Week 8 Flashcards
Who excavated to Crete in the 1900s?
Sir Arthur Evans
Why did Europa go to Crete?
Zeus was disguised as a bull, she climbed on his back and off they went.
Why did Poseidon curse Pasiphae to fall in love with a bull?
Mino was married to her and meant to sacrifice that bull.
Who made Pasiphae the wooden cow so she could get impregnated by the bull and birth a minotaur?
How did Androgëus die?
He did so well at the athletic games in Athens that it annoyed the King Aegus. Aegus ordered him to fight the bull and Androgëus died trying to do this.
Why did Theseus decide against marrying Adriadnê?
She betrayed her father in helping Theseus learn how to kill the minotaur.
How did Minos die?
Cocalus’s daughters killed him in his bath with boiling water. Minos demanded to have Daedelus back from the King Cocalus and he took a bath whilst waiting.
“Seven-gated ____”
Seven-gated Thebes
Who kept looking for Europa after his brothers gave up?
Why did Cadmus’s companions die?
He sent them to fetch water for a sacrifice and Ares’s dragon killed them as the dragon was guarding the well.
Harmonia’s necklace was cursed, a wedding gift for Cadmus and Harmonia, made by ____ and given by ____.
Harmonia’s necklace was cursed, a wedding gift for Cadmus and Harmonia, made by Hephaestus and given by Aphrodite.
Who was Thebes named after?
Zethus’s wife, Thebê
Who wrote Oedipus Tyrannos?
Why was Laius cursed with the prediction that his own son would murder him?
He violated xenia by raping his host’s, Pelop’s, son.
Who did Laius marry and finally have sex with after getting drunk?