Week 8 Flashcards
What is survey research?
Nonexperimental method that uses interviews or questionnaires to assess attitudes, activities, opinions, or beliefs.
How do you collect survey data?
- Interviews with interview protocols.
2. Questionnaires.
What kind of experimental designs are appropriate for survey research?
- Cross sectional (different groups compared at same time).
2. Longitudinal (same group compared over time).
What are the steps for conducting survey research?
- Plan and design the survey research study. 2. Construct and refine the survey instrument.
- Collect the survey data.
- Enter and “clean” the data.
- Analyse the survey data.
- Interpret and report the results.
What does it mean to “clean data”?
Detecting and correcting/removing corrupt or inaccurate data from dataset.
What is a panel study?
A longitudinal study where data is collected at successive time points.
What is a trend study?
Independent random samples are taken from the general population and asked the same question over successive periods of time.
What are the different methods of administering a survey?
- Face-to-face.
- Phone.
- Internet.
- Mail.
- Group questionnaire.
What is volunteer sampling?
Non-random sampling where participants volunteer.
How do you conduct an effective interview?
- Trained interviewers.
- Background knowledge of participants.
- Cultural sensitively.
- Explain the purpose of the interview.
- Discuss confidentiality.
- Follow the protocol.
- Clarify understanding.
- Record when possible.
Explain the 12 principles of questionnaire construction.
- Write questions to match research objectives.
- Write questions that are appropriate for respondents.
- Write short, simple questions.
- Avoid loaded (emotionally charged) and leading (suggestive) questions.
- Avoid double-barrelled questions (asking two things at once).
- Avoid double negatives.
- Determine the need for closed-ended or open-ended questions.
- Create mutually exclusive and exhaustive responses for closed-ended questions.
- Consider all types of closed-ended responses.
- Use multiple items to measure complex constructs.
- Make sure questionnaires have total ease of use.
- Pilot test questionnaire until perfected.
What is a rating scale?
An ordered set of responses for closed-end questions.
What is a rating scale? (questionnaires).
An ordered set of responses for closed-end questions.
What is an anchor in a rating scale? (questionnaires).
A descriptors at points on a rating scale.
What is binary forced-choice? (questionnaires).
Two response choices for a question.
What is ranking? (questionnaires).
Participants are asked to rank a list of responses.
What are checklists? (questionnaires).
Participants are asked to check all responses that apply.
What is semantic differential? (questionnaires).
Scaling method in which participants respond to a question using series of bipolar rating scales. (Happy/sad).
What is a Likert scale? (questionnaires).
A test made of multiple rating scales used to measure a construct by summing an individual participant’s responses.
What are contingency questions? (questionnaires).
An item directing the participant to different follow-up questions depending on the initial response. (Goosebumps choose your own adventure style).
What is social desirability bias?
Occurs when participants respond in a way to make themselves look good.
Explain how to select a survey sample.
Can use random or non-random.
Random is better (obviously).
Convenience sampling is okay if you don’t want to generalise (susceptible to sampling bias).
Describe how to prepare survey data for analysis.
“Clean” and enter data into statistical program like SPSS.