week 7 - trauma Flashcards
Define MOI
is the process by which forces are exchanged between a person and an energy source > producing injury
- the greater the energy/ force = the greater the injury
MOI - Blunt injury
- types of mechansims
- Falls
- assult
- contact sports
- often involves multipule other injuries
MOI - Blunt injury
- what is it caused by?
caused by a change in energy (velocity or sudden force)
- energy is distributed over a larger area than penertrating injury
MOI - Blunt injury
- what can it result in?
results in damage to underlying tissue, sometimes without obvious damage to this skin
MOI - penetrating injury
occurs where the skin is penertrated resulting in damage to the underliying tissues and organs
- results in damage along the path of penetration
MOI - penetrating injury
- what does the extent of the injury depend on?
- energy behind the object
- length of object
- angle of entry
MOI - penetrating injury
- indication of damage?
appearance of the wound at the skin is not an indicator of damage to the underlying structures
- visceral damage occurs in 30% of stab wounds
Mild Trauma - 3 characteristics
- usually single system
- not life threatening
- not limb threatening
Major Trauma - 3 characteristics
- life or limb threatening
- requires immediate interventions
- may be multipule injuries
Major Trauma - MOI
- MVA >30km/h
- vechile roll over
- ejection from vechile
- fall over 3 m
- explosion
Major Trauma - potential injuries
- suspected spinal cord injury
- # pelvis
- pulseless limb
- dislocation with vascular compromise
- blast injuries
- severe crush injuries
- burns > 20% TBSA
Major Trauma - signs (vital signs)
- SBP < 14
- 02 < 90%
- RR < 10 or > 30