Week 8 Flashcards
Thoracic Problems
Pleural Effusion
Fractured ribs
Flail Chest
Sternal Fractures
Diagnosis Flail Chest
Diagnosis: Fracture of two or more ribs, in two or more separate locations, causing an unstable segment, usually involves anterior (sternal separation) or lateral rib fractures.
Initial therapy – adequate ventilation, humidified oxygen, resuscitation fluids. May need mechanical ventilation
The affected (flail) area will move paradoxically to the intact portion . -Prevents adequate ventilation
Investigation of Pleural Effusion
-Collection of fluid in the pleural space
-Clinical manifestations
Progressive dyspnoea
Decreased movement of chest wall
Fever, Night sweats, cough and weight loss
-Diagnostic tap
-Nursing care during thoracentesis
Role and responsibilities
Pleural effusion that contains pus
If small bore drains are used then regular flushing may be required
If blocked then flush under aseptic techniques
Attention to nutrition
Safety of tube
Removed when pleural space is evacuated
Malignant Pleural Effusions
Small drain Suction not generally required Pleurodesis (Thoracentesis) Most successful when lung re-expanded Talc most successful (clamp for at least 1 hour) Pain management
Lung Cancer Medical management Palliative care Symptom control Medication Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Surgical Interventions
Surgical Intervention
Posterio-lateral thoracotomy most common
Incision lateral aspect of the chest (axillary) around and below the scapula
Incision approx. 15-25cm
Dissection down to intercostal muscles
Intercostal muscles separated either at upper part of the rib or lower aspect.
Rib space dependant on patient, surgeon and lobe to be removed
Video-assisted thorascopic surgery(VATS) PRO’s
Pros Minimally invasive surgery (Keyhole) Two – Three small incisions (5cm) in chest wall between ribs Less intrusive Smaller scars
Video-assisted thorascopic surgery(VATS)
Reduced visibility
Reduced access
May have to be converted to traditional thoracotomy
Only available in certain specialist centres
Not suitable for all patients
Blood Transfusion
1unit packed cells ~ 250 mls ~ 10 g/dL The prescriber must Obtain informed consent (or refusal) Order blood/group & cross match/special requirements Daytime hrs unless emergency/urgent Generally 2 – 4 hrs (as tolerated) Older greater risk of overload 6 (7, 8 …) rights of medication administration Be aware of facility policy/procedure
Pre-Transfusion procedure
Prior to collection of a red cell pack from a blood fridge or transfusion service provider, ensure that:
The prescription/order is complete
Informed consent is documented/charted
Full explanation to patient including potential reactions
Intravenous access (18-20G) is inserted and patent
Check if other IV medications are due
(Majority cannot be given with blood)
Baseline observations (TPR, BP, SpO2) & assessment
Be aware of reason for transfusion
Resuscitation equipment, including oxygen and adrenaline, are available and in working order
Know patient history/co-morbidities/previous transfusion history
Procedure when collecting a blood pack
Fully completed and labelled request form
Self-access blood fridge/transfusion service provider
Check details carefully/sign register
Transport carefully - ? Esky/cold bag?
Direct to nurse requesting
Commence within 30 mins of release from cold storage
Unit must be infused within 4 hrs of release from storage
Store in blood fridges only
Vaccine fridges not suitable
Transfusion (every bag)
Significant number of errors happen at administration
This check is completed with two staff at the patient side
Check correct patient ID/correct documentation/correct pack details (compatibility details) every time
With patient/blood bag/you & checker
Check blood bag for abnormalities (pickles, goldfish)
Special requirements (irradiated/CMV sero-negative)
ID band essential/still get patient to repeat details
Unless emergency
If in doubt don’t give it!
Don’t accept responsibility to commence transfusion unless involved in checking procedure
Prime with saline or the blood (though saline is easier)
During transfusion (every bag)
Invert bag a few times/connect to IV Commence slowly via Standard 170-200 micron filter IV set Sign prescription form Fill out IV chart/FBC
Stay with patient & observe
Every bag
If no reaction increase to full infusion rate
During transfusion (every bag) 2
Vital signs
Facility policy/stay with patient for first 15 mins
Baseline/at 15 mins/hourly/at conclusion – TPR, BP, SpO2 with patient assessment (depending on clinical condition)
Patient access to call bell
If repeat transfusion – ? flush (tradition) or not (research literature) with N/S between
Change line after completion of infusion or every 12 hrs
When complete
Time – FBC (& ? compatibility form)
Compatibility form into patient notes
Educate patient to advise of delayed reactions
If no adverse reaction dispose of empty blood bag
This changes frequently ? save ? facility dependent
Transfusion Reaction (2 main types)
Febrile nonhaemolytic reaction (90% of all reactions)
Caused by antibodies to donor leucocytes
More common if received multiple previous transfusions
Generally occurs within 2 hrs of transfusion initiation
Transfusion maybe cancelled or continued
Acute haemolytic reaction
Potentially life threatening
Reaction between donor antigen/recipient antibody
Often rapid onset when infusion commenced
Usually due to mis-labelling/ID failure
Transfusion reaction (other)
Allergic reaction
Possibly antihistamines and continue, if mild
Or can be severe life threatening anaphylaxis
Circulatory overload
If at risk may be prescribed a diuretic
Transfuse slowly
Bacterial contamination
Rare but potentially life threatening
Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI)
Cause unknown/life threatening
Delayed haemolytic reaction (up to 14 days post)
Mild symptoms/prone to severe reaction next time
Disease acquisition (Hep. B/C, HIV, CMV. CJD) Extremely rare but possible
Clinical Manifestations of Transfusion Reaction
Fever (greater than 1°C rise in baseline T°/above 38°C) Rigors/chills Urticaria Tachycardia/hypotension (hypovolaemic shock) Dyspnoea/wheezing (overload) Nausea & Vomiting Backpain/chestpain Haemoglobinuria/oliguria Anxiety/”doom”
Pneumothorax – Tube Clamping
The tube may be clamped pre checking of lung inflammation chest x ray
A bubbling chest drain should never be clamped
Pt remain under strict nursing supervision while drain clamped
If patient deteriorates unclamp immediately and notify doctor (may be a sign of reaccumulation of pneumothorax)
Clamping following disconnection of tubing or during transport - not recommended.
Chest Drain Management
Maintain sterility
NEVER raise chest drain bottle above site of insertion
Always remember to REMOVE clamps
Observe for signs of infection at insertion site
Pneumothorax – When to remove ICC
Chest drain is swinging but not bubbling
Chest x-ray demonstrates complete expansion
Removal of chest drain
Clean area using aseptic technique
Wear sterile gloves for removal
Two person technique
One person removes drain
Second person hold purse string suture and rapidly closes wound on exit of drain
Clean wound post drain removal
Observe patient closely for signs of deterioration post drain removal