Week 8: syntax of complex sentences Flashcards
What are the two ways that a clause can be embedded within another?
What is coordination?
Two constituents belonging to the same category are conjoined to form another constituent of that category.
What is a subordinate clause?
One that functions as a dependent, rather than a cohead.
What structure is considered as doubly headed?
A coordinate structure
Is the verb finite or non-finite in a main clause?
What are verb forms like in a subordinate clause?
Subordinate clauses may have non-finite verbs or different moods.
What is subject presence like in a subordinate clause?
Certain types of subordinate clauses may lack (obligatorily or optionally) a subject NP
Describe features of word order in a subordinate clause
A subordinate clause may have different word order constraints, often there is less freedom or variability
What is the matrix verb?
A verb in the main clause which determines the type of complement clause
What is a complement clause?
Clauses that occur as complements of a verb, that is they are required or licensed by the function of the verb.
What do complement clauses function as?
The subject or object of the another clause (the matrix clause)
Name the four categories that complement clauses often fall into
- Proposition
- Fact
- Y/N question
- Outcome
Are complement clauses finite or non-finite?
They may be either.
What is a complementizer?
A special word used to introduce a complement clause
What type of complementizer is “that”?
finite declarative complementizer
What type of complementizer is “for”?
non-finite declarative complementizer
What type of complementizer are “whether” and “if”?
Interrogative complementiser
(“If” = finite interrogative complementiser)
When is it most natural for complement clauses to act as a clausal subject?
Using extraposition (rephasing sentences using a dummy subject)
What is an adjunct clause?
A clause that provides additional information such as time, place, manner and reason.
What is an adjunct?
Elements which are non subcategorized by the verb but which are added to the sentence to provide various kinds of information.
What are the most common types of adjuncts?
Prepositional phrases
Adjunct causes
Subordinating conjunctions
The word used to introduce adjunct clauses, many of these words are also used to introduce prepositional phrase adjuncts
Are adjunct clauses finite or non-finite?
What is a relative clause?
A clause which modifies the head noun within a noun phrase.
It is a type of adjunct clause.
What are the basic parts of a relative clause?
The head noun
The modifying clause
The relativizer: links the modifying clause to the head
What is a restrictive relative clause?
The modifying relative clause restricts the (or narrows) the identity of the referent to a specific member of a set.
What is a non-restrictive relative clause?
One in which the referent can be identified independently, the clause simply presents additional information about the reference.
How are restrictive and non-restrictive clauses indicated in English?
Non-restrictive clauses are often indicated by pauses (often shown with commas), restrictive relative clauses are not
What is the modifying clause introduced with in restrictive relative clauses?
a wh- word
What is the modifying clause introduced by in non-restrictive clauses?
a wh-word