Week 10 Flashcards
What are the 4 major qualitative research methods?
- Phenomenology.
- Ethnography.
- Case study.
- Grounded theory.
What is phenomenology?
The study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. (Studying how people experience the world).
What is the primary data collected method for phenomenology?
In-depth interviews.
What is ethnography?
The systematic study of individual cultures.
What is the emic perspective in ethnography?
A member of the culture’s perspective on the culture.
What is the etic perspective in ethnography?
The researcher’s external perspective on the culture.
What are the main data collection methods used in ethnography?
- In-depth interviews.
- Observations.
- Researcher participation.
What are gatekeepers in ethnography?
Group member who controls researcher access to the group.
Define “ethnocentric”
Judgment of people in other cultures based on the standards of your own culture.
What is going native in ethnography?
Becoming so involved in the group that you loose objectivity.
What is a case study?
A detailed study of a specific subject (person, group, place, event, organization, or phenomenon).
What are the main data collection methods for case studies?
- In-depth interviews.
- Observations.
- Questionnaires.
- Archival records.
What is an intrinsic case study?
Focus is understanding an individual case, organization, or event (Does not wish to generalise or conduct further research).
What is an instrumental case study?
Focus is understanding a case (sometimes multiple) with the hopes of generalisation or theory building.
What is a collective case study?
Studying multiple cases.
What is a cross-case analysis?
Comparing cases from collective case studies.
What is grounded theory?
A methodology for generating and developing a theory that is grounded in the particular data.
What are the 3 steps of grounded theory called?
- Open coding - Trying to explain patterns in data.
- Axial coding - Choosing important explanations and ordering them.
- Selective coding - Finalise the explanations.
What are the 4 characteristics of a grounded theory?
- Needs to fit data.
- Must provide understanding.
- Have a degree of generalisability.
- Provides a degree of control of the phenomenon.
What is theoretical saturation in grounded theory?
Occurs when no new information relevant to the grounded theory is emerging from the data and the grounded theory has been validated.
Define “compatibility thesis”
The idea that qualitative and quantitative research can be used together.
What is pragmatism?
Philosophy focusing on what works as the criterion of what should be viewed as tentatively true and useful in research and practice.
What is inside-outside validity in mixed-methods research?
Both insider and objective outsider perspectives are presented by researcher.
What is weakness-minimising validity in mixed-methods research?
Present when the researcher compensates for the weakness of one approach through the use of an additional approach.
What is sequential validity in mixed-methods research?
Ensuring that the ordering of quantitative and qualitative components in a sequential design does not bias the results.
What are the 5 main types of validity for mixed-methods research?
- Inside-outside validity.
- Weakness-minimising validity.
- Sequential validity.
- Sample integration validity.
- Multiple validities.
What is sample integration validity in mixed-methods research?
Researchers must not treat the quantitative and qualitative samples as equal, but, instead, draw appropriate conclusions from each sample.
What is multiple validities in mixed-methods research?
Making sure your mixed methods study meets appropriate quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods validity types.
What are the two main elements on the design matrix for mixed methods research?
- Time order - Sequential or concurrent (One after the other or at the same time).
- Paradigm - Dominant and equal methods (does the study require quantitative more than qualitative?).
What is a design matrix for mixed-methods design?
A 2 by 2 table that consists of all possible mixed-methods designs.
What are the three basic designs types in the mixed-methods design matrix?
- Convergent parallel.
- Explanatory sequential.
- Exploratory sequential.
What is convergent parallel design in mixed-methods research?
Quantitative and qualitative research is done concurrently.
What is explanatory sequential design in mixed-methods research?
Quantitative research is done before qualitative research.
What is exploratory sequential design in mixed-methods research?
Qualitative research is done before quantitative research.
What are the three advanced design types in the mixed-methods design matrix?
- Embedded.
- Transformative.
- Multiphase.
(Just so you know, don’t need to know what they are).