Week 4/5 - Change Theory and Stress Flashcards
What is Bridges model of transitions
Letting go - Letting go of old ways/habits
Neutral Zone - Planning, transition starts
New beginnings
Lewin’s Change theory
ADKAR Model of Change
- Represents the five milestones and individual must achieve for successful change
A wareness of need for change
D esire to support and participate in change
K nowledge of how to change
A bility to implement change
R einforcement to sustain change
PROCHASKA and Diclemente’s Theory
Precontemplation: Unaware of need for change, no intention
Contemplation: aware of need, intends to change sometime in future
Preparation: Alters behaviour in minor ways with intention to make a substantive and immediate changes
Action: Modifies behaviour and experiences in order to make sustainable change
Maintenance: Focus on not reverting to previous behaviour and solidifying new behaviours
The two physiological conceptualizations of stress
Fight or flight:
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS):
Sympathetic-adrenal-medullary (SAMS) system to maintain homeostasis of our internal environment in response to stress, 3 stages.
Alarm: Release of adrenaline
Resistance: Body needs to adapt, if stressor cannot make it to this point, there will be…
What is a Psychological Conceptualization?
Person is only under stress if they evaluate an event as personally significant
Primary Appraisal / Identification
Evaluating event for its personal meaning (harm, loss, threat)
Secondary appraisal (coping strategies)
Problem-focused, emotion-focused coping`
Managing taking circumstances
What is crisis
If previous ways of coping are not effective
Eustress vs distress
Eustress - Stress that protects health - healthy
Distress - Damaging stress
Stress related disorders
“}”ute stress disorder + PTSD
Aspects of a stressor that influence the stress response
1) Intensity
2) Scope
3) Duration
4) Number and nature of stressors
5) Past exposure to serious stressors
6) Predictability
Characteristics that influence the stress response
- Age
- Gender
- Perception of personal control/inescapability
- Availability of social supports
- Feelings of competence
- Cognitive appraisal
Emotional reaction
a felt tendency to move something assessed as good/away from bad
- related to individuals ability to address and resolve personal and social tasks
Strategies for emotional reaction
- Positive thought = positive feelings
- how vs why
What are feelings?
How we express emotion
- Natural acceptable, healthy
- Can be unacceptable to act on
- Some in touch, others not
To deal with emotion:
- Recognize it: What am I feeling
- Own it: Accept that you feel it
- Verbalize it: Express it in words to yourself or someone else
- Express it: Take physical action to relieve stress
What are values?
Shaped beliefs that shape decision-making
- Caring, commitment, integrity, responsibility, respect
- Influence decisions, behaviour