Week 7 - The spine and abdominal region Flashcards
What are the key joints of the spine and vertebral column?
Atlanto-occipital joint - between atlas and occipital condyles of the skull.
Atlantoaxial joint - between the atlas and the axis
Intervetebral joint
Lumbosacral joint
Parts of the spine
7 Cervical
12 thoracic
5 Lumbar
Movements of the lumbar spine
Lumbar flexion
Lumbar extension
Lumbar rotation
Lumbar lateral flexion
Rectus abdominis
Both sides for lumbar flexion
Right side for lateral flexion to the right
Left side for lateral flexion to the left
Ext Oblique = Lumbar rotation to opposite side and lateral flexion to same side
Int oblique = Lumbar rotation to same side and lat flexion to same side.
Transverse Abdominis
Contributes to forced expiration by pulling abdominal wall inward.
Plays a key role in maintaining abdominal pressure:
Maintaining a stable and balanced abdomen during exercise
Core stability.
Posterior Muscles
Extension of all regions of the spine
Erector Spinae: Spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis.
Core Stability
The ability of the muscles of the abdomen to maintain a stable and balanced absomen and pelvis.
Aids performance, solid base for forceful movements of the limbs. Effective transfer of force/power through the core.
Injury risk: core instability may allow unwanted movements of pelvis and lubar spine leading to:
Excessive ROM
Excessive forces on the musculo-skeletal system
Quadratus Lumborum
I: 12th rib and L1-4
O: Posterior inner lip of the iliac crest
Stabilisation of the pelvis and lubar spine: core stab and posture.