Week 7: School age (6-8) Flashcards
6-8 Years: School Age
Today’s Discussion
Physical, Cognitive, Language, Intelligence, Learning disabilities, Personality, Self-Concept
Physical changes
-although the changes are more difficult to observe directly, the physical changes in middle childhood are just as impressive as those in early childhood
Motor Development
-growth patterns-5cm to 8cm in height and 2.75 kg each year
-large muscle coordination continues to improve, children shows increases in strength and speed, and hand-eye coordination also gets better
-increasingly good fine motor coordination makes writing possible as wel as drawing, cutting, and many other skills
a steady increase in the myelinization of neural axons across the cerebral cortex with sensory and motor areas affected first which may be linked to ….
the improvement in fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination
Right Hemisphere lateralization increases the 🛰 perception
-lateralization increases the spatial perception
-relative right-left orientation improves
Spatial Cognition
-boys score better than girls on spatial orientation (boys’ early play preference may enhance this ability)
-because boys beat of before girls (they play earlier)
Visual Experience
-visual experience is essential in development of spatial perception
Health bodies
-½ of overweight children become overweight adults overweight and obese are predisposed to developing type II diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease later in life.
What is the major flaw with BMI?
-no cultural component to it
-muscle weighs more than fat
-lots of people get misclassified as being obese because of the muscle reading
SO why do we still use BMI?
-easy, fast, cheap, accurate 80% of the time
Physical activity
1/4 🅵 60min of PA
¼ of children fail to meet the recommended daily duration of PA (60 minutes a day or more of moderate to vigorous intensity)
37% exceed the sedentary behavior recommendation (no more than two hours per day of screen time or other passive non-school related activities)
What about the physical activity during covid?
Girls decreased in physical activity more then boys
Uper income couldnt use gym or bring kids to soccer because paid and when that shut that down to lower income didnst have acces to this so they were able to play on the street
More screen time
Cognitive changes
Concrete Operation Stage (Piaget)
Think more logically
-thinking that takes multiple variables in account
-perception is everything
-During decentration, the child would understand that a person may not particularly like the same things they do. For example, if a child’s favorite hobby is riding a bike, it would not necessarily mean that the people around them also prefer biking instead of walking or riding a scooter.
-understanding that both physical actions and mental operations can be reversed
-things can change
Increased inductive logic allows child to go….
from a specific experience to a general principle
example, kids sees a small animal and dad tells them it is a dog, the next time they see a small animal that child might think it is a dog and needs clarification
deductive logic is still
not strong
Deductive reasoning is the mental process of drawing deductive inferences.
Information-processing skills
-memory function continues to improve and processing efficiency increases steadily with age (ability to make efficient use of short-term memory capacity)
Executive processes
attentional control, cognitive inhibition, info process, problem solving
-higher order thinking takes place when they have the control on the way they think
-advancements in information-processing skills that involves devising and carrying out strategies for remembering and solving problems based on knowing how the mind works (metacognititon)
-executive processes are improved with the use of common information processing strategies
-mental or vocal repetition