week 8, validity & non-experiments I Flashcards
what is a true experiment?
- population -> sample -> experimental -> measure (observation)
- population -> sample -> control -> measure (observation)
what characteristics does a well designed experiment have?
- like a trap, almost impossible to derive conclusions drawn from thw results
- variability in DV is clearly linked to the changes in the IV
what characteristics does a poorly designed experiment have? What does it lead to?
ambiguous, unsure if the change happened because of a confound or the IV
this leads to….
1. type I error -> false positive
3. type II error> false negative
what is high internal validity?
variability in DV attributed to changes cause in IV
what is low internal validity
ambiguity in source of variability in DV (a confound exists)
high chance of type I and II errors
how do you ensure that there is high internal validity in experimental research?
whether an observed covariation between x and y truly reflects a causal relationship from x to y
what are threats to internal validity?
- placebo effect
2.hawthorne effect
3.experimenter (pygmalion effect)
how do true experiments maximize internal validity (4)
- random assignment
- control for extraneous variables
-measure DV
-differences in DV are due to the IV
what are non-experimental designs & quasi experiments
no manipulation on the IV (correlational study)
IV is “manipulated” but without complete random assignment of participation to conditions (quasi-experiment)
what are 3 non-experimental designs
- one group posttest-only design
2.posttest-only design with non-equivalent groups
3.one-groups pretest-posttest design
one group posttest-only design definition and issue
a single group is given treatment, outcome is measures afterward
- no pretest or control group to compare results
posttest only design with non-equivalent groups
two groups (1 gets treatment, other doesnt), but no random assignment
-preexisting differences between groups can affect the outcome
one-group pretest-posttest design
a single groups is measured before and after treatment
- no control group
what are some threats to internal validity
history-> an external event occurs at the same time as the IV and may affect measurement
maturation -> participants change over time
testing or practice effects -> participants sensitive to repeated measurement
selection bias -> ppl who choose to be in study differ from non-participants in non trivial ways
regression to the mean -> statistical tendency for extreme scores to become more moderate when you retest
mortality -> participants die or drop out of study