Week 8 self esteem Flashcards
What is self esteem?
The extent to which one feels positively about the self
It is the evaluating component of the self
It is a key index of mental health / wellbeing
What is self concept?
Often conceived as a description of oneself rather than an evaluation
Young children can describe themselves but don’t attach any importance to these things (self esteem) until they get older
What is it important to note about most of the self esteem research?
Mostly Western based
The importance of these concepts could vary across different societies / socio economic groups
What may people with low self esteem be more susceptible to?
Antisocial behaviour
Physical complaints
What are the dimensions of the unidimensional self-esteem model?
Physical appearance Academic competence Behavioural conduct Sport competence Global self esteem Social acceptance
What was the basis of the unidimensional self-esteem model?
No differentiation
Take the scores for each of the dimensions and sum them - gives a total overall esteem score.
What are the dimensions of the multidimensional self-esteem model?
Academic competence Physical appearance Behavioural conduct Sport competence Social acceptance
What is the basis of the multidimensional self-esteem model?
People attach different value to different things. Having high self-esteem in one dimension doesn’t necessarily mean high overall self esteem if don’t attribute much value to that dimension, and vice versa
What are the three sub areas of self concept?
What is physical self concept?
Physical ability and physical appearance
What is emotional self concept?
Particular emotional states
What is social self concept?
Significant others and peers
What is meant by the importance of importance?
The subjective importance of the domain in which competence is achieved is critical
High self esteem individuals are able to self-serve and discount importance of domains in which they do not excel
From a healthy lifespan perspective it Is important not to discount PE - must challenge children and provide experiences so they are not so easily able to discount PE
Why may importance of some dimensions be difficult to discount?
Due to culturally endorsed values
What is important about the physical domain?
Easy to compare characteristics and abilities with those of others
Societal values seem to attach importance to looking good
Among boys, sport competence can be highly valued and can lead to perceived popularity within peer group. Therefore physical self worth will be a significant predictor of participation
What are the four key dimensions of physical self-worth?
Sports competence
Attractive body
Perceived strength
Physical condition
What is the importance of measuring perceptions of physical self concept in adolescents?
Means we can look at change over time (longitudinal studies)
What are some dimensions of the structure of physical self concept?
Health, coordination, PA, body fat, sport competence, appearance
strength, flexibility, fitness, global esteem
What did a study by Jackson et al (2013) show about maturity status and PA among adolescent girls
There is a mediated inverse relationship - early maturation had a negative association with PA
Coatsworth and Conroy (2006) conducted a study in which swimming coaches enrolled on coach effectiveness training, what were the key findings?
Increases in self esteem were found for younger swimmers and for girls who started the season with low levels of self esteem.
Although a small study, this is encouraging evidence that coach behaviours can be changed to positively influence self esteem.