Week 8 Money and Inflation Flashcards
Untill now, what havent we introduced in our model full intertemporal model?
In real life we use money to do what?
Exchange goods
What is Money?
A medium of exchange
Store of value
Units of account.
What does it mean that money is a medium of exchange?
you can use money to buy goods, its universally accepted.
What does it mean if money is a store of value?
Money has to hold its value to be used for payment. It can be held for a long time without expiring
What does Units of account mean?
a value of something is measured in a specific currency.
To introduce money into our model, lets first some terms, what is a nominal bond and how is it different to a bond we have used in previous weeks?
Nominal bond - we excahnge an amount of money in the current period, for a promise to deliver an amount of money in the future period.
Bond - we exchange current consumption goods, for a promise for future consumption goods.
So what are the 2 assets, in our economy?
Money and a Nominal bond.
So we are going to express the prices of any goods we have in the economy in terms of what?
Money ( CPI)
What is the price of goods in terms of money?
P ( this is the average level of prices)
What is the nominal interest rate and what is Nominal interest rate and how is it different to real interest rate we used in our previous model?
Nominal interest rate = retuurn of the bond in terms of money, this differs in the goofs market where he had r = real interest rate, which is return of the bond in terms of goods.
We denote Nominal interest rate with R and real interest rate with r.
What is the fisher’s relation?
Tells you how the real interest rate is linked to the nominal interest rate, by inflation.
What is the approximate of the fishers relation?
so the real interest rate is approximately equal to the Nominal interest rate - inflation.
Now we are going to look at alternative means of payign for goods via credit card services, when i purchase goods for a price p, what do you have to pay?
When using a credit card you bear a cost q per unit of goods purchased ( transcation fees of credit cards)
Do credut card services bare costs when supplying money?
What is the diagram for the supply of credit cards services where the transcation cost is a function of the supply of credit?
The higher q the more credit card services i want to serve, because the transcation feees cover the costs.
What is the demand for credit card services, ie how do we note the quanitiy of goods purchased with credit cards services?
What is the amount of goods that i buy with currency denoted as?
it is the difference between all the transcations in the economy and goods purchased with credit card services.
GDP - goods brought with credit cards.
How do i decide to buy goods using cash or credit?
We look at their marginal cost and marginal benefit.
If i decide to buy an additional unit of the goods or services by using credit cards, whats the marginal benefit?
It is i dont have to carry an amount P of cash in my hands, meaning i can just use credit cards, So the amount P in my hands can go buy a nominal bond, in the next period.
If i buy a nominal bond what will i get
P(1+R) - the marginal benefit if i decide to use all credit cards and not carry cash meaning i can use this P and by a nominal bond to get a return of this.
What is the Marginal cost of using a credit card at the end of the period to buy an additonal good?
When i use a credit card i have to pay a transcation cost of q.
So its P(1+q) so P is the cost of good x the transcation cost
If 𝑃 (1 + 𝑅) > 𝑃 (1 + 𝑞)?
If the marginal benefit of using credit cards is greater than the marginal cost of using credit cards this means i will not ever use cash, ill purchase all goods with credit cards.
If P(1+R)
Then its always convient to use cash, i dont want to use credit cards.
If i want to be in a asitutation where i am indifferent in using credit cards or cash, what must happen?
Marginal benefit = Marginal cost
P(1+R) = P(1+q)
or the nominal interest rate = Transcation cost
R = q
What is the demand of credit card services displayed on a diagram?
It is horizontal for a certain level of the interest rate.
What is the intersection of supply of credit card services and the demand of credit card services?
Tells us the number of transcations using credit card services.
If the R nominal interest rate goes up what does this mean?
It is more convient to use credit card services, as the marginal benefit is higher