Week 8: Motivation Flashcards
Which 4 effects result from motivation?
- direction
* selection of goals and tasks* - intensity
* effort & energy spent* - persistence
* time spent engaging in tasks* - behaviour
* in the workplace*
By which two factors is motivation influenced?
- internal factors (dispositional)
- external factors (situational)
In which succession did which motivation theories arise?
**1. drive theory: **
some drives, needs and motives are innate, other are learnt
2. behaviouristic approach
how environment affects people - Skinner
- *3. Person-Environment interaction**
- late 1930- Lewin
Which three motivation models are nowadays evaluated?
- Behavioral approach
* operant conditioning* - Content theories
* different kinds of needs and motives that motivates people* - process theories
* how motivation operates (instead of focusing on motives)*
Motivation theory: behavioural approach
- premise
- aim
- behavioural modification can be achieved by altering the consequences associated with specific behaviours
- study how environment affects motivation
Operant conditioning:
name the four ways to alter consequences to a specific behaviour, in order to alter it
- positive reinforcement
* reward* - negative reinforcement
take away aversive
like stop telling, that the performance is abissmal - extinction
* ignorance* - punishment
Motivation theory: content approach
- premise
- aim
- motivation is the upshot of dispositions, needs and values
- to identify motive that influence people
Name three motivational theories based on the content approach
- Maslow 1943: Need Hierarchy Theory
- Herzberg 1950: Two-factor Theory
- McClelland: nAch, nAff, nPow
Maslow: Need Hierarchy Theory
Name the different stages
Herzberg’s two factor theory
what makes employers happy
motivator factors = satisfiers
related to the nature of work & how challenging -> interest in work, opportunities, increased responsibility
what makes employers unhappy
hygiene factors = dissatisfiers
working conditions, pay, job security. if these factors are not right, person likely to leave the company. Yet no relation with performance
Motives are learned via socialisation processes. People can be high or low on all three motives..
Motivation theory: process approach
Name the different models
- Locke 1981: goal-setting theory
- Adams: Equity Theory
- Vroom 1964: Expectancy Theory
Goal Setting Theory - Locke
Name the three determinants of goal effectiveness
another factor that is extremely important
- how specific they are
- how difficult they are (challenging yet achievable)
- goal acceptance (commitment)
Goal setting in workplace:
in which 5 circumstances is it effective?
- employee has necessary ability
- must get feedback on the progress in goal achieving
- rewards are given for goal attainment
- must have management support
- must be committed: acceptance of set goals
Explain the Equity Theory of Adams
people want to be treated with fairness.
output (reward) vs. input
organisational justice dimenstions:
- distributive
- procedural
- interactional (interpersonal, informational)
Consequences of perceived inequity:*
1. reduced input
2. increasing outcomes
3. attitude changing
4. changing referent jobs (change comparison group)
5. leaving the job
Daniel Pink (2009): the surprising truth what actually does motivate employees
- mastery experience
- autonomy
- purpose
What is the contribution of Maslow’s need hierarchy?
- Highlights importance of understanding individuals’ changing needs/priorities over the life/ employment span
- Highlights the importance of tailoring rewards and work conditions to maintain or increase motivation
What are the limitations of Maslows need hierarchy theory?
- Difficult to confirm empirically: vague construct, dynamic nature of needs
- Simultaneous emergence of several needs undermines the hierarchical principle
- Research shows that there is great intra- and inter-individual variation of needs, contingent on gender, culture and life stage
What are the contributions of Herzberg’s two-factor theory?
–highlights the need to measure workers’ dissatisfaction with hygiene factors, and how satisfied they are with motivators
–highlights the importance of meaningful work, responsibility for outcomes and recognition for achievements
–these factors, comprising job enrichment, were the precursors to the job characteristics model
Define organisational justice
belief about the extent to which
organisational procedures (especially
those which have an impact on
employees) are fair
What are the limitations of Herzberg’s two-factor theory?
(1) satisfaction can be increased with both factors
(2) people differ, in what they perceive to be satisfiers / dissatisfiers
Equity theory:
Name the organisational justice dimensions:
– distributive justice: focuses on how
employees respond to unfair treatment and
attempt to create fair outcomes
– procedural justice: focuses on how
employees perceive that the procedures used
to reach a decision are adequate
– interactional justice: focuses on whether
employees feel they are treated with respect
(interpersonal justice), and receive adequate
information regarding organisational
procedures (informational justice)
Case Study Kellogs, Apple, Harry
What are the advantages and issues of flex time?
Benefits include:
• Employees prefer this arrangement
• Increased positive work attitudes
• Minimal system abuse
• Reduced absenteeism and lateness
Issues include:
• Limited to office environments
• Inadequate supervisor coverage
What are the adavantages and issues of compressed work week?
Benefits include:
• Employees like this system
Issues include:
• No lasting change in productivity
• Increase in fatigue
• May increase absenteeism OR no effect is
What are the advantages and issues of Job sharing?
:= two part-time workers divide the work of a full-time job
Benefits include:
• Attract capable employees who may not be
interested in full-time work
Issues include:
• Communication is essential between job share workers & their colleagues
• Performance appraisal – who and how do you
appraise performance?
What are your thoughts on money as a motivator?
M.I.T research findings
– Money incentivizes on simple tasks, but may lead to a
reduction in performance on more complex tasks
– Need to have enough money (remuneration) so as to not
have to think about it
Daniel Pinks surprising truth which 3 factors enhance motivation?
**Daniel Pink (2009) ** 3 factors that enhance motivation
& performance in the workplace:
– Autonomy
– Mastery
– Purpose
Similar to Lavoie’s (2007) work within educational contexts