Week 23 Review Flashcards
First Continental Congress:
September 1774
Document that established a central government for the United States:
the Articles of Confederation
Date of the Constitution:
March 4, 1789
Battle that was the turning point for the Revolutionary War:
Treaty of Ghent
“I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”
Patrick Henry
Law that inducted Maine into the Union as a free state and Missouri as a slave state and said no slavery will be allowed in the Lousiana Territory avoe the 36° 30° parallel:
the Missouri Compromise
Head of the law-enforcing branch:
Who establised the colony?
Sir Walter Raleigh
Date of the Second Treaty of Paris:
September 3, 1783
Englishmen who desired a plainer and purer religion:
Date of the Louisiana Purchase
French and Indian War dates:
Short civil war in Virginia during which Jamestown was seized:
Bacon’s Rebellion
French nobleman who served int he American army:
Marquis de Lafayette
“Slavery is in all probability the wedge which will split up this union.”
John Quincy Adams
“To the victors belong the spoils.”
What was the occasion?
Andrew Jackson had won the election and given offices to all his friends.
French sailor who discoverd the St. Lawrence River:
Jacques Cartier
The original inhabitants of this continent:
Native Americans
Slave who appealed to the Supreme Court for his freedom:
Dred Scott
Law that forbade colonists from building boats and required all goods to be carried on English ships:
the Navigation Act
Oldest city in the mainland of the United States:
St. Augustine, Florida
Native chief who led war against settlers in the Indiana Territory:
Battles of Lexinton and Concord
April 19, 1775
Inventor of the telegraph:
Samuel Morse
European credited with the discovery of America:
Christopher Columbus
“Perhaps so; but I shall have the honor of presiding at that dinner.”
Who said it?
Andrew Jackson
Location of the first shot fired in the Civil War:
Fort Sumter
Treaty that ended the Mexican war and gave the United States New Mexico and what was called Upper California:
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”
Nathan Hale
Date of the War of 1812:
Native Americans who aided the Pilgrims:
Samoset and Squanto
Explorer after whom our continent is named:
Amerigo Vespucci
American general at the Battle of New Orleans:
Andrew Jackson
Date of surrender at Appomattox
April 9, 1865
Law passed by South Carolina in reaction to Congress’ attempt to place a high tariff on foreign goods:
the Nullification Act
Revolt that demonstrated the need for a stronger central government:
Shays’ Rebellion
Those who opposed slavery:
Invention that changed modern agriculture:
McCormick Reaper
Movement of many settlers to California in hopes of becoming rich:
the Gold Rush
War between France and England in Europe:
the Seven Years’ War
Date of The Mexican War:
Even in Boston during which British soldiers opened fire on unarmed colonists:
Boston Massacre
Act of President Lincoln that declared all slaves free in the Confederate States:
Emancipation Proclamation
Land granted to William Penn:
First time delegates from all the colonies met to discuss the rights of American colonists:
First Continental Congress
Author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin:
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Separatists that sailed to the new land:
British general forced to surrender at Yorktown:
Father of the Constitution:
James Madison
Date of the Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776
“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!”
Who said it?
General William Prescott
The agreement that establihsed a form of government for the pilgrims:
Mayflower Compact
Government established by the states that seceded from the Union:
Document that signified the end of the War of 1812:
Treaty of Ghent
War between France and England in America:
the French and Indian War
General who captured Quebec:
James Wolfe
Puritans that left the Anglican Chruch altogether:
Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army:
George Washington
“Be sure you are right, then go ahead.”
Davy Crockett
“I have not yet begun to fight.”
Who said it?
John Paul Jones
Date of the Emancipation Proclamation:
January 1, 1863
“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!”
What was the occasion?
Battle of Bunker HIll
“To the victors belong the spoils.”
Who said it?
Andrew Jackson
Battle during which one hundred fifty Texans fought a Mexican army of four thousand:
Battle of the Alamo
Father of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court:
John Jay
States int he Confederacy:
- South Carolina
- Mississippi
- Floria
- Alabama
- Georgia
- Louisiana
- Texas
- Arkansas
- North Carlolina
- Virginia
- Tennessee
Financed Columbus’s first voyage:
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
“I have not yet begun to fight.”
What was the occasion?
naval battle with British
Head of the law-interpreting branch:
Supreme Court
Former slave who led over 300 slaves to freedom:
Harriet Tubman
President of the Confederacy:
Jefferson Davis
General at Bunker HIll:
William Prescott
American general who captured Mexico City:
Winfield Scott
Land purchased by the Dutch man Minuit for about twenty-four dollars’ worth of trinkets:
Manhattan Island
Commander-in-chief of the Union Army:
Ulysses S. Grant
“Perhaps so; but I shall have the honor of presiding at that dinner.”
What was the occasion?
Battle of New Orleans, in response to a boast from a British officer that he was going to eat his Christmas dinner in New Orleans.
Document that signified the end of the French and Indian War:
the Treaty of Paris
Commander-in-chief of the Confederate Army:
Robert E. Lee
Two bodies of Congress:
House of Representatives and the Senate
Five causes of the Revolutionary War:
- trade and navigation laws
- stamp act
- Townshend Acts
- Boston Massacre
- the Five Intolerable Acts
Framework for the government of the United States:
the Constitution
First English sailor to circle the globe:
Sir Fancis Drake
Event during which Washington surprised and captured the Hessians:
crossing of the Delaware
“We have met the enemy and they are ours.”
What was the occasion?
naval battle in the war of 1812
Borderline seperating Pennsylvania and Maryland:
Mason-Dixon Line
Battle fought after the War of 1812 had ended:
Battle of New Orleans
Name the thirteen original colonies:
- Virginia
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- New York
- Maryland
- Connecticut
- Rhode Island
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
- Delaware
- Georgia
“To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.”
George Washington
“If I can ever hit that thing, I’ll hit it hard!
What was the occasion?
speaking about slavery
First European to reach India by sea:
Vasco da Gama
English Sailor who discovered Cape Cod:
John Cabot
Inventor of the cotton gin:
Eli Whitney
“Don’t give up the ship!”
Who said it?
Captain James Lawrence
Head of the Supreme Court:
Chief Justice
Protectore of Engalnd who established the Navigation Act:
Oliver Cromwell
First battles of the Revolutionary War:
Lexington and Concord
R. W. Emerson describes the first battle as:
“the shot heard round the world”
Confederate ironclad ship that wrought havoc on the union fleet:
First state to secede from the Union:
South Carolina
First president of the United States:
George Washington
Place where Lee surrendered to Grant:
Appomattox Courthouse
Three brances of the Amercian government established by the Constitution:
Legislative, Executive, Judicial
American general who defeated Santa Anna:
Zachary Taylor
The Viking credited as the first European to visit North America in 1000 A.D.:
Lief Ericson
Date of the Battle at Fort Sumter:
April 12, 1861
First lasting English colony:
Law-making branch:
Document that signified the official end of the Revolutionary War:
Second Treaty of Paris
Leader of the first expedition to circle the globe:
Ferdinand Magellan
Traitor who plotted to give up the fort at West Point:
Benedict Arnold
Date of the Battle of Gettysburg:
July 1-3, 1863
“Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable.”
Daniel Webster
“If I can ever hit that thing, I’ll hit it hard!
Who said it?
Abraham Lincoln
First English colony in America, which disappeared:
Event during which Americans dressed as natives and dumped tea in the harbor:
Boston Tea Party
The young American patriot who was hanged as a spy by the British:
Nathan Hale
Men hired by Jefferson to explore the new territory:
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
Second Continental Congress:
May 1775
American naval officer who did great damage to the British navy during hte Revolutionary War:
John Paul Jones
Date of the Gold Rush:
Head of the colony in Jamestown:
Captian John Smith
General of the Mexican army:
Santa Anna
War fought over the boundaries between Texas and Mexico:
the Mexican War
Chief frustration of American colonists:
taxation without representation
Union ironclad that defeated the confederate ironclad:
United States national motto and meaning:
E pluribus unum- One out of many
King of Portugal who suggested dit was possible to sail around Africa:
Henry the Navigator
Wrote the first dictionary in America:
Noah Webster
Land purchased by Jefferson from Emperor Napoleaon:
Louisiana Purchase
Revolutionary battle lost by Americans but considered a victory:
Battle of Bunker Hill
Land purchased from Mexico in the West for building train routes to California:
the Gadsden Purchase
Date of Boston Tea Party:
American pioneer who conquered California:
John C. Fremont
Head of the law-making branch:
Battle that changed the course of the Civil War:
Battle of Gettysburg
Union general who captured and burned Atlanta:
William T. Sherman
Inventor of the first steamboat:
Robert Fulton
Famous American naval officers who fought in the War of 1812:
Captain James Lawrence and Oliver H. Perry
Governor of the Indiana Territory who defeated the feared Native chief:
William Henry Harrison
“That man has an ax to grind.”
Benjamin Franklin
Volunteer soldiers ready at a moment’s notice:
First form of representative government in America, established in Virginia:
The House of Burgesses
Bill that inducted California as a free state and allowed the Utah and New Mexico territories to choose whether or not they would be free or slave states:
the Compromise of 1850
Law-enforcing branch:
System of secretly transporting slaves to Canada:
the Underground Railroad
“Don’t give up the ship!”
What was the occasion?
naval battle in War of 1812
“We have met the enemy and they are ours.”
Who said it?
Oliver Perry
Date of Boston Massacre:
Riders sent to warn Charlestownand Lexinton of the coming British army:
Paul Revere and William Dawes
Foreign policy that forbade European countries from establishing colonies in North or South America and told them not to meddle in American affairs:
the Monroe Doctrine
Law-interpreting branch:
Name three heroes in the Battle of the Alamo:
Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, William Travis
Massachusetts Senator known as one of the greatest orators in the history of the U.S.:
Daniel Webster
Final battle of the Revolutionary War:
Wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner” while held captive on a British ship:
Francis Scott Key
President of Congress that accepted the Declaration:
John Hancock
Columbus Discoverd America in:
War fought to free American trade and earn the respect of other nations:
War of 1812