Week 8: School Age 9-12 Flashcards
Information Processing ADHD
Turn Key Kids
Physical changes
by age 12 girls have attained about 93% of their adult height while boys have reached about 84% of theirs
-girls in this age range are ahead of boys in their overall rate of growth
-girls have slightly more body fat and slightly less muscle tissue than boys
sex differences in skeletal and muscular maturation cause
girls are better coordinated but slower and somewhat weaker than boys
Further _____________ in the frontal lobes (logic and planning) and reticular formation (selective attention becomes possible)
Further myelinization in the frontal lobes (logic and planning) and reticular formation (selective attention becomes possible)
HPV and Hep B (if missed in infancy)
injury-related mortality increases with age and is higher for males than females
3.Motor Vehicle
more than 1/2 of fatal injuries are due to motor vehicle crashes (next most common is drowning)
Healthy Bodies
_____ of Canadian children between 5-11 have unhealthy/sub-optimal body weights
14% of boys and __% of girls are considered overweight
8% of boys and _% of girls are obese (the highest level ever recorded)
Look at the factors that cause them to be overweight it is not in their control because you do not choose what you eat, sports, or choose your own schedule
-not use language that is victim blaming because they have little control
Weight loss is a risk because there is a requirement for nutrients and their brain is still developing
Healthy Bodies
1/4 of Canadian children between 5-11 have unhealthy/sub-optimal body weights
14% of boys and 19% of girls are considered overweight
8% of boys and 9% of girls are obese (the highest level ever recorded)
Look at the factors that cause them to be overweight it is not in their control because you do not choose what you eat, sports, or choose your own schedule
-not use language that is victim blaming because they have little control
Weight loss is a risk because there is a requirement for nutrients and their brain is still developing
Obesity results from many factors:
- genetic predisposition
- epigenetic modifications set early in life
- environment (overeating or low PA)
- lower SES is a higher risk (lower participation in sports)
weight loss is risky in this group- requires specialized diets developed by
nutritional experts and increased exercise
-Overweight parents
-Large size for gestation age at birth
-Early onset of being overweight (age 5 and under)
Additions with Julia
24 hours movement guidelines
Sweat: at least 60 min/day of MVPA (involving a variety of aerobic activities)
Step: light PA (several hours of a variety of structured and unstructured LPA)
Sit: No more than 2h/day of recreational screen time(limited sitting for extended periods
participation Report card on physical activity for children and youth
Overall PA:23.45 children met the MVPA recommendation at the start of the pandemic
Organized sport:74% of children pre-covid and 63% during covid to participate in sport
Sedentary behavior 18% of children screen time recommendation no more than 2 hours or more a day)
Cognitive skills
-horizontal decalage (apply new cognitive skills to all kinds of problems)
-The emergence of problem-solving rules from experience and trial and error (not necessarily age linked)
(does not mean you can transfer it to different things)(snow and you need to coat)-do not have the immediate capacity to apply what they learn from one thing to another
-if the shape of clay is different then the younger kids would say it is a different amount of clay (they may think the length is bigger…at 9-10 they would see that they weigh the same while before
-it is similar to conservation
-verticle declare same cognitive function at different stages ex, brought toddler in room can you move from here to that door, the child problem solve and get there, at 11 or 12 asks if they can draw a map from here to that door, same skill but different application, do it with physical body and do it with their mind
-EXAM How cognitive transfer in thing
Add picture from phone what is the relationship between horizontal decalage and conservation
ability to recall information from long-term memory without using short-term memory capacity (achieved through practice)
Do not think about the steps you’re doing it automatically
more knowledge an individual has about a topic the more efficient their information-processing system will work (despite age)
advanced skills in one area does not improve general levels of memory or reasoning
-experts in some areas without it influence expertise in all areas
-go after what things they are interested in example cars, doesn’t mean experts in math
-if child doesn’t believe they are good at math or read and sense of expertise decrease and affects their learning negatively
What are the 3?
Systematic searching
Information processing:
1. Elaboration
finding shared meaning or a common referent for two or more things that need to be remembered
Information processing:
a device to assist memory (Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge- musical staff
Information processing
3.Systematic Searching
‘scanning’ one’s memory for the whole domain in which a piece of information might be found
-here this when 9-11 things do ask them about something and then they starts talking about things and search for memory to find
Erikson’s pyscosocial development
vocabulary grows at a rate of 5,000-10,000 words per year
by age 8 or 9, the child shifts to a new level of understanding of the structure language, figuring out relationships between whole categories of words, such as between adjectives and adverbs or between adjectives and nouns