Week 6, Chpt 15-17 Flashcards
Homeland of Greece
How did Acrisius die?
His grandson, Perseus, accidentally killed him with a discus. Oracles are inescapable.
What happens to Perseus and Andromeda when they die?
They achieve a kind of immortality when Athena places them in the stars as constellations.
How does Alcmena come to be pregnant with both Herakles and Iphicles?
Zeus disguises himself as her husband and makes love to her, her actual husband comes home from fighting pirates at sea and also makes love to her. She gets both of their “seeds”.
Why was Iphicles born first?
Zeus promised Hera whoever was born first would rule the area. Hera delayed Heracle’s birth and made it so Iphicles was born first.
Why did Herakles kill Megara and his family?
Hera drove him crazy.
How does Herakles atone for his crime?
12 labours
Why did Herakles steal the King of Eurytus’s mares?
He wouldn’t allow Herakles to marry his daughters, because of what happened to Megara.
How and why does Apollo punish Herakles?
Herakles tried to make his own oracle, he had to be a slave to a lydian queen for three years.
How did Herakles die?
Burned alive after wearing the shirt Dieanira gave him. She had put the love potion Nessus advised her to make out of his poisoned blood and semen on the shirt.
Herakles became immortal
Why did Tereus eat his own son?
He was tricked into doing so by Procnê after she discovered he had raped her sister.
How is Theseus the son of both Aegeus and Poseidon?
After having intercourse with Aegeus Aethra was instructed to go to the sea and make a sacrifice in her dream. Poseidon then possessed her.
How many labours for Theseus?
Why did Aegeus commit suicide?
He thought his son Theseus was dead as Theseus did not change the flag over.