Week 8: Field testing Flashcards
What is fitness?
The overall physical condition of the body, which can range from peak condition to extreme injury or illness.
What are the fitness dimensions?
Cardiorespiratory fitness
Muscular fitness
Why is it important to measure fitness?
Highlight strengths and weaknesses Provide baseline measurements Develop athlete profiles Evaluate effectiveness of training Monitor rehab Motivation Talent identification
What are the two types of data collection techniques?
Lab-based data collection
Field-based data collection
What makes a good test?
Define validity
Whether you are actually measuring what you planned to measure
What is content validity asking?
Does the assessment cover a representative sample of the content that should be assessed?
What is the concurrent validity?
It is determined by relating test scores of a group of subjects to a criterion measure administered at the same time as or shortly after the test
What is reliability?
It relates to whehter, if you carried out the research again, you would get the same or similar results
What is test-retest reliability?
One researcher conducting the same test on the same individual on a number of occasions, and getting the same or similar results.
What is true score?
The portion of the obtained score that actually reflects the real performance on a particular task
What is error score?
The portion of the obtained score that is due to factors other than the performer’s true ability
What are the four main factors that contribute tot he error score?
Performers being tested
Test administration procedures
What is objectivity?
Addresses the question if the data collection is independent of the persons involved in data collection and independent of the devices
What is criterion-related validity?
The extent to which the output of the test correlates with the criterion measure (gold standard)
What is inter-rater reliability?
How similar the data collected by different raters are
What is coefficient of variance?
A range were the true score lies
How do we increase objectivity?
By using electronic measuring devices which eliminate human error
Clearly defined and strictly enforced test finishing criteria