what are observational studies
researchers collect, record, and analyze the data on participants as they naturally divide themselves by potentially significant exposure and outcome variables.
what are experimental studies
- involve some type of intervention and control of the exposure variable by the researchers to see how this control influences the outcome variable.
- Key feature is that the conditions of the study, particularly the exposure status are directly controlled by the intervention of researchers
6 steps to the process
- Research questions for experimental studies
- Types of experimental studies
- Study population
- Consent, enrollment, exposure assignment
- Minimizing bias
- Analysis
what is a prevention trrial
Agent given to healthy or high-risk individuals to prevent disease occurrence
Ø Does removing lead-contaminated soil prevent lead poisoning in high risk urban children?
what is a therapeutic (clinical) trial
Agent given to diseased individuals to treat or cure disease
Ø Does the drug Herceptin lower the risk of recurrence and improve survival among women diagnosed with breast cancer?
what is an individual trial
Treatment allocated to individuals
Ø Study effectiveness of treatment with two drugs versus three drugs among adults infected with HIV
what is a community (cluster) trial?
treatment allocated to an entire community
how to choose study population
- depends on purpose of the trial
- Specific inclusion/exclusion criteria (eligibility criteria) based on scientific, safety, and practical considerations
o People in population of interest, at risk for outcome, among whom intervention could be effective
o People with a high likelihood of compliance with treatment, likely to be followed for total study period
o May need to exclude certain people, such as those with conditions for which drug under study is contraindicated
what is generalizability
extent to which the results from a study can be generalized (or extended) to people who did not participate in the study
what is the refrence population
group to whom results are applicable/generalizable
- ex. all men and all women
who must approve the study protocol before imitating the procedures
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
what is informed consent?
includes clear explanation of research goals and methods, risks and benefits of participating, assurance of confidentiality, right to withdraw, etc.
what is randomization
each study has the same probability of receiving treatment
How its achieved:
* Toss a coin; heads or tails
* Computer-generated randomization
when are chance differences more likely to occur?
when the study sample is small (<100 per group). In this case, stratified randomization should be considered
what is a cofounder
a factor that distorts the true association between an exposure and outcome