Week 7 Review Flashcards
European credited with the discovery of America:
Christopher Columbus
The Viking credited as the first European to visit North America in 1000 A.D.:
Lief Ericson
Oldest city in the mainland of the United States:
St. Augustine, Florida
Riders sent to warn Charlestownand Lexinton of the coming British army:
Paul Revere and William Dawes
First English sailor to circle the globe:
Sir Fancis Drake
First Continental Congress:
September 1774
First form of representative government in America, established in Virginia:
The House of Burgesses
The original inhabitants of this continent:
Native Americans
Puritans that left the Anglican Chruch altogether:
Revolutionary battle lost by Americans but considered a victory:
Battle of Bunker Hill
Law that forbade colonists from building boats and required all goods to be carried on English ships:
the Navigation Act
Date of Boston Tea Party:
Document that signified the end of the French and Indian War:
the Treaty of Paris
Even in Boston during which British soldiers opened fire on unarmed colonists:
Boston Massacre
Short civil war in Virginia during which Jamestown was seized:
Bacon’s Rebellion
Columbus Discoverd America in:
War between France and England in America:
the French and Indian War
First lasting English colony:
War between France and England in Europe:
the Seven Years’ War
Second Continental Congress:
May 1775
French sailor who discoverd the St. Lawrence River:
Jacques Cartier
First European to reach India by sea:
Vasco da Gama
Battles of Lexington and Concord
April 19, 1775
French and Indian War dates:
“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!”
What was the occasion?
Battle of Bunker HIll
R. W. Emerson describes the first battle as:
“the shot heard round the world”
Volunteer soldiers ready at a moment’s notice:
First battles of the Revolutionary War:
Lexington and Concord
Who established the first English colony in America?
Sir Walter Raleigh
Explorer after whom our continent is named:
Amerigo Vespucci
Leader of the first expedition to circle the globe:
Ferdinand Magellan
Native Americans who aided the Pilgrims:
Samoset and Squanto
“I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”
Patrick Henry
Borderline seperating Pennsylvania and Maryland:
Mason-Dixon Line
King of Portugal who suggested it was possible to sail around Africa:
Henry the Navigator
Land granted to William Penn:
Protector of England who established the Navigation Act:
Oliver Cromwell
English Sailor who discovered Cape Cod:
John Cabot
“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!”
Who said it?
General William Prescott
Head of the colony in Jamestown:
Captian John Smith
The agreement that established a form of government for the pilgrims:
Mayflower Compact
Event during which Americans dressed as natives and dumped tea in the harbor:
Boston Tea Party
Chief frustration of American colonists:
taxation without representation
First time delegates from all the colonies met to discuss the rights of American colonists:
First Continental Congress
General who captured Quebec:
James Wolfe
Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army:
George Washington
Separatists that sailed to the new land:
Date of Boston Massacre:
Englishmen who desired a plainer and purer religion:
Financed Columbus’s first voyage:
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
First English colony in America, which disappeared:
Land purchased by the Dutch man Minuit for about twenty-four dollars’ worth of trinkets:
Manhattan Island
General at Bunker HIll:
William Prescott
Five causes of the Revolutionary War:
- trade and navigation laws
- stamp act
- Townshend Acts
- Boston Massacre
- the Five Intolerable Acts