Week 4 Intertemporal decisions Flashcards
What are Intermtemporal decisions?
These are decisions that happen across periods, months, days etc.
What is the difference between the representative consumer in the intratemporal model and this model?
In this model consumers are not identical, they are different
What is the difference between the intratemporal model and this intertemporal model in terms of income?
Income falls from the sky in the intertemporal model
Whereas income was produced in the intratemporal model.
For simplicity of our two period model, what are we going to assume about income?
Income is exogneous ( no work/leisure).This allows us to focus on the consumption-savings decision.
Is there money in this economy?
No not yet
Lets say in the current period ( we are looking at Tyrion, whos a lannister ( GAME OF THRONES), he doesn’t work, he just gets income from family, which are bottles of whine, but we also have to pay taxes to the government, what expression can we show in the current period?
Y - T
In the current period with Tyrion’s dispoable income, what can he do with his dispoable income?
He can consume( how many bottles of whine he is going to drink or save ( how many bottles of whine hes going to save)
What can Tyrion do if he wants to consume a little less of his dispoable income Y-T so savings = s>0?
Well he can go to the credit market and go and buy a bond ( this is a promise that in the futrue he will receive 1+r bottles of whine, in exchange for 1 bottle of whine today. ( Tyrion is a lender, as he consumes less than his dispoable income today )
But what about if Tyrion loves to drink and consume more than Y-T, then what can Tyrion do, so S< 0?
Tyrion might issue a bond, on the credit market, he will pay 1+r bottles of whine, in the next period, if you give me now 1 bottle of whine. Tyrion is a borrower ( as he consumes more than his dispoable income)
What is the current period budget constraint?
Y - T = C + S
What bond assumptions will we have?
We assume everyone is a Lannister: they always pay their debts
- Bonds are indistinguishable: no risk associated with them
- They are bought and sold by individual consumers: no financial intermediation
- Buying and selling bonds carries the same real interest rate
In the future period, what will Tyrion have and what is his future period budget constraint?
In the next period , he has some bottles of whine sent deom his family and still has to pay taxes.
Depending on the situation in the current period, Tyrion is either going to have positive savings or debt to be repaid
The future budget constraint is :
Y’ - t’ + ( 1+r)S
Where ( 1+r) is the bottle of whine he pays on top like interest
and S is his debt.
So bonds and credit markets are a way of what?
They are a way in which periods become interconnected.
LETS make it clear, what is whine in the first period and 2nd period?
They are 2 different goods, whine in the first period comes from the sky, whereas whine in the second period comes from the sky, but im still in the first period
If there are 2 goods in the economy, what does it mean?
They both have their own relative price, so we will express all the prices in terms of consumtpion of whine the first period.
If i buy 1 bond and i have to give 1 bottle of whine, what is the price of the bond?
What is the expression of if i buy 1 bottle of whine tommorow, i have to give away what today?
So what is the expression 1 / 1+r
This is the relative price of one bottle of whine tommorow in terms how many consumption goods( bottles of whine i give away today) = Present value
What are we going to do with the current period budget constraint and future period budget constraint?
We are going to put them together
So first of all
Period 1 = C + S = Y - T
Period 2 = Y’ - T’ + (1+r)S
( If we have negative savings we subtract)
If we rearrange Period 1, we get S = y - t - c
then we can plug in the second equation
C’ = y’-t’+(1+r)(y-t-c)
We can expand to get
C’ = y’-t’+(1+r)(y-t) - (1+r)c
Next move -(1+r)c to the left hand side
C’ + ( 1+r)c = y’-t’ + (1+r)(y-t)
Last step divide by (1+r)
What is this called
It is called the intertemporal budget constraint
So all the consumption goods given today and tommorow = given the resources he receives in the 2 periods
How is the intertemporal budget constraint similar to micro economics budget constraint?
Lets say we have 2 goods x and y and each have their own relative price, = income to spend. this is the budget constraint
If i divide everything by the price of the first good, i will get the quanitiy of the first good + the relative price of 2 goods times quanitiy of second good = income calculated in terms of goods of x i can buy with my income
The intertemporal budget constraint is written in this format
So i have 2 goods C and C’, the relative price of the 2 goods is c’/1+r and the income in terms of how many consumption goods of x i can buy = the right handside of the intertemporal budget constraint.
What is the right handside of the intertemporal budget constraint called?
The lifetime wealth which is the quanitiy of resources avaliable for the consumer ( in current consumption goods) to spend on consumption overe 2 periods)
What letter are we going to indicate with for the lifetime wealth?
How can we draw the intertemporal budget constraint on a diagram, where we have c on the vertical axis and c’ on the horizontal axes?
If we write the intertemporal budget constraint in a another way C’ = -(1+r)C + (1+r)a
The slope = -(1+r)c amd the vertical intercept is ( 1 +r)a and the horizontal intercept is just a.
There is a special point on the diagram called what and either point of this special point, the consumer is what.
The endownment point ( the bundle the consumer consumes is equivalent to his own dispoable income), so no saving at all, consumer doesnt use the credit market
Either point of this point the consumer is either a borrower or a lender.