Week 3 - Respiratory Flashcards
define acute respiratory failure
respiratory system is unable to exchange sufficient oxygen and carbon dioxide to maintain blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels within normal limits
type I resp failure - causes
- pneumonia
- PO
- PE
- shock
type II resp failure causes
- severe asthma
- trauma to chest or spine
systemic chest xray interpretation
rib #
flail chest
air between the visceral and the parietal pleura
- distribution to negative pressure (due to air or fluid) > separation of the pleura > collapse of the lung
pneumothorax signs and symptoms (7)
- decreased breath sounds on affected side
- asymmetry of chest wall
- hyperresonance of percussion of the affected side
- evidence of lung collapse on xray
- increased HR
- chest pain on affected side
pneumothorax - main interventions
- intubation
- treat hypoxia
- high flow 02
- C,W,M,S
- IV access (fluids PRN)
- analgesia
collection of blood in the interplerural space
Haemothorax - signs and symptoms
same as pneumothorax
Haemothorax - management
same as pneumothorax + if over 1.5L of blood drained in 1hr or 200mls each hr therafter then dr will need to be notified as pt will need to go back to surgery
open pneumothorax
open chest wound > air passes in and out of pleural space on inspiration and air pass in & out of wound rather than trachea
- results in ineffective respiratory function and can cause a tension pneumothorax if not treated
open pneumothorax - management
- 3 sided non porous dressing
Tension Pneumothorax define
is a life threatening condition which is due to the progressive deterioration of a simple pneumothorax associated with the formation of a one valve at the point of rupture in the lung
Tension Pneumothorax - patho
air enters pleural space on inspiration but cannot escape on expiration
increased intrathrocic pressure
compression of the heart, major blood vessels, trachea and lung
decreased venous return (preload, acute hypotension and death if not treated as an emergency)
Tension Pneumothorax - main signs and symptoms
- tracheal deviation
- distended neck veins
- severe resp distress
- hypoxia
- decreased or absent chest expansion on injured side
- decreased or absent breath sounds on affected side
Tension Pneumothorax - management
UWSD - management
know 7
Pulmonary embolism!!! define
a blockage of blood flow in the pulmonary arteries by a thrombus. may present as a massive occlusion (rapid death as no blood flow returning from the heart to oxygenate the lungs) or multipule small pulmonary emboli
Pulmonary embolism - 3 main risk factor groups
PE - patho
Pulmonary embolism - signs and symptoms
- increased RR
- difficulty breathing
- pleuretic chest pain
- decreased cardiac output
- hypotension
- shock
Pulmonary embolism - investigations
- history
- CT
Pulmonary embolism - prevention
identify pts at risk
- antiembolic stockings
- calf exercises
- early ambulation after surgery
- anticoagulant therapy
NIPPV - define
NIPPV - indications/ uses
NIPPV - complications
- barotrauma
- hypotension
- aspiration risk
- facial and nasal pressure injuries
- Gastric distension
- increased ICP