restrictive behaviours
- strongly desire rigid routine, upset with deviation
- repetitive motor movements, hand flapping, spining wheels, etc
- may have difficulty with sleep, restricted food preferences, hypersensitivity to any of 5 senses
Autism - treatment
- high service use rates due to complexity of disorder
- many may have co-occuring disruptive behaviours (aggression, tantrums, self-injury)
- several established behavioural and educational therapies to treat symptoms
Comorbidities of AUtism
- anxieties and phobias 1/2 of children with ASD (medication rarely required in clinical practice unless anxiety is debilitating)
- obsessive-compulsive disorder = second most common, fairly easy to ask parents about, treat with SSRI
- ADHD - inattentive, hyperactive, combined, treat with stimulants
Screen used with children with ASD (3)
- SEC resource
- sensory, emotional, communication screening
- determines approach with a child
Tourette syndrome (3)
- neurodevelopmental disorder
- chronic vocal and motor tics causing distress and functional impairment
- presence of both vocal and motor tics over 12 months for tourrette syndrome diagnossis (if one or the other, chronic tic disorder is used)
ADHD - medication and what (2)
inattentive, hyperactive, combined,
= treat with stimulants
OCD - what, treatment
- obsessive-compulsive disorder = second most common, fairly easy to ask parents about, treat with SSRI
Trisomy 21 - what (4)
- most common chromosomal birth defect
- three instead of two copies of chromosome 21
- intelectual disability
- physical signs
Trisomy 21 - risk for other health conditions (8)
- cardiac defects
- hearing loss
- strabismus (shaky eyes)
- GI problems
- orthodontic conditions
- thyroid disease
- dermatologic conditions
- leukemia
Trisomy 21 - signs and symptoms (14)
- congenital cataracts
- flat nose
- small low set ears
- protruding tongue
- short broad hands
- single transverse palm crease
- small head (microcephaly)
- flattened forhead
- wide short neck
- epicanthal eye folds
- white spots on eye iris
- wide space between first and second toes
- hearing loss
- increased incidence of diabetes, congenital heart defect, leukemia
- hypotonia
Intellectual disability - categories (3)
- Prenatal errors in development of CNS
- prenatal or postnatal changes in the biological environment of the person
- external forces leadning to CNS damage
Intellectual disability (4)
severe limiting in cognitive function
manifested by diffrence in social, life skills, adaptive functioning
before age 18
Global developmental delay
GDD = developmental milestone delay in regard to : motor, speech, language, cognition, social funcitoning, ADLs
- under 5 years of age developmental disability
Global Developmental Delay - diagnosis (7)
- genetic, molecular, metabolic tests to detect hereditary types of global developmental delay
- allow for evaluation of abnormalities in body chemistry contributing to developmental delay
- chromosome testing
- Rett syndrome (high ranking GDD among girls)
- test for lead poisoning
- test for imbalance of thyroid hormone
- neuroimaging (CT/MIR) –> posible CNS injury
Developmental dysplasia of the hip - what
- femoral head and acetabulum not aligned causing unstable connection (instability, dislocation, subluxation, dysplasia)
- gestational event 12-18 weeks
Developmental dysplasia of the hip - signs and symptoms
- limited abduction of affected hip
- assymetry of gluteal and thigh fat folds
- telescoping or pistoning of the thigh
- significant limp in older children (r/t pistoning)
Developmental dysplasia of the hip - assessment
- allis sign
- one knee lower than other when knees are flexed
Developmental dysplasia of the hip - clinical therapy
- pavlik harness
- surgery (bryant traction)
Pavlik harness (3)
- Developmental dysplasia of the hip
- <6mo infant
- dynamic splint (hip flexion and abduction, prevents hip extension or adduction
Developmental dysplasia of the hip - surgery <6mo
- surgery with closed reduction
- post-op application of hip-spica cast
Developmental dysplasia of the hip - surgery >18 mo
- bruant traction to stretch pre-op
- open or closed reduction surgery and casting
- bracing may also be required
Spica cast (6)
- hard cast from nipples to ankles
- prevents any movement of hips
- skin integrity is important
- urinary elimination and constipation rt lack of movement
- decreased apetite
- g+D delay r/t limited mobility
Muscular dystrophies - what (3)
- inherited disease characterized by muscle fiber degeneration adn muscle wasting
- begin early or late in life, onset at birth or gradual
- terminal disorder can progress over quick or years