Week 7 - Social Influence Flashcards
marketing sources
advertising, sales promotions, publicity, special events, direct mail, cell phone
non-marketing sources
news, reviews, clubs, family, friends
people who are knowledgeable about a product, heavy users of mass media, buy new products when introduces, and are perceived as credible
marketing implications of gatekeepers
a source to refer customers to, used in marketing communications, and a target
types of reference groups
aspirational –> associate products with, what I want to do next
associative –> an accurate representation, people we associate with like us
dissociative –> avoid using
characteristics of reference groups
formality - frats, you know who they are
homophily - similarity among members
group attractiveness - attractiveness (think country club)
density - how close the members identify with each other
degree of identity - how close members identify
trickle-down effect
lower classes copy the trends of the upper classes
status float
when trends start in the lower/middle class and spread upward
conspicuous consumption
when people display wealth (the extremely wealthy don’t do this)
why would some classes like a logo to be really prominent but others don’t want that
elite class wants to maintain their exclusivity so much that their symbols are very subtle (birkin bags don’t have logos)
parody display
rebelling against the conventional status symbol (ripped jeans)
fraudulent of symbols
symbols so widely adopted that they lose their status
why is social class NOT the best segmentation variable?
there are many factors that determine social class
- occupation, education, inherited status, earned status
household types
nuclear –> two parents and two children (“typical”)
extended –> consists of two or more adults who are related living in the same home
single person living alone
group of individuals living together
how have family structures changed in recent years
Not the traditional “mom, dad, and two kids” anymore, much more of a variety including:
- divorced families
- smaller families
- cohabitation
- dual-career families
- delayed marriage
What cultural trends have led to family structure changes
collectivism vs. individualism
collectivism - Hispanic families
Americans - individualistic