Week 8 - Affiliation, attraction and love Flashcards
Need for affiliation
The desire to establish and maintain many rewarding interpersonal relationships.
Reward theory of interpersonal attraction
The theory that people tend to like others who provide them with rewards that are immediate and deferred, and tangible and intangible.
Mere exposure effect
The phenomenon whereby the more often people are exposed to a stimulus, the more positively they evaluate that stimulus.
Group attractiveness effect
The perceived physical attractiveness of a group as a whole is greater than the average attractiveness of its individual members
What-is-beautiful-is-good stereotype
The belief that physically attractive individuals also possess desirable personality characteristics
Matching hypothesis
The proposition that people are attracted to others who are similar in physical attractiveness.
Hard-to-get effect
The tendency to prefer people who are highly selective in their social choices over those who are more readily available
Social exchange theory
A perspective that views people as motivated to maximise benefits and minimise costs in their relationships with others.
Intimate relationship
A close relationship between two adults involving emotional attachment, fulfilment of psychological needs and/ or interdependence.
Equity theory
The theory that people are most satisfied with a relationship when the ratio between benefits and contributions is similar for both partners
Exchange relationship
A relationship in which the participants expect and desire strict reciprocity in their interactions.
Communal relationship
A relationship in which the participants expect and desire mutual responsiveness to each other’s needs.
Companionate love
A secure, trusting, stable partnership.
Triangular theory of love
A theory proposing that love has three basic components – intimacy, passion and commitment – that can be combined to produce eight subtypes.
demand–withdraw interaction pattern
the wife demands that the couple discuss the relationship problems, only to become frustrated when her husband withdraws from such discussions
relationship-enhancing attributions
Happy couples see the partner’s undesirable behaviours as caused by factors that are situational (‘They’re having a bad day’), temporary (‘It’ll pass’), and limited in scope (‘That’s just a sore spot’). Yet they perceive desirable behaviours as caused by factors that are inherent in the partner, which are permanent and generalisable to other aspects of the relationship.
distress-maintaining attributions