Week 8 - Concept of Healing Flashcards
- An inner process by which the person becomes whole
- Occurs within the person and external interventions
- mobilize the person’s inner healing resources
Faith healing
Based on prayer and religious faith (e.g. charismatics)
Mind cures
Based on changing mental states (e.g. scientology)
Metaphysical healing
Based on the non-reality of matter (e.g. Christian science)
Based on intervention by spirits of the dead (e.g. Shamanism)
Energy medicine
Based on unblocking energy fields (e.g. Chinese medicine, reflexology, acupuncture homeopathy, ayurvedic medicine)
Based on power of suggestion (behaviour modification)
Germ theory
Based on evading pathogenic organisms (scientific medicine)
Approaches to healing
Holistic healing –> Complimentary and alt. approaches
Complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM)
- Complement conventional medicine and can include numerous care approaches based on paradigms of health and healing
- Primarily focused on the underlying causes of illness and imbalance in the body instead of on disease symptoms
Holistic healing
- The division of the whole person into the three domains of body, mind and spirit is an old paradigm allusion
- interconnected
- Spiritual health is necessary for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing
Complimentary vs alternative approach
- Complimentary approaches align with or contribute to and enhance conventional medical treatments
- Alternative approaches may be used instead of a conventional medical treatment
What to consider with comp/alt therapies
- To assess risks and benefits
- be informed**
- Obtain consent – is the patient informed?
Consent (CNO)
*Required for any treatment except in certain emergency situations. Consent Must:
- Relate to treatment being provided
- Be informed
- Be voluntary
- Not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud
Inform consent includes:
- Nature of treatment
- Expected benefits material risks / side effects
- Alternative courses of action
- Likely consequences of NOT having the treatment
Ethical considerations for CAM
- When a nurse is asked by a patient to perform a complimentary therapy (CT):
- Some complimentary therapies do not have a specific foundation
- Some complementary therapies may pose risk
- Patient’s may not disclose their use of CT to caregivers
Integrative medicine
- Combination of best practices form conventional, complementary, and alternative approaches
- Focuses on healing rather than disease, allows for interdisciplinary care
Nurses’ role in healing
Nurses role in healing
- Facilitate another person’s growth and life processes towards wholeness
- To assist with recovery from illness or with peaceful transition towards death
Four fundamental elements of a healing encounter
- Nurse and client interact within a given context
- The encounter is a response to a health experience
- Nurse works in a pattern of mutuality with the client
- Healing is facilitated in response to a client’s elicitation of nursing involvement and expertise
Guiding principles of healing
- Health is a process that may contain disease
- Ones attitudes and beliefs in life are a major factor in health and disease
- Any modality or health system that supports healing should be valued
- Each health system should be respected for its resources and the tools it offers while being challenged to prove its credibility
Religion is
- Not same as spirituality
- An organized system of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially the belief in or the worship of God or gods
FICA Spiritual assessment tool
F: Faith and belief
I: Importance and Influence
C: Community
A: Address
Cue to spiritual references
- Environmental
- Behaviour
- Verbalization
- Affect & Attitude
- Relationships